CHAPTER 1 - a warm welcome

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a/n - please vote and comment! first chapter, hope you guys enjoy it :)

olivia's pov

"CAN'T COUNT THE YEARS ON ONE HAND THAT WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER!" i sing along loudly with the radio music, the wind breeze flowing through the car, making my hair a mess. i look over at steven, who keeps his eyes on the road, laughing. "I NEED THE OTHER TO HOLD YOU, MAKE YOU FEEL, MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER!" the louder i sang, the more it turned into a yell. "you don't have to sing so loudly!" mom yells over my singing. oh but i do, to distract my focus on my stomach churning at the thought of seeing y/n. 

my family drive up to 'cousins' annually to stay at the fisher's place. we've been going here ever since i was born as my mom, sofia, and y/n's mom, susannah, were best friends since college. i've always had a crush on y/n, it was just something about her that drew me towards her. maybe it was the fact that she had the perfect personality, or that she gives me the best hugs, or that she had her own nickname that no one else called me by, 'livie'. or all of the above. but y/n treated me like she was my older sister, although it could've been because she was the oldest of her other brother, it might've came naturally.

steven pulls the car onto the driveway, and my heart starts pounding like it does every year. there waiting, was jeremiah and susannah. i smile, quickly opening the car door and running up to them, not even realizing i didn't close the door. "your door, olivia!" steven yells. i turn around, seeing him shut my door and look back forward. jeremiah runs up to me, hugging me tight. "liv!" he exclaims, laughing. "jere!" i exclaim back, smiling into his chest. i watch as sofia walks up to susannah, hugging her on the side. jeremiah pulls away, smiling as he looks at me. "wow..." he exhales, looking at my face. "i look the same, don't bullshit me with the 'oh my god you look so different'!" i mock, laughing. "you really do look different this year!" we talk for a few more seconds, then jeremiah runs to steven, giving him a hug.

i look at the door, seeing y/n walk out. she smiles at steven talking to jeremiah, then sofia talking to mom. we both look at each other, and y/n runs down the small set of stairs to me. "livie!" she yells, running into me with open arms. naturally, i sink into her body, smelling her familiar perfume that lingered around her. she rubs my back soothingly, so soft i could fall asleep. "god, i missed you!" she says into my ear, and i close my eyes, wrapping my arms around her. "missed you more." we stay like this for a few seconds, letting out soft chuckles before y/n's arms unwrap. "you've gotten taller!" she exclaims, looking me up and down. she was right, we were now the same height. "you've just shrunk," i joke, examining y/n's facial features. somehow, every summer she just gets prettier.

y/n's pov

she was gorgeous. i smile at her, which she quickly returns. "are you just gonna keep staring at me or...?" she asks confused, laughing. "uh- right!" i turn away, motioning liv to my mom and sofia.

i smile, hugging sofia. "you're so big now, y/n!" sofia says, like she says every year. i laugh, looking at her. "and you look as young as ever!" i respond, smiling back. "steven!" i yell as he comes jogging up to me. we hug for a few seconds, before he pulls apart.

i watch as olivia starts to walk to the car, opening the back door. i follow her as i see she gets multiple bags out. "they just keep coming," i say, smiling as i pick up the bags olivia places on the the floor. "that's what she said," she looks at me with a smirk, closing the back door and opening the boot. "you're still as childish as i remember!" i pick up 2 duffel bags, waiting for olivia to take out the suitcases. she ends up taking out three, closing the boot. i dump a duffel bag on top of a suitcase, hooking the handles around the suitcase handle. i do the same with the other, olivia doing the last one. i watch as everyone else walks inside, and i drip a hand on one suitcase, one for each hand. "thank you," livie thanks, and we start to walk to the house.

i walk to olivia's room as she tells me i have her suitcase, leaving the other ones next to the couch where everyone was sitting. i walk into olivia's room, placing her duffel bag on the bed and her suitcase in the corner. "thanks a lot," she says, laying on the bed. "no problem." i sit on the edge of her bed, looking around the room.

we sit at the dinner table, me sitting on the shorter side, olivia and her mom on my right, jeremiah and steven on my left and mom on the other side of the table, opposite me. "hey y/n, when are you leaving for training camp?" steven asks. i feel everyone's eyes on me, and i stay quiet. "uh, she quit volleyball." jeremiah answers for me. an awkward silence takes over the table and i look at steven as he talks. "wait... seriously? you quit?" "mhm," i respond, picking up my spoon. "y/n can always change her mind if she wants to." mom says, looking at me. "i'm not gonna change my mind." "so if you're not going to camp, what're you gonna do all summer? oh, you can work at the club! with me and jere!" steven suggests, looking at jere with a big smile. "i'm not working at the club," i turn down with a faint smile too. "wait, you guys are working this summer?" olivia asks, joining the conversation. "yeah! i'm lifeguarding and steven's working at the snack shop!" steven and jeremiah fist bump each other, making a clicking sound with their mouth.

the sky was now pitch black and i sit on the edge of the pool, my legs in the water. i watch as olivia walks out of the house, holding a towel and in a bikini. "hey," she says, placing her towel on a nearby sun bed i examine her body as her eyes are on the floor, and i smile. she dives into the pool, and i watch as she stays underwater for a bit, before her head pokes out. we talk for a few more minutes, before jeremiah and steven come walking out. "first bonfire of the summer!" they say at the same time, laughing. "c'mon y/n, we're leaving. you still coming?" steven asks, both dressed. "maybe, yeah." i respond. "can i come?" i hear olivia ask. "don't you have that movie night thing? with the moms?" jeremiah asks. "no, actually. they're watching this boring movie which i'll gladly pass on," olivia responds, my eyes going back to jeremiah and steven. "so watch another movie by yourself!" steven implies. olivia nods, not saying anything else as she looks back at me. "i... might not go tonight. they'll be heaps of other bonfires for me to go to this summer." "seriously? it's the first one though! please, come y/n! everyones expecting you!" steven begs. i shake my head, and eventually, the boys go back inside, going to the bonfire themselves. "why don't you go?" olivia asks, swimming up to me. "change of heart," i shrug, standing up, "do you wanna watch a movie?" i ask olivia. her eyes light up, but maybe it was from the blue lights in the pool. "you can pick whatever movie and we can watch it in my room if the moms are in the living room."

i turn on the tv in my room, leaning my back on one side of my bed as i wait for olivia to finish showering. 20 minutes go by, and i hear olivia's voice getting louder the closer she comes. she opens my door, hand to her ear. "alright, gonna go now!" she says to a person on the phone. "bye! good luck!" i hear gracie say in a song song-y voice. olivia laughs, taking the phone off her ear and tapping her phone, ending the call. "was that gracie? she's still coming for a little right?" i ask and she smiles at me, taking her spot beside me. "yes and yes." she confirms both my questions, before talking again. "thanks for staying and watching a movie with me." i smile, handing her the remote. "of course, steven seemed really insisting on how he didn't want you to go, so i figured i'd keep you company." she takes it, looking at the tv. "wanna watch thor ragnarok?" she asks, tapping on disney plus. "of course."

a/n - *yet* another story! if you guys didn't come from my book 'the cruise' (check it out another olivia x reader book btw), this book was inspired by the summer i turned pretty! 

i'm deciding not to do the whole debutante thing bc i wanna focus more on olivia and y/n and how they're gonna spend their summer together :))

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