CHAPTER 5 - pomegranate margaritas

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a/n - please remember to vote!

olivia's pov

i start to wipe my makeup off after getting back home, being on the phone to gracie. "so you guys didn't kiss?" "nope." i answer. "why not?!" "i don't know, maybe i'm scared? i have no idea." "true first kisses are scary. but you gotta go for it! you said josh is a sweet guy, is he deserving of your first kiss?" "i mean yeah, but i don't know. i don't see us dating. kinda just good friends i guess." "you wanna have it with y/n, don't you?! your first kiss, your first real relationship." "what?! no, i didn't say that! talking about her, i heard her vomiting in the bathroom after we got home from dropping you off at the bus stop." "did you ask her what's going on?" "jeremiah did, he said that she said she's fine." "maybe it was food poisoning or something." "well then i'd be more concerned!" gracie laughs. 

i sit at the table in front of the kitchen next to jeremiah. "wait, are you wearing makeup?" mom asks, looking at susannah. "oh my... she's definitely wearing makeup!" steven says, pouring cereal. "ooh!" "mom!" steven and i say, smiling. "so what? we're having a party!" mom says, wiping a plate dry with a tea towel. "i'm sure it has nothing to do with ronald!" "oh please, the husbands always come for the fourth." "he's not your husband any more." i say, picking up my spoon. "oops. yeah. ex-husband." "you know, i still don't understand why you invited dad's new girlfriend." steven says. "her name is victoria, and your father wanted us all to meet her. oh, liv. i need you to go make the guest bed." "wait, dad and victoria are staying here?! in the room next to mine?!" "yeah." i groan, standing up. "oh, speaking of dads, yours called." susannah says to jeremiah. " he's closing a deal, so he can't come." "what?" jeremiah says. "did you say dad's not coming?" y/n says, walking into the kitchen. "good morning, and yes." "but i got some serious fireworks for the show this year!" jeremiah says, disappointed. susannah shrugs, shaking her head. "we'll take a video." "it's not the same..." jeremiah mutters.

i start to make the guest bed, putting the cover over the mattress. "you gotta fold the bottom sheet at a 45 degree angle if you want tight corners." y/n says, pointing to the bed. i start to do it, y/n talking again. "yeah, not like that." i laugh, letting go of the sheets. "then help me." y/n walks over, holding the sheet. "you have to pull this down..." she says, pulling the sheet down. she lifts the mattress up, making the bed. "thank you," i thank after y/n practically made the bed for me, "don't you think it's weird that my dad is staying here with victoria?" "well i'm sure they're not gonna have loud sex." y/n says, smiling. "that's foul. and why is my mom letting him bring his bitchy girlfriend anyway?" "hey! how do you know she's bitchy? what if she's like... a really nice person or something?" "what if... and just hear me out.... she's a bitch?" we laugh, and y/n picks up a pillow and throws it at me. "stop!" "it's gonna be fine, okay? don't worry about it." i throw the pillow back on the bed, hearing 2 car honks. "i'm sorry your dad's not coming." "don't be, i mean- i'm not." "liv?" mom calls. "the bitch is here." y/n whispers. we laugh, standing up.

jeremiah and i sit on the kitchen stools, watching victoria make pomegranate margaritas. "can i try a sip?" i ask, watching her pour it into cups. "are your parents cool with that?" "yeah, they don't care. i'm eighteen." "okay, then sure," she picks up 2 cups. "i'm gonna take these out to your dad, do you mind taking these out to susannah and your mom?" "yeah, sure." "thanks, love." she starts to walk outside. i pick up a cup, bringing it to my lips and drinking it. "how is it?" jere asks. "that is amazing!" i say, passing the cup to jeremiah. he takes a sip, nodding. "no wonder you like it, it's great!"

"what're you guys making?" y/n asks, walking in the house. "pomegranate margaritas, but with a twist." i say, showing her the tequila bottle. "you gotta use the good blender then." she says, opening a drawer. "oh, i haven't used that thing since the great kool-aid debacle in 2011." jeremiah says. "i remember, the counter was sticky for what... 2 summers?" y/n says and we laugh. "yeah, 2 summers." "dad kept his briefcase in my room for a year. 'as a reminder that all mistakes are not reversible'." he mocks. "wait, won't your dad get mad if he finds out?" i ask. "he's not gonna find out. he's not coming." y/n says, smiling at me.

y/n starts to blend everything together, holding the lid on top of it. "you know what i miss?" y/n says, taking off the lid once the blender finished. "what?" jeremiah says. "watching sofia put dad in his place. you know, she'd walk in and she'd be like, 'adam.'" y/n says with a deep tone. "adam!" sofia says. we all stop laughing, looking behind. there he stood, holding a bag. "you came!" sofia says again. "happy fourth!" he says, looking at y/n, me then jeremiah. "dad! you came!" jeremiah exclaims, standing up and hugging his dad. 

i look at y/n, who was staring at them with a blank expression. "hey guys. hey y/n." he says. y/n's gaze drops to the floor, not saying anything. "i'll have a little of what you guys are mixing up there!" he says. "yeah, sure!" i say, passing him a cup. "hey, thanks, olivia." "oh, you're gonna love the firework show this year." jeremiah says, "it's gonna be the best one yet." "i believe it." adam says, chuckling. "where'd everyone go?" susannah says, walking in. "hey." adam says to her. "adam." susannah says, "you managed to get off work." "yeah, couldn't miss the fourth with my family." he chuckles, and everyone goes quiet. i look over at y/n again, seeing her staring at the floor still. "alright, well, lets get back to the party." susannah breaks the silence. we all start to walk outside. "hey, y/n. can i talk to you for a minute?" i hear y/n's dad say. "no time, i'm heading to the beach." y/n mutters.

y/n's pov

jeremiah and steven head to the beach first, meeting shayla, nicole, gigi and sadie there. i take out a stack of plastic cups, olivia picking up the jug of the pomegranate margaritas. we start to walk to the beach in silence. "are you okay?" olivia asks, looking at me as we walk out of the house driveway. no, not really. "yeah, why?" i ask. "you've just been acting different these past few days." "define different." "i don't know, like... reserved? you've been sleeping in, staying quiet at the dinner table. just different." olivia lists, swirling the jug a little. "i've just been tired." i use the 'tired' card. olivia just responds with a nod, and we walk to the beach in silence.

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