CHAPTER 12 - i think the twilight movies are AWESOME!!!!!

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a/n - please remember to vote, comment :)

i pause my youtube video as i hear the door close, then hearing footsteps walk up the stairs. "hey liv," i say, seeing olivia walk to my room, "why are you drenched? has it been raining outside?" i ask, seeing olivia's hair wet, mascara around her eyes and a towel wrapped around her. "the girls and i went skinny dipping down at hoppers cove," she says, walking in. "seriously?!" i exclaim, laughing. "yeah, it's kind of a long story," olivia says, laughing too. "was it not cold?" "oh, it was freezing." "you should probably shower so you don't get sick," i say, smiling. "yeah, i was just gonna go now." "have fun," i say, smiling. olivia chuckles, starting to walk away. "sorry! that sounded really weird..." i say out the door. "it's fine!" she says, laughing.

4 days later

i guess it hit me. this time, really hit me. my mom was dying, and there was nothing i could do about it. i mean, how much time do i have with her? these past 4 days i've barely been talking to anyone and if i really had to, it would be one word answers. 

i look through a big folder of baby photos of jeremiah and i, smiling at them as i sit on my bed. i flip the page, looking at each photo. mom looked healthy, and dad looked happy. i flip the page, a tear trailing down my cheek. 

i quickly wipe my tears with the back of my hands after hearing a knock on the door. "can you help with the corn, y/n?" i hear sofia call. "yeah, i'll be right there!" i say, closing the book and sliding it under my blanket.

sitting on the side of the sun bed, i start to shuck the corn. i look up, seeing sofia walk out. "what's up, sofia?" i say, starting on my fifth corn. "i just wanted to check in with you." she says. "the corn's almost done." i say, almost finishing the corn. "i mean i wanna check in with you. how have you been?" "fine." i answer. "fine," sofia mocks, going to sit next to me. "we used to talk!" she says, sitting on the other side of the bowl with the corn. "we still talk." "oh, barely." she says. her hand goes to my chin, turning my head to her. "you're still my special girl, you know?" she says, "you're the first baby. you can talk to me about anything." she tucks my hair behind my ear. "thank you." i say, both of us nodding and i look back down to the corn. "you know... you don't have to hold everything in all the time... you don't always have to be strong." i look up at sofia again, "i know, i'm just-" "it's been a while since i was your age, but i still remember what it was like to have my heart broken." i nod, looking back down. "losing your first love, it hurts, and it takes time to get over it." "cara, yeah. yeah, yeah, no. that was brutal." sofia puts a hand on my shoulder, nodding.

we all sit at the dinner table, steven and jeremiah giggling at steven's phone. "steven, i swear to god, if you look at that phone one more time, i'm putting it in the screen basket." sofia says. "we just wanna see your beautiful faces!" mom says, picking up her cup. "can dinner be a screen-free zone?" sofia suggests, "you know, like the olden days." i look over at steven, who's still on his phone. "steven." jeremiah says, quickly reaching over and grabbing his phone. "dude are you kidding me?!" steven yells as jeremiah stands up, throwing it onto a chair. "boom! nailed it." jeremiah says, sitting back down.

olivia's pov

everyone chuckles, and i look over at y/n, who had the tiniest smile on her face, looking at her food. everyone joins into one big conversation throughout the night, y/n not saying a single word. 

i laugh at the joke jeremiah says, and i see susannah looking at y/n. i look at y/n, seeing her leaning her face on her palm, eyes closed with a half full plate in front of her. "y/n?" susannah calls out. everyone looks at her as she shoots up straight, shocked. "yeah- sorry." she says, rubbing her eyes. "are you okay?" mom asks. "yeah, just really tired. i think i'm just gonna sleep now." she says, standing up. "it's like 6:30," susannah says as y/n tucks in her chair. "yeah, i know. i'm just really tired." y/n says, starting to walk away. we watch her walk upstairs, hearing the door shut. "what's gotten into her?" susannah says, picking up her spoon. "she's been like this for a few days, i'm getting worried," mom says. "olivia, do you know? she talks to you the most." susannah says, looking at me. "i wish i knew, she's barely been talking to me these past couple days too." i say. "can you go up and check on her after you finish dinner?" susannah asks.

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