CHAPTER 3 - pool volleyball

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a/n - please vote, comment if you have something to say !! decided to put out the first 3 chapters :)

we set up the volleyball net in the pool, still no sign of y/n. "okay how 'bout... liv and jere verses gracie and i?" steven suggests. jeremiah goes under the net to my side, steven going on the opposite side where gracie is. i watch as jeremiah takes the ball, throwing it up in the air and serving it over the net. steven punches the ball, heading back on our side- towards me. i open my hands, pushing it back to the other side. gracie gets her hands ready, and pushes it straight. the ball hits the net, dropping down. "no!" steven and gracie yell at the same time. jeremiah and i high five, cheering. "you're slipping, gracie! better not be this bad in the tournament!" "yeah?" she replies, getting the ball. "yeah!" "oh, now it's on!"

i look over at the door mid game, seeing y/n walk out in a black bikini, placing her towel on the table. i smile, and the ball hits my head harshly. "ow!" i yell, looking over at gracie and steven laughing their heads off. "pay attention, olivia!" gracie says. y/n looks up, chuckling softly. "come play, y/n." i say, using my hand to wave her over. "uh... i don't know." she says, looking at the volleyball net. "please?" "surely, y/n!" "you have to!" everyone else says, somewhat convincing her. 

y/n drops into the pool on my side, getting used to the water. "i'm gonna go on steven and gracie team or it won't be fair!" jeremiah swims over to the other side. y/n gives me a smile, the ball getting served over by gracie. "yours, livie!" y/n exclaims. i swim up to the ball, setting it up in the air for y/n. i watch the ball in the air, y/n jumping up and spiking it down. the ball hits the water, splashing the other team. we both laugh, y/n putting her hands up. i smile, connecting our hands. we drop our connected hands, letting go underwater. "not fair!" jeremiah argues, getting the ball. "how is that 'not fair'?" y/n responds, and jeremiah rolls his eyes with a smile. "thought so." she says, waiting for him to serve.

he throws the ball up, serving it harshly over the net. y/n laughs, easily receiving it to me. i push the ball downwards over the net, gracie keeping it up. "hey, so where's your dad, y/n?" i ask, y/n pushing the ball over the net. "he's somewhere in london, business trip. he'll be back on the 4th of july." i dive for the ball, fisting my hand and hitting it up. y/n swims over, hitting it over the net and winning the point.

y/n's pov

i sit next to olivia at the dinner table after showering, and we wait for everyone else to sit. gracie sits next to olivia in the spare seat, jeremiah and steven sitting next to each other, and the moms sitting on either ends. i eat in silence as i listen to everyone else's conversation. "hey, do you guys wanna go to nicole's party after this?" jeremiah asks. everyone agrees, looking at me. "don't tell me you're gonna skip this one out, y/n." steven says, and i pick up my spoon, taking a few gulps of the soup. "i'll go." "if you guys are going, y/n has to drive." mom orders. "what kinda deal is that? for sure." jeremiah agrees. "hey, who said i agree? after all, i am supposed to be driving you kids." i say, swirling my spoon in my bowl. i look up, seeing everyone look at me with a blank face. "i'm kidding guys!"

i start the car up, everyone eventually getting in. olivia and gracie were in the middle row, steven and jeremiah in the back row. i start to drive, gracie and olivia having their own conversations, same with jeremiah and steven.

olivia's pov

i open the door, pushing it open for everyone as i walk inside. everyone disperses into the house. "are you olivia?" a girl asks, looking at me. "um yeah, hi!" i greet, waving. the girl brings me over to the dining room with 3 other friends. we talk- and by talk, i mean everyone asking me questions- before a girl asks cara a question. "so cara, are you and y/n a thing or what?" wait, what? i look at cara, waiting for a reply. "oh, no... we were over last winter." phew. "wait olivia, don't you live with y/n? you should know what she's up to... has she been hanging out with any other girls this summer?" amelia asks. "no, she hasn't- i don't think. she's actually over there if you wanna ask her yourself." "oh she came?" "yeah, she drove everyone here." 

i smile as y/n starts to walk over here, holding a cup in hand. "please tell me you didn't drink." i say, y/n standing next to me. "no, it's tropical punch. i'm responsible and i'm also driving you guys home, so i can't drink anyways." y/n responds with a grin, handing me the cup. i take it, drinking it. "y/n! surprised you came, thought you wouldn't since you weren't at the bonfire last night." nicole says. "yeah, i guess i was too tired." she lies, looking at me then looking back at the girls. i smile, knowing she stayed back to wait a movie with me. 

i lock the car once everyone was out, walking to the house. being the last in, i lock the door too. i open the cabinet, taking out the lucky charms. i place them on the table, taking out the milk jug from the fridge. getting a bowl, i pour the cereal in. i then pour the milk in, putting everything back before sitting at the kitchen counter. 

i scroll through tiktok as i eat, looking behind me as i hear olivia call my name. "you're still taking gracie back to the bus stop tomorrow right?" i nod as my mouth was full. she gives a smile, trying not to laugh. "okay, thanks!" she says, running back to her room. i turn back to my phone, smiling too.

olivia's pov

i close my door behind me, turning to gracie. "she's still taking you tomorrow." i say, laying next to her. "are you ever gonna tell her you like her?" gracie asks. i bring my finger to my lip, signalling her to tone her voice down. "sorry. you've liked her so how many summers?" "since i was like... ten." "so 8 summers. that's a long time to keep your feelings in!" "what am i supposed to do? she literally treats me like her sister." "no, she doesn't. from the few hours i've been here, she definitely treats you different from everyone else. just keep an eye out next time." i shrug, opening my laptop. "next topic, what movie?"

y/n's pov

i lay in bed, hearing faint sounds from the other side of my wall, which would be olivia's room. i take out my phone, smiling.



livie rodrighoe

i can hear your movie

oh oops

yeah just thought i'd 

let you know🙄

i just turned it down okay🙄

i'm kidding it's not that loud

 but i'm sleeping now

goodnight livie

goodnight y/nnn


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