CHAPTER 6 - fourth of july

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a/n - please remember to vote ! ideally posting once every 1-2 days to keep you guys updated bc the worst pain is waiting for a story to update and the author updating once a week💔

we see everyone in a circle, olivia placing the jug on the small table after i placed the cups on there. i give a small smile to sadie, sitting on the folding chairs that you use for camp beside her. "hey guys! hey, check out who i found!" jeremiah exclaims, seeing him and a boy walking to us. "josh!" everyone says as he walks over to us. i offer a cup to him, which he takes with a thank you, sitting next to olivia. i pour another cup, handing it to sadie. "thanks," she says, taking a sip. i pour one for myself once everyone gets one. "it's not a race, y/n." sadie says, noting how fast i started to drink. "yeah, slow down y/n. save some for the rest of us!" jeremiah joins in. "okay... wait, wait, wait. what if it was a race?" olivia asks, "isn't that like the premise of every drinking game? i mean, it's the fourth of july, right?" everyone ends up playing the game, throwing a coin in a glass bowl, and if the person gets it in, they pick who drinks. olivia throws the coin, the coin going in with a clink sound. "y/n, drink!" she says, smiling. i pour some more in, drinking it.

after mucking around for an hour, we all decide to go back. "hey!" sadie says, catching up to me. "hey!" i say back, smiling. "can't believe you backed out after what... 2 drinks?" "i was just saving some for the rest of you guys!"

jeremiah and i pepper the volleyball on the grass as everyone else sits at the sheltered dock, talking. "listen, i don't know what you have with dad, but can you just drop it? he's trying, y/n." jeremiah says. i scoff, spiking it at him."easy with the spikes! what're you, olympic player?" jeremiah says, laughing as he receives the ball. "still got it though!" i say, getting my hands ready to set the ball as it comes towards me. "hoo!" dad yells, literally jumping in front of me and blocking it. "you just got blocked!" jeremiah exclaims, chuckling. not how it works. i stand to the side, looking at the grass. "get ready for this!" dad says, throwing the ball up. "your spikes have been looking good, must be in the genes." dad says to me. i don't say anything, looking over at the docks. "oh hey, i talked to coach walsh from browns, says he's got a spot on summer sessions waiting for ya." he says, setting the ball high to jeremiah. "i'm fine here." i respond. "hey dad, we're lighting that big firework you got in mexico, the one that makes that big palm tree. it's gonna be awesome!" jermiah says, spiking it at dad. "can't wait! just don't aim it near the house, yeah?" dad replies, receiving it.

i walk over to the docks, sitting next to sadie on the wooden built in bench. "had fun playing volleyball?" olivia asks, josh next to her. i can tell she's a little drunk. "i guess," i reply, looking at her. "maybe should've stayed to do it in college." she says, holding her almost empty cup. "it's my life, olivia. not yours." i mutter, looking down. "olivia, i think you've had too much to drink. how many of those have you had?" joshua asks. "two... five. it's not important. you guys, i'm dead sober." i look over at the grass, still seeing dad and jeremiah playing. i look back, seeing olivia looking over there too. she looks back at me, and i look at shayla as she talks. 

everyone heads home, olivia and her dad going to their room. "hey, it's not my fault you can't hold a garbage bag." jeremiah says to steven. "guys, can you just go set up the fireworks?" i ask, "i'll finish cleaning." "yeah, okay." i get the garbage bag steven gives me, and they start to make their way to the beach. i walk to the table, putting plastic used cups in the bag. i look up, seeing dad walk out. 

he takes out a cigarette box, putting a cigarette in his mouth. "hey dad." i say, walking up to him. "oh, hey." he replies, taking out the cigarette, "did you get everything cleaned up?" "yeah, and liv is upstairs with her dad." i say, tucking my hair behind my ears. "why'd you let her get so drunk?" he asks, facing me. "i didn't know she was drinking that much." i respond. "you're the oldest. you're supposed to look out for the younger kids. you're what... 18?" 19, but A for effort. "i don't know why, but i thought i could talk to you." i start to walk back to the house. "hey, wait. y/n, wait a second. i'm sorry. i got a lot going on right now." "just leave, dad." i open the door, walking in and closing it behind me. 

i lean against the wooden railing at the docks, watching the fireworks. olivia stands next to me, leaning against it too. we stay in silence for a few fireworks, jeremiah now joining us on my right side. "where's steven?" i ask. "he's with shayla. probably doing it right now." "shut up, jeremiah! that's my brother!" olivia says next to me. "what?! you probably did it with your new boyfriend, josh!" i look down, olivia gasping. "he's not my boyfriend! and we didn't!" jeremiah laughs. "y/n, dad went back to london." jeremiah says. "something about a barclay deal falling apart." "are you surprised?" i ask, not really expecting an answer back. jeremiah slowly shrugs, and after about 20 minutes, he heads back inside as the fireworks start to die down. "have you got your portrait painted by your mom yet?" olivia asks, looking at me. "no, not yet. you?" "i think i'm doing mine tomorrow." "have fun." liv smiles, looking back at the sky. "i think the fireworks have finished." i say, scanning the sky. "i think so too." olivia agrees, chuckling. i tap my fingers on the wood, running my fingers back and forth. "i'm always here if you need me, y/n. always." olivia says. "what makes you say that?" "i've told you already, y/n!" she says, smiling. we were both now leaning the side of our bodies against the railing, looking at each other. "i'm good, but thanks, livie. i'm here for you too."

we walk inside the house, and i lock the door. "do you wanna make a bracelet?" olivia asks. "what do you mean bracelet?" i ask back, both of us walking up the stairs. "you know... those bracelets where you have those letters and you put it on a bracelet string thing." olivia explains poorly. i smile, agreeing.

olivia opens her door, walking in. i follow her, closing it behind me. i sit on her bed, waiting for olivia. she takes out a container and opens it. the container had sections, each having a letter in each box. liv picks up 2 bracelet strings, handing one to me. "so what exactly are we meant to be putting on this." "depends, wanna match?" she asks, smiling. "let's do it."

i started to make my bracelet for olivia, picking up an 'v'. i thread the hole through the string, picking up an 'i'. i look at mine after finishing it, laughing. "why're you laughing?!" olivia says, looking up from hers. "nothing, i'm not laughing." i say, smiling at olivia who sat opposite. "okay.. i'm done." liv says. "three... two... one." we show each others, laughing. olivia's made hers, the letters reading out 'y/n fish'. "seriously? livie rodrighoe?!" olivia says, laughing. "it's your contact name, i had to!"

i watch as liv starts to tie it to my hand. i note the way she subtly bit her lip out of focus, eye brows furrowed. i smile, looking down at my wrist. i pick up olivia's bracelet, olivia putting out her wrist. i wrap it around, starting to tie it. "cute!" olivia says after i finish tying it. 

olivia and i talk for a few minutes, and i take out my phone as it buzzes from a text from jeremiah. "jeremiah and steven are going to the movies tomorrow, dinner before. wanna go?" i ask olivia. "yeah, sure." i reply, turning off my phone. "i should probably go to bed now," olivia says, yawning in the process. i smile, nodding. "thanks for this," i say, shaking my wrist. she smiles. "goodnight, livie." i say, standing up from the bed. "goodnight, y/n." i lean forward, hugging olivia. she hugs me back, and we pull away. i walk to the door, smiling and closing it. i look at my bracelet with a smile, walking to my room.

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