CHAPTER 16 - trust me, she's bad news

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a/n - please vote!! i have like 4 chapters in drafts why aren't i posting them omg



livie rodrighoe

good morning :))

morning livieee

where are you?

oh i'm just walking around

the beach

by yourself?

with josh

would've asked you but

you were gone

oh yeah i'm just hanging out

by myself

that sounds so sad but

it's nice lol


i turn off my phone after a few seconds of seeing if olivia responded, looking around at the ocean as i sit on a wooden bench on a hill. i look to my side, seeing my guitar case leaned against the seat. i pick it up, taking my guitar out of the case. "been a while," i say to my guitar.

'the hill' as i call it- unique name, i know- was always the place where i felt like i was truly in my own world. whenever i'm stressed, or sad, or angry, i always end up back up here. times include the whole situation with my mom. the view was over the ocean, a lighthouse quite literally next to the singular bench i was sitting at. i don't think anyone else comes here though, since i don't see anyone as i drive past it sometimes.

i lean my chin on the side of the guitar, scrolling through pictures i took of olivia and i throughout every summer. i've always seen olivia as more than what i see with steven. it's just the effect she has on people.

olivia's pov

josh and i walk on the pathway, admiring the light blue sky with not a cloud in sight. "mainly guitar, but i can play piano too," josh continues the conversation after we both find out we both write music for fun, "you?" he asks back. "vice versa. i mainly play piano, but sometimes i play guitar." i answer, josh giving me a swift nod.

"oh my god, olivia! i'm so glad i ran into you," i hear someone call out. i look up, seeing a girl who looked familiar. that's right, cara. "um, hi!" i greet back, josh and i stopping in front of her. she looks around, rocking back and forth on her heels. "what's up?" i ask, not really sure why she said hi. "i don't know how to say this to you, olivia."

i shoot her a confused look, tilting my head, "what do you mean?" i look over at josh, who gives me a shrug, just as confused as me. "listen, this is gonna sound really weird from me but i guess someone had to tell you, right?" she says. "tell me what?" i ask, getting slightly impatient. "i don't know what your relationship with you and y/n is, but trust me, she's bad news. why do you think we broke up?" cara says, slightly annoyed. "i don't get what you mean," i say, confused. "y/n's talking to like 10 girls, olivia. if you think you're the only one, you really fell for her tricks. i know it sounds petty coming from her ex-girlfriend, but i speak from experience- as in she's done it to me. don't think you're the only one, olivia, there's other girls out there who's higher on her fuck list."

i struggle to figure out what to say, totally in disbelief at what came out of her mouth. "i don't know y/n that well, but i don't think she's the type of girl to-" josh defends, getting cut off. "that's the thing, you don't know y/n that well," cara says, facing back to me, "where do you think she's been running off to this summer?" she asks a rhetorical question, scoffing as she rolls her eyes. "i'm telling you for your own good, just stay away from her. i know you guys live with together, but just trust me on this. hate to break it to you, but you really thought you got that lucky, didn't you?" cara says. i swallow the lump in my throat, slowly shrugging. i guess i did.

i walk past her, picking up my speed as i cross my arms, looking at the pavement. "hey, olivia!" josh says, catching up to me. "i'm so sorry!" he apologizes. "it's fine, you have nothing to apologize for," i mumble. i hold back my tears, terrified of crying in front of joshua in case he were to judge.

we sit on the beach, josh listening to me as i vent to him. "she made it seem like i was special to her," i sigh, resting a cheek on my palm. "well we don't know if this is all true or not, maybe she was making it up," josh says, looking over at me. "what if it is? our 18 years of friendship and whatever we had is down the drain." i say, trying not to imagine it.

y/n's pov , 6:06pm

closing the front door behind me, mom calls out my name. "can you get olivia down here? dinner's ready, you're just in time," she says. i walk upstairs, putting my guitar in my room and walking to olivia's room. i knock on her door, not hearing a response. "olivia?" i ask, knocking again. no reply. i slowly open the door, seeing olivia's back to the door, laying on her bed. "liv," i say, walking over to her and shaking her shoulder lightly, "dinner's ready." olivia shakes her shoulder, signalling me to take my hand off, which i do. "i'll be down later," she mumbles. "but i think it's soup-" "it's fine, y/n. i'll reheat it or something." i mumble an 'okay', walking out and closing her door.

after dinner, i get a bowl, scooping soup in there for olivia. putting it in the microwave, i wait for it to reheat. heading up to olivia's room, i open the door, holding the bowl in my other hand. "i got you some soup," i say, placing it on her desk.

i walk over to olivia, seeing her lay down, eyes half open. "we haven't hung out at all today," i say, sitting on the edge of her bed. she doesn't say anything, and i get off the bed, kneeling and leaning my body on the bed to face her. "i'm not gonna ask if you're alright because i don't like being lied to, so what's wrong?" i ask, waiting for olivia's response. "just tired," she lies poorly, closing her eyes. i dig in my pockets, taking out my lip balm. putting some on myself, i look over at liv's lips. i lean over, putting some lip balm on my index finger. i press my finger softly on olivia's lips, spreading it across her bottom lip.

she presses her lips together, spreading the lip balm to the top. "did i do something wrong?" i ask, dropping my lip balm back in my pocket. "liv, talk to me," i plead after olivia doesn't respond. "nothing, y/n," she responds, getting slightly angry. i stand up, walking to the door. "if i did something, then i'm sorry," i apologize, closing the door behind me.

2 days later
i swirl the spoon around my bowl of cereal, sitting on the kitchen bench. i look up, waiting for whoever was coming down the stairs to show. olivia walks to the kitchen, looking at me then looking back at the floor. i look down, eating a scoop of cereal. olivia stands on the opposite side of the kitchen bench, pouring cereal in the bowl. after pouring milk in after, she holds the bowl with 2 hands, walking past me.

hearing her pull out the chair behind me at the smaller dining table, i see mom come down. "morning girls," she says. "morning," we say at the same time. she looks back and forth at us, slowing down her walking. "why're you guys always sitting away from each other now?" i look behind me, seeing olivia already looking at me. "i don't know," i answer, standing up. i place my bowl in the sink, i start to wash it. mom starts to make coffee, getting out a mug. "want any, liv? y/n?" she offers. "no thanks," liv says. "i'm good," i reply, drying my hands on the hand towel after finishing washing the bowl and spoon.

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