CHAPTER 8 - spaghetti

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i stand in front of the pool, staying still so mom could paint me. "my big baby, look at you!" she exclaims, looking up at me. "oh, this light is beautiful, can you feel it?" "i can definitely feel it mom, thank god i put on sunscreen." we both laugh, and mom looks down again. 

i sit on the pool ledge, mom sitting next to me and wrapping an arm around me. "how's your summer been, my love? are you happy?" "yeah, of course." i smile, mom chuckling. "i'm really glad, y/n." she says, rubbing my back. "what're we having for dinner?" i ask. "i have no idea yet, any recommendations?" mom says, standing up. "how about your spaghetti?" i suggest. "yeah, why not, i just need to go to the store at get the ingredients." "i can grab them now." i say, standing up. "that would be great!" "can you... um, teach me how to cook them?" i ask. mom smiles, nodding excitedly. "we can make it when you get back." "okay, we're getting sidetracked. let's see the art!" i say, walking to the easel. "what do you think? i think it might be my best work." mom says. 

i turn my head, shouting to the house. "livie!" i yell, olivia rushing out. we both stare at the painting, sofia joining in. "ah, it's, um..." olivia starts off. "it's definitely a painting..." i finish olivia's sentence. "what?" mom says, walking over. she sits in the chair, and we all look at the painting. "oh my god, it's terrible!" she says, and we all start laughing. "this is why old people shouldn't do drugs." i say, mom and sofia turning around to hit me. "how dare you! outraged!" mom says, standing up. "such blatant ageism, let's leave these brats," sofia says, hitting me on the arm once more, "and go walk on the beach!" "have fun mom!" i say, watching them go in the house. "bye!" liv says. "later, brats!" "bye!"

olivia and i stare at the painting for a few more seconds, and i laugh, looking at her. "see the representation?" i ask, moving my face next to the painting. "yeah, i can definitely see it." olivia says, placing her pointer finger on her chin. i smile, walking up to her. "guess what we're having for dinner?" i say. "no idea." "spaghetti!" i say, and olivia cheers. "yes!" she exclaims. "wanna come to the grocery store and help me get it if you're not busy?" "yeah, why not."

i pick up a grocery basket from the stack, walking next to olivia. i take a pack of pasta off the shelf, placing it in the basket. "what's next?" olivia asks. i read out the list mom sent me, and we go and get each item. we walk past the candy isle, and i quickly pick up sour patch kids, dropping them in the basket.

a basket full later, i pay, and we start to drive home. i reach to the back seats, quickly picking up the sour patch kids. i drop them on olivia's lap, putting my hand on the steering wheel again. "open them," i say, and olivia opens them, holding one. i open my mouth, moving closer to olivia with my eyes still on the road. she chuckles, placing it in my mouth and getting one for herself.

i put the pasta in the boiling water, turning back around to see mom. she was making the sauce, commentating on what she was doing. paying extra attention to how she made it, the spaghetti was done. i take out the plates, getting the tongs. "then plate it however you'd like." mom says. i smile, starting to place spaghetti on each plate, putting them on the table. 

i walk upstairs, walking in olivia's room. "dinner's ready." i say. olivia looks behind her shoulder, smiling and standing up from her piano seat. i walk out, going to steven's room. there's steven and jeremiah were on his bed, each on their phones. "dinner guys!" i say. 

i sit next to olivia, who picks up a fork and twirls some spaghetti on it. "mmh!" she says, closing her eyes and leaning back as she chews. i laugh, trying some myself. after dinner, jeremiah comes up to olivia and i as we start to put the dishes in the dishwasher. "there's another bonfire tonight," he says, sitting on the kitchen stool behind us. "another?" "well, it's not really a party. there's like 20 people going, we're just gonna talk around a bonfire pit." "wanna go?" i ask olivia, placing the last dish in the dishwasher. "yeah, okay."

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