CHAPTER 11 - put a finger down

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a/n - please remember to vote!

i walk over to olivia, fixing my shirt. "where do you want me?" i ask. "you start." "yeah, okay. lets do this." the ball gets rolled under the net, and i look at the girls faces. i smile at myself, seeing them now tensed up. i move back, hearing the whistle. i take a deep breath, starting to run up. i throw the ball up, jumping and serving it over the net. "yeah y/n!" i hear mom yell. the brunette just receives it, but it goes over the net. i run up, receiving it to liv and quickly moving back to get ready. she jumps, setting it up. i run, swinging my arms back and jumping, spiking the ball down. the blonde dives for it, the ball hitting the sand and hitting her back in the face. everyone cheers and i turn to olivia, smiling.

olivia throws the ball up, serving it over the net. the blonde dives again, and misses again. "nice one, livie!" i say, putting my hands up. we high-five. i jump serve again, and the brunette goes to receive it, but it goes past her head, which makes her fall. the ball bounces in the court, everyone cheering again.

the brunette sets it up, and blonde running up to spike it. i quickly run to the net, jumping up. she goes to spike it, but the ball hits me palms and falls to the floor. "nice y/n!" olivia says, and i smile. i really missed playing. i look over at the scoreboard, the score now 20-18.

i hold the ball, running up and throwing it up. i jump, serving it downwards over the net. it hits the top right corner, and liv runs up to me. we high-five, and i bring our hands down, both jumping as we laugh. liv lets go, hugging me. i hug her back, laughing still. "we won, y/n!"

we beat 2 other teams, now bringing us to the grande finale. 'team belly vs team shayla' the chalk board read. "when we win, don't take it personally!" steven yells on the other side of the net. "you wish!" liv yells back. olivia receives the harsh serve, the ball bouncing off her arm and going out of the court. i run to the ball, swinging my connected arms and hitting the ball back to olivia. she receives it over, and i run back to the court.

the score was 16-16. olivia serves the ball over, getting the point as steven and shayla run into each other. "ace!" i yell, high-fiving her. shayla serves the ball, and the ball goes over the net. "yours!" i yell. olivia runs forward, receiving the ball up. i run, spiking the ball down. it hits the sand, and olivia and i cheer again. i serve the ball over, steven receiving it back to our side. liv receives it to me, and i put my hands up. i look up, setting the ball high. liv jumps, and with a groan, she spikes it over the net. "oh!" i yell as the ball hits the ground, winning the tournament. there was a massive cheer, olivia running to me. "yeah!" we both yell, olivia running into me with open arms. i lift her up, spinning us around. "and the winners are... olivia rodrigo and y/n fisher!"

we meet up with steven and shalya, the net being in between us. i stick my hand out, steven shaking it. i smile at shayla, and she smiles back. i duck under the net, hugging her. "good game, shayla." i say. "good game, y/n. i'm glad you had fun playing." shayla says, chuckling as we let go. "my gosh, you guys were incedible!" mom says, holding the trophy in one hand and hugging olivia with the other. "oh, you make such a great team!" she says, hugging me next, handing me the trophy mid way. "you had a big smile out there, y/n." mom says. we let go, and i pass the trophy to olivia, who was smiling widely. "for olivia." i reply, knowing if i said anything different, i would get the whole 'play volleyball in college' lecture.

olivia's pov

"how's your ankle?" i say to gracie as we walk. "it's better." gracie says. "hey, olivia!" i hear someone call out. i turn around, seeing nicole. "hey, nicole!" i say as i stop walking. "uh, you remember my friend, gracie." i introduce again. "yeah hi! um, so my dad's boat just came up from anguilla, so what do you guys think about a pizza and a rosé in a few hours?" she asks, "just something fun to end the day. and you're more than welcome to come too, gracie." she says, looking at gracie. "yeah, we'll be there." gracie says, holding my hand. "okay," nicole responds, smiling and we start to walk away again.

gracie and i start to walk on the docks to nicole's boat. "you and y/n were so good out there!" gracie exclaims. "yeah, i'm really shocked y/n quit volleyball, it's still so clear that she loves it." i respond. "maybe it's for the better. i guess it can't hurt playing it once or twice eventually." "gracie." i say. "what?" we both look at the giant boat, seeing nicole wave. "liv!" nicole yells. "oh my god." "fuck me." gracie says, laughing.

"put a finger down... if you've ever made out with 2 people within 24 hours of each other." gracie says. all my fingers were still up, but what do i expect? i literally haven't had my first kiss. nicole and gigi's finger goes down, and they giggle. "okay, put a finger down if you've ever used a stuffed animal to... you know." a girl called  samantha asks. "his name was harry bear styles, like..." a girl says, laughing. "you had a name for yours?" gigi asks, laughing. "put a finger down if you've ever had sex." a girl asks, putting her finger down. everyone puts their finger down, all 10 of mine still up. "you've ever been to... third base?" she asks, looking at me. i look down, fingers still up. "put a finger down if you've ever gone to second." she continues. "put a finger down if y/n fisher chose to kiss you over her ex and asked you out to dinner." gracie saves me, smiling. i laugh, putting my finger down. "tell us everything!" nicole asks. "oh, we haven't had the dinner yet. just need to find a time where we're both free." "how cute!" samantha exclaims. 

i pick up my phone after it vibrates, reading the notification. i tap on it with a smile, reading it once more.



y/n fish 🐠

hey livie

thanks for letting me sub in :)

i had a lot of fun today


i'm happy you had fun!!

i do feel bad for jeremiah tho

ah it's okay he's probably

forgotten about it

since he went to that party

you didn't go?

nope too tired

hows nicoles boat party?

it's going okay

that's great

see you when you get back?

see youuu


y/n's pov

i carefully sit down in the couch as mom lays on it, and i pick up a remote. "thought you went to that party with jeremiah and steven, honey," mom says. "no, i think i'm too tired for that. big day today." i say, leaning back on the couch. mom sits up with a groan. "you okay?" "yeah, i'm just- um, i'm just tired too." she says, "you wanna watch a movie with me?" she asks, smiling. "or we could kill some zombies..." i suggest, smiling back. i pick up another controller, passing it to her. "okay, how do i work this?" she asks, looking at it. "okay, so you wanna use this one to look around, this is to move... aim... and shoot." i point to each button. "okay." "okay, ready?" i press start. "oh, they're right there." i say. "where?" mom asks. "on the left." "wait- my left or your left?" "what do you mean, my left is your left!" we laugh. "it takes practise." i say, looking at her. "you know how much money you guys raised for the homeless shelter today? 5 thousand dollars. i was so proud of you" mom says. "wow, that's a lot." "like i said, you and liv make a great team. well, you liv and volleyball." i nod, smiling. 

mom yawns, and i pause the game. "i think i'm ready for bed." she says, placing the controller on the table. "okay," i say, standing up. "goodnight, mom." i say, leaning down. "goodnight, y/n." i hug her, and start to walk away. she lets out a little groan, laying back on the couch. i sigh, turning around and walking up the stairs.

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