Chapter 6 Lets go back home

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Bella woke up sleeping with Michael. She jumped out of bed and he woke up instantly.

"Hey Mikey!" She smiled and tried to make it seem like nothing happened.

"Good morning babe." Michael laughed. He yawned as his arms almost flew away from him. Then he got out of bed to get ready for the first day.

Bella quickly got dressed in ripped jeans and an All Time Low t-shirt. She ripped through her hair with her purple hairbrush and then straightened it. When she finished her makeup she was ready to go to school.

Bella waited in Michael's room so he could get ready.

Then he came sprinting into the room and grabbed Bella. He picked her up and slowly swung her around. Then he threw onto the bed.

"I love you. Have a good day. If anybody messes with you tell me and I'll bash their face into a locker." Michael said seriously as he started to walk out the bedroom door. Bella followed him outside so they could walk to school together.

The walk was only a few minutes. They talked and laughed. Bella loved Michael but she was going to try to be careful because Michael is still her stepbrother.

When they arrived at school Michael kissed her quickly and wished her a good day.

Bella darted down the hallways so she wouldn't be late for her first class. She looked around quickly and already felt like she was going to throw up.

She slowly entered the classroom and sat down at an empty seat in the back of the classroom. Everyone gave her dirty looks as she took all her empty binders out of her dirty bag. As she looked around she could tell that most of her classmates were rich unlike her.

One guy caught her eye. He had dark brown hair and the cutest face. He wore ripped jeans and a sleeveless shirt.

He turned around and caught her staring at him. Bella's face instantly turned red and she looked down at her desk.

Holy shit he just fucking saw me staring at him. Bella spoke to herself. She was hoping he wouldn't say anything when the bell rings but of course he came right up to her.

She got up out of her seat as fast as she could but she was stopped by none other then Calum Hood. He was the one of the popular assholes. She could already tell by the way he looked at her. His best friend was Luke Hemmings. He was also an asshole. Luke kept Calum popular and pretty much controlled him.

"Don't fucking look at me you ugly bitch!" Calum spit at her and walked off to catch up with Luke.

Bella's eyes started to fill with tears but she kept them in. She was surprised that anyone would judge her like that before they even knew her. It's 40 minutes into the day and this school already sucked more then Florida.

She flew down the hallway and made it to her next class as soon as the late bell rang.

Bella realized that Calum had every class with her and he was going to make her life suck. Calum stared at her every second of every class. He bit his lip and looked at her from top to bottom.

He was creepy as hell. First, he called her ugly and now he is acting like he likes her. What the fuck?

When the day finally ended Bella was so fucking happy. She darted outside to get some fresh air and talk to Michael. She didn't tell Michael about Calum because everything was so confusing. If he found out he would kill him. So Bella kept it a secret.

"Ready to walk home Bella?" Michael questioned her. She shook her head yes. "How was your day?" Michael continued.

"It was okay." She lied to his face. She wanted to tell him so bad but it was to complicated

Bella turned around when she was just a house away from hers. She panicked and realized that Calum was right behind her.

"Why the fuck are you following me!" Bella screamed.

"What the fuck you are right in front of my house!" Calum yelled back.

Bella quickly realized that Calum Hood was her fucking neighbor.

"What's wrong. Do you know that guy?" Michael looked concerned.

"No we are just friends I met him today at school." Bella stated. Michael could tell she wasn't telling the truth but he didn't want to make her more upset then she already was.

"Bye I will come over later!" Calum shouted as he entered his house. Bella hoped he was kidding.

Bella ran away from Michael as soon as she entered the house. She went into Michael's room and cuddled up in his bed. Michael quickly entered the room a few seconds later.

"Hey babe is everything okay?" Michael looked pissed off but he was trying his best to hide it.

"Yeah I'm just really tired." Bella lied again.

She then started crying uncontrollably. Michael rushed over to her really worried. She asked Michael if she could be alone for a few minutes. Michael slowly walked out of the room. He didn't want to leave her. He sat next to the door waiting for her to come out.

The doorbell rang. Bella looked out her old window and realized that Calum wasn't joking before.

She darted downstairs and Michael got up and rushed after her. She opened the door for Calum.

"Hey Bella can I come in?" Calum smirked.

Bella wanted him to answer some questions so she let him in. "Hey Michael can you give us a minute?" Bella asked. Michael left them alone in the living room.

"Why the fuck did you call me ugly and then stare at me in every class?" Bella was confused.

"It's okay babe. I was just kidding." Calum explained but it made no sense. Calum then went in for a kiss. Bella slapped his face with all her strength.

"Is this why you wanted to fucking come over?" Bella wanted to scream so bad but she didn't want Michael to hear. Calum rubbed his face where she hit him.

"Okay I'll leave. I'll be back tomorrow so we can have fun." Calum smirked.

"No I don't fucking like you!" Bella screamed and closed the door behind him.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Michael asked as he came in the room with a disappointed look on his face.

"No we aren't even friends!" Bella screamed.

"Okay. Okay." Michael tried to come her down.

"Michael I love you. Aren't we technically dating in a way. I would never do that to you." Bella looked down at the floor.

She loved Michael. She didn't want that fucking pervert looking her out and coming over everyday trying to have sex with her. Calum was an asshole and she never wanted to see him again. She already new that she couldn't avoid him.

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