CHAPTER 14 - how much is 5 dollar pizza?

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olivia and i walk along the beach, still in our dinner outfits. "i really miss cousins," liv says, "wish i lived a 2 minute walk from the beach." "lets swap places." i say, smiling. "you don't like it here?" olivia asks, looking at me. "it's okay. you wish you lived here because you come for the summer, in winter there isn't much to do." "so you're telling me the sand doesn't freeze to snow and you don't have infinite snowball fights?" olivia asks. i scan her face, smiling. "i can't tell if you're being serious on not." "wait, for real?" she asks, gasping. "hey! you literally asked me how much 5 dollar pizza was!" i exclaim, olivia laughing. "that was like... 2 years ago!" liv laughs, bumping into me. i softly bump back into her, letting out a laugh.

liv thinks for a second after i ask her a question, continuing to walk. "i just wanna wait for the right person." she says, answering the question 'why haven't you kissed anyone'. "you shoulder've seen how bad i was doing in never have i ever," liv says, laughing. "how many fingers did you put down?" i ask. "one. but hey, it's better than 10 still up!" we both laugh, shaking our heads at liv's innocence. "what was the question thing?" liv think for a while, smiling. "i don't know, something along the lines of 'put a finger down if y/n chose you over her ex and asked you out to dinner'." liv says, chuckling. "how did they get it so specific?" i ask dumbly. "it was gracie, she said it on purpose because i had all my fingers still up." "she's a real one." liv laughs softly, nodding. "they always tease me about you, you know." "seriously?" "yeah, on nicole's boat half the time we were talking about you, you're quite the talk of the town." "i can tell them to stop talking about me if you want them to," i suggest, olivia and i starting to walk slower. "no- it's fine! i'm not complaining- or anything." liv stutters clearing getting frustrated. she laughs it off, and i laugh too.

olivia and i stop walking, looking at the waves we could just see. "how far do you think you could swim?" i ask. "10 feet then i'm out." liv responds confidently. "you're not good at swimming?" i ask. "no, not really. like pool wise that's fine but out in the ocean? no way. you can surf, right?" "yeah, i can teach you someday." "i would drown if i fell off the board!" "we can grab you a life jacket!" "do you know how dumb i would look, y/n?!" "it's better than drowning!" olivia laughs, facing me. "would you go up to a girl who's surfing with a life jacket on?" "depends!" "on?!" "if she's pretty." i sarcastically say, facing olivia. "i'm talking about me, y/n." "then yeah, i would!" "you wouldn't!" "no, i would. i'd be like 'hey do you need help surfing? i can teach you'." i say, shrugging. "and i'd say no." i gasp, olivia mocking my shrug. "you'd say yes to josh though!" i tease, making my voice higher pitched. olivia rolls her eyes, smiling. "we weren't anything, idiot." "you didn't deny my statement." "and if i were to say yes to him?" olivia asks, grinning. "what do you want me to say? there's nothing i can do about it!" olivia thinks, looking around.

i take this time to examine her face, and the way she let her hair down as we started to walk down the beach. "you could come and sweep me off my feet." "sweep you off your board, you mean." "then i'd literally never talk to you again." "because you'd be dead." "oh my god... i'd be dead without having my first kiss. or even holding someone's hand," olivia says, shocked. "we've held hands before!" i exclaim. "no, romantically." "that wasn't romantic enough for you?" "was it even a romantic gesture?" olivia asks back, getting me thinking. maybe it was, and i was just covering it up. "i really bean boozled you, didn't i?" olivia says, laughing. "i don't think that's the term for it..." "now you're the one avoiding my question," liv says, smiling. "what if it was a romantic gesture?" i say, olivia thinking. i look around, starting to regret what i said as olivia doesn't respond. "then... prove it." 

i look back at olivia, who now looks nervous. "huh?" i blurt out, "how do i prove it?" "that's for you to figure out, y/n," olivia smiles. i exhale sharply, moving closer to her. i look down, moving my hands closer to hers. i take it, looking at olivia for confirmation. "better?" i ask softly. "i guess," she respond, keeping eye contact. " 'i guess'?" i mock, scoffing with a smile. olivia smiles, shaking her head as she doesn't know what to say. i let go of olivia's hands which drop to her side.

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