CHAPTER 7 - multiverse of madness

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a/n - please remember to vote!

olivia's pov

i sit next to josh as we watch the waves. "is that a whale?" i ask, seeing something in the distance. "um..." josh says, pulling out his binoculars. "oh! nice spot!" he nudges my arm, laughing. "that's a young, female humpback!" he informs, still looking at it. he passes the binoculars through me, which i look through. i smile, seeing the whale. "you see it?" he asks. "yeah!" i exclaim. "she's a beauty. you know what? i think this calls for some dessert." he says, reaching into his bag.

i take the binoculars down, looking at him. "sour patch kids!" he says, holding the bag between us. "josh, i- i can't." i say, sighing. "i thought you said they were your favorite?" josh asks, confused. "yeah-no, they are. i love them, they're awesome. and you're awesome." judging by his face, we both knew what was coming. "but... um... but- um...." i struggle with words. josh nods, placing the sour patch kids down. "yeah..." he whispers, "kinda saw this coming." he says, chuckling slightly. "i'm sorry i don't know what we are- or what we were, i just don't wanna lead you on-" "it's okay, you don't have to do the whole speech thing." i nod, josh saying "the why or the... who doesn't really matter. but i obviously know the who." "i didn't mean to hurt you." i say. "i know... um. i'm bummed. but um, i'll be fine." he says, nodding. 

i pass the binoculars back to him, which he puts in his bag. "you should be with the person you really wanna be with. you should be with y/n, she'll treat you right." "we can still be friends, right? you're a good guy, josh." i ask. "yeah, yeah of course."

y/n's pov

i knock on olivia's door, hearing a 'come in'. "hey, you ready?" i ask after walking in. "yeah, how's the outfit?" she asks, spinning around. i smile, chuckling. 

"it's a cute butterfly shirt, livie

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"it's a cute butterfly shirt, livie." "thanks y/n, are we going now?" i nod, and we walk out. jeremiah and steven were already at my car, leaning against it. i unlock the car, getting int he drivers seat as steven and jeremiah get in the middle row, olivia in the passenger. i put in the burger place in the gps, the destination time being 25 minutes. "hey y/n, mom's been sleeping so much lately, you know what's up with that?" jeremiah asks. "i don't know, she's probably just tired from doing everything this summer," i half lie. of course, it took everything in me not to tell jeremiah about mom's cancer coming back.

we get out of the car after i park it, walking to the burger place. "you okay?" olivia asks as we stand behind a small line to get in. "yeah, i'm okay." i lie once again. olivia nods, wrapping her arms around me as she leans her head on my shoulder. i wrap my arms around her waist, hoping she didn't see through my lie.

we pull away a minute or two later as we move up the line, olivia giving me a sympathetic smile. i smile back, looking away as we walk into the restaurant. we get seated in the corner, 2 seats on both sides. i sit down, olivia next to me, steven opposite me and jeremiah in front of olivia. "cute date." jeremiah says casually, opening the menu. "what?" olivia and i say at the same time, both clearly confused. "oh, me and steven on a date with you and liv." jeremiah explains. olivia and i look at each other and i look down, opening my menu too. you can't fall for her, you have too much going on right now.

olivia's pov

did jeremiah make her uncomfortable? i pick up the menu too, looking through it as steven and jeremiah talk to each other about what they're gonna get. y/n stands up after typing down everyone's orders, and she starts to head to the front of the restaurant to order. i stand up, walking over to y/n as she waits in the line. "hey," i say, standing next to her. "you don't have to wait here with me, you can sit down if you want." she says, holding her phone. "and third wheel them two? no thanks." y/n smiles, turning off her phone. "how did your portrait go?" she asks. "it went great, your mom and i had some deep conversations." "yeah, i saw your portrait, you look really pretty." i nervously laugh, not really sure how to respond. "uh... thanks, susannah told me you're doing your tomorrow." "saved the best for last!" we laugh, moving up the line. 

