CHAPTER 9 - apocalyptic crush

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a/n - please remember to vote !

"abigail!" he chooses. i look at abigail, who looks a little shocked, or intimidated. or both. "truth or dare?" he asks. "umm... truth." she decides. "really dodged a bullet, huh?" dylan says. i look around, seeing everyone just as invested. stopping at olivia, she looks at me too. we both smile at the same time, looking away. "alright, here goes. have you ever slept with anyone?" bold first question. "oh, uh... i..." abigail stutters, clearly uncomfortable at the question. "take it easy, dylan. it's the first question, that was a little too far." i interrupt. "come on! i'm not... finished." he saves himself. "have you ever slept with anyone... around this bonfire?" he finishes the dare. "ah, no! nope, sorry." she answers, a lot more relieved. i look at her, and she looks back at me, mouthing a 'thank you'. i smile, nodding. "alright, okay. um..." she says, looking around for a few seconds. "c'mon, abi. just pick someone!" gigi says. "okay, okay. um... i don't know!" she says, scanning everyone once more. 

"ugh! ding ding ding. too late! my turn." cara says. she looks at me, smiling. "y/n. truth or dare?" she asks. "truth. i'm an open book." i answer. "so... you and olivia, you guys go way back, right? since you were kids?" oh shit. "yeah." i respond, looking at olivia, then back at cara. "lame question, waste of a turn." jacob says. "you guys ever get down to business together?" she finishes. i laugh, shaking my head after hearing some commotion. "no, never." i csan the room, picking on jeremiah. "jere, truth or dare?" i ask. "dare." he picks. "do push-ups until you can't do any more, wait 5 seconds, and then do one more." i say, going easy on him. he groans, standing up from his chair. he drops to the floor, starting to do push-ups. he ends up doing 29, dropping to the floor. "one, two, three, four, five." i count. 

he struggles to push himself up, dropping onto the sand with a groan. everyone laughs, and steven helps him up, and he drops back into his chair. "alright, jacob! let's see what you're made of." jeremiah says. "oh, dare! come on, man, dare!"he exclaims, eagerly. "okay... i dare you, to take a flying leap over this fire pit... naked." jeremiah says. "oh... dude! fuck yes!" he says, standing up. "oh, i will jump over this thing, i don't care!" he moves his chair back, starting to unbuckle his belt. "yeah, i don't think that's a good idea." shayla says. "dude, i say veto. you're gonna fuck yourself up." kaitlyn says, standing up. by now, jacobs jeans have come off. "what?! no, come on man, i got this." he says, pointing at the bonfire. "ryan, come on." "fine... veto." jeremiah gives in. "you know what? fuck this game. alright, someone else can go." he says, pulling his jeans up. "okay fine, then i call your turn." kaitlyn says, jacob sitting down. 

eventually, everyone has had a go. olivia and sadie had easy truths, the turn now being emma's. "y/n." she picks. "dare. give me what you got," i say, mentally bracing myself. "okay, y/n. your dare comes with a choice." "can she do that?" i ask. "i can do whatever i want. and i dare you... to kiss... either cara..." she says, looking at olivia, "or olivia." "what the fuck?!" "no way!" "oh shit!" people say, equally as shocked as me. of course, i would pick olivia in a heart beat. but wait it out, don't seem too desperate. my mouth slightly drops open, and i look at olivia, whose eyes are wide open. "wow." i say, looking back at emma. "sorry. i don't make the rules." she says, putting her hands up as if she got caught by the police. "i mean, you literally just did, but okay, let's do this. well then..." i say, looking at both of them. "um, uh... sorry olivia, this isn't even a dare, but i totally got this-" cara says, looking at olivia with a smile. "uh... i don't know if this is a good idea," nick says. i stand up, taking a deep breath. "olivia." i say, looking at her.

olivia stares at me, and i start to make my way to her, slowly walking around the bonfire. "wha- y/n? seriously?" cara exclaims, annoyed. i don't respond, standing in front of olivia. we stare at each other for a few seconds, before olivia speaks. "uh, can we talk for a second?" she asks, looking down. i nod, and olivia stands up. i take her hand, and i lead her out of the circle. once far enough, i turn to olivia, letting go of her hand. "we don't have to if you don't want to," i say, looking behind her to see a few people looking over at us. "no- it's not that i don't want to," so she does? "it's just that i... haven't had my first kiss." she says, slightly ashamed. "oh! that's cool," i say, wincing at my response. "yeah, so..." olivia says, not sure what to say next. "it's cool, seriously. we don't have to." i say, smiling. "thanks, y/n." "now i just need to think of an excuse..." i say, thinking as i look over at the circle. "i can just tell them i'm not ready for my first kiss." olivia says as if it was our last resort, turning around. i quickly grab her hand, turning her back. "you don't have to. i'll just, um... say veto!" "you can kiss cara, y/n." "i'd rather not, anyways, then we can go home if you want," i say, smiling. olivia's shoulders relax, nodding. "thank you, i'd like that." 

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