CHAPTER 4 - too far, too fast.

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a/n - please vote ! 

olivia's pov

i knock on y/n's door, hearing no answer. "y/n?" i ask, opening it. the bed was made, no sign of y/n. i walk to the kitchen where everyone was. "does anyone know where y/n is?" i ask everyone. "she's probably down at the beach." susannah replies. "thanks." i put my shoes on, walking out to the beach which was down the road. i look down, taking out my phone. "shit!" i yell, bumping into something- or someone. i look up, seeing a curly, brunette boy, who was also on his phone. "sorry!" we both say at the same time. 

we laugh, and he puts his phone in his jean pockets. "probably both our faults." he owns up, still chuckling. "hey, are you new here?" he asks. "i don't stay in cousins, but i've been coming here every summer since i was a baby. my mom and the fisher family are really close, so we come to visit for the summer." "wow, surprised i haven't seen you around." he says, smiling. "i normally stay close to home." "why's that?" "probably because... i don't know anyone here." "well, now you do. i'm joshua bassett- you can call me josh." he says, grinning. "i'm olivia rodrigo." "where are you off to?" he asks, looking around. "going to get y/n from the beach." "y/n, like y/n fisher?" "yeah, her. why does everyone know who she is?" i ask, chuckling. "only the prettiest girl in cousins. her and her brother have good genes." i nod my head in agreement. "where are you going?" i ask back. "honestly... no idea. i've just been walking around for a while." "seems fun." "yeah uh..." he says, exhaling and looking around as his hands fit into his pockets. "do you wanna go out to the drive-in movies tonight? i know we just met, i'm not trying to kidnap you... or something." he says, chuckling awkwardly. "uh yeah, yes. of course." "how about 6?" he suggests, smiling. "6 it is." we exchange phone numbers, putting our phones back in our pockets. "i'll text you later." i smile, nodding. he smiles back, walking past me and i start to walk to the beach again.

 y/n's pov

sadie and i watch the ocean as waves up onto shore, wetting the sand. "what're you doing for the fourth of july tomorrow?" i ask, looking at sadie. she stares at the ocean, shrugging. "probably nothing to be honest." i gasp. "is the sadie sink, really doing nothing for the fourth of july?" i ask, laughing. "what a surprise, right?" she smiles. i lean my head on her shoulder, staring at the ocean too. "jeremiah, shayla, nicole, gigi, olivia, steven and i are gonna have a few drinks here tomorrow. just meet us here, around 3." "i'll be there then. is this the olivia you talked about?" "yeah, olivia and steven." "can't wait to meet them." we both turn around as i hear my name get called. i quickly stand up, seeing olivia around 40 feet away. "speaking of olivia, that's her." i say, brushing off the sand on my shorts. "shit, totally forgot i have to take her friend to the bus stop. i'd love to introduce you guys right now but i seriously have to go!" i say, starting to walk backwards. sadie laughs waving. "i'll wait till tomorrow! bye y/n!" "bye sadie!"

i walk next to olivia after putting on my shoes. "sorry, i forgot about taking gracie to the bus stop." i apologize, looking at smiling olivia. "it's cool. no rush." she says. we make it back to the house, and i grab my keys, sitting on the couch as i wait for olivia and garcie. "maybe he'll take your mind off you-know-who!" i hear gracie say. "shut up, gracie!" olivia exclaims. i look up, seeing them start to walk to me. "ready?" i ask, getting a yes in return. 

i get out of the car, meeting at the front of it after i park at the bus stop. gracie and olivia get out too, gracie holding her bags. they say goodbye, hugging. i hug gracie, and she picks up her bag after. "see you guys later!" she says. we say goodbye