y/n reads out the orders, telling the workers we're seated at table 16 after paying. we walk back the table, sitting down. getting our food 10 minutes later, we start to eat. "y/n, can i try yours?" jeremiah asks. y/n rolls her eyes, smiling, passing him her burger. he picks it up, taking a bite. "good, but not as mine." he slides his plate over, and she take a bites. "mine's better," she says, sliding it back to him.

i pick up my coke after finishing the mac and cheese, leaning back on the chair. "movie starts in 15 minutes," steven says, putting down his phone. "should we get going now?" i ask. we all stand up, walking out. y/n stops walking, letting steven and jeremiah in front. she starts to walk next to me, and we start to walk to the cinema. "how was your mac and cheese?" y/n asks. "it was great, honestly. doesn't top my mom's one though." "nothing beats your mom's mac and cheese!" "your mom's spaghetti though... i could eat that for the rest of my life." 

y/n's pov

if only you knew. "yeah, it's good." i say, looking down. i walk closer to olivia, arms now brushing each other as we walk. i huff out air, looking around the mall. i look down as i step onto the escalators, olivia standing and waiting. "come on, liv!" i say, reaching out a hand. she laughs, quickly taking it and hopping on. "escalators are so scary for no reason." she says, walking down to meet the step next to me. "well they're scary for lots of reasons. one, you can trip over your foot and go plummeting to your death as your head hits the metal. two-" olivia stops me from talking as her hand goes over my mouth. i look at her, smiling. "don't even, or i'll push you backwards." she says. i look behind me, seeing us halfway up. "then you'd kill everyone else that's behind me, which is murder." i say after pulling olivia's hand away from my mouth. "doesn't matter!" "well i'm pretty sure it does matter, because then you'd be in jail for killing your best friend and innocent civilians." olivia laughs, and i smile, stepping off the escalator. "you're such a dork, y/n." olivia mumbles, chuckling quietly.

i look down, seeing our hands still connected. i let go, intertwining them instead. i look up at olivia, who seems to be just looking forward. i smile, looking forward too. as jeremiah already booked the tickets, all we had to do was get popcorn and drinks. as the popcorn and drinks were fairly big, we decided to share. olivia held the popcorn for us two as i hold the cup, and we all walk up the stairs. walking into cinema 8, we follow jeremiah who leads us to row 's', sitting down. the order from left to right went steven, jeremiah, olivia then me. i place the cup in the cup holder between olivia and i, olivia holding the popcorn. 

we hear the wandavision theme for a second, then seeing wanda on screen."she's so hot," olivia and i whisper at the same time. we look at each other, quietly laughing. i pick up the cup, drinking the coke. olivia puts her hands out, and i place the cup in her hands, which she goes to drink, placing it back in the cup holder.

"who knew multiverse of madness was gonna be a whole ass horror movie," olivia says as we walk out of the mall. "literally, we were pissing our pants!" i add, all of us laughing. i open the car door for olivia, and she gives a chuckle. "thank you," she says, getting in. i close it, walking to the other side. "you aren't gonna open my door, y/n?" steven asks from the other side. "do it yourself!" 

my phone starts ringing, which i pick up and put to my ear. "hello?" i ask. "y/n, can you pick me up?" cara asks, clearly drunk and at a party. "why me?" "what do you mean 'why you'?" "i can't, i'm out. why don't you call your parents?" i suggest, turning down the volume after i hear a loud groan. "come on y/n, can't you just pick me up?" "i would, but like i said, i'm out, sorry." she ends the phone call, and i realize everyone's quiet. "who could be calling you at 10 at night?" jeremiah asks. "cara." i answer, turning right. "you still talk to her?" "not really." "so why did she call you?" "why do you ask so many questions, jere?" i ask, chuckling. "just curious!" "just nosey, you mean." i hear olivia laugh quietly, and i turn the radio on.

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