CHAPTER 2 - you did it bitch!

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a/n - hoped you liked the first chapter ! enjoy the second, please vote :)

i pause the movie an hour and a half in, olivia and i hearing commotion outside. we both walk out of my room, seeing an officer standing at the door, the parents, jeremiah and steven standing opposite him. we must've not heard him earlier, because the conversation ended. "i'm so sorry again, officer. have a good night," sofia says. the officer gives her a nod, walking out. sofia closes the door, looking at jeremiah and steven. "how could you guys be so irresponsible?" sofia says, crossing her arms. "mom, it wasn't a big deal!" steven steps forward. "i would say getting picked up by the cops for underage drinking is a pretty big deal, steven. and can you settle down a little? susannah's asleep on the couch." they argue for a little, before sofia settles it. "go to bed, guys." i look at olivia, and she gives me a shrug. "i'll be back," i say. i turn around, seeing olivia walk into my room. i turn back around, walking to mom. she was asleep on the couch, blanket over her waist. i pull the blanket up with a small smile.

olivia's pov

i watch as y/n pulls the blanket up for her mom, smiling. i smile too, knowing y/n's best aspect is that she's the most selfless person you can meet.  

y/n comes back into her room, laying back down next to me. "glad i didn't go tonight." y/n says, pressing play. "probably would've gotten the 'you're the oldest y/n, you're meant to be looking out for the kids, not letting them go to a bonfire where they underage drink' talk." i smile, rolling my eyes.

y/n's pov

i pause the tv after the end credits, seeing olivia asleep. i laugh quietly, turning off the tv. i lay on the other pillow, pulling the blanket up on both of us.

i wake up, olivia still asleep. walking out of the door, i close it quietly behind me. the couch was empty, probably meaning mom woke up and went to her room. i open the fridge, taking out the cake for olivia's birthday today.

i take it out of the cardboard box and the cake had multiple layers, each separated with white cream. i take out the icing, looking at my options. i take the black icing, starting to write a message on the cake. i get the red icing, writing a big '18' at the bottom. i place the cake back in the fridge, putting the icing away.

everyone sits around olivia at the patio, waiting for the cake. "happy birthday, livie!" i exclaim, walking up to her. "thanks y/n!" we hug, pulling away after. mom comes out with the cake, walking carefully down the 3 steps. she places the cake on the table, everyone surrounding her. i can't help but smile as she starts to slide the cake out of the box. "y/n!" mom scolds, looking at me. i laugh, olivia laughing too, everyone else joining in after reading the cake. "what?! the cake needed more decoration!"

we sing happy birthday after olivia sits down behind the cake. "say cheese!" i exclaim, holding my disposable in front of my eye, getting olivia and the cake in frame. "cheese!" olivia says, closing her eyes and putting her hands on her cheeks 



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oliviarodrigo  18!!

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oliviarodrigo : y/nfisher   OH YEAHHHH

30 minutes ago


after everyone gives liv her presents i run into my room, opening my closet and taking out the big present and small present i wrapped, struggling. olivia laugh as she watches me, and i gently place the things on the floor. "my god y/n," olivia sits down next to me. "you have to open the little present first." i say, handing it to her. she smiles, starting to rip the paper. "no way, a composition book!" she exclaims, looking at it. (the sour comp book!)

she starts to tear the wrapping paper of the big one, everyone now crowded around us. "you didn't y/n..." olivia gasps, taking off the wrapper. "i remember you told me you broke your keyboard, so i got you another one! i just hope it fits in the car on the way back." i smile, olivia standing up. i stand up too, hugging her. "happy birthday, liv." "thank you y/n." "okay, no one can top those gifts." jeremiah gives up. 

liv starts to unbox the keyboard, sitting on her floor as i sit on the end of her bed. she starts to screw things together, furrowing her eyebrows. i smile as she sticks the tip of her tongue out to the side, now going to turn it on. "why isn't this turning on?" she asks, repeatedly pressing the on and off button. "the power outlet isn't on." "oh shit." olivia laughs, standing up. she switches the outlet on, then going back. to olivia and i's surprise, the piano starts working.

i help her plug in the sustain pedal, bringing the keyboard on top of the frame stand. olivia holds down the pedal, pressing a note, which it rings out. "perfect!" i exclaim, pressing a note too. olivia places the composition book on her bed, opening her arms out to me, leaning her head to the side. i smile, wrapping my arms around her. "thank you again. you're amazing." "i know." olivia laughs, rubbing my back before letting go. "gracie's coming today, right?" "yes..." olivia says, taking out her phone, "she said she'll be here in 20." "should we leave now?" olivia gives me a nod, smiling.

we pull up to the car park, waiting for the bus to show up across from the road. a few minutes later, the bus pulls up. olivia and i get out of the car, watching multiple people getting out. "here she comes!" i say, watching gracie walk out, blown up balloons in her hands. olivia and gracie giggle, going into a hug. 

we sit down on the outside wooden bench, gracie and olivia sharing a banana split. "want any?" olivia asks next to me. "no, i'm good thanks." i reply. gracie puts her spoon down, giving olivia her present. "open it!" olivia chuckles, opening the bag. she stands up, going on the side of the table to open the bag. she gasps, pulling out a pink dress. i smile as olivia puts it in front of her body, smiling at gracie. "it's so pretty!" oivia exclaims, looking at me. "it is pretty!" i say. olivia smiles at me, thanking gracie and putting the dress back in the bag.

gracie sits in the front after she called shotgun, olivia sitting in the back with the remainder banana split. "

olivia's pov

"y/n is going to lose her mind when she sees you in this bikini!" gracie refers to the lavender purple bikini i wore as we stand in the pool. "she's already seen me in a bikini this summer, last night." "oh seriously?" "yeah, steven, jeremiah and y/n were going to a bonfire and steven refused to let me go, so y/n stayed back and watched a movie with me!" gracie's mouth gapes open in a smile. "if i were you, i would've asked her to date you right then and there." 

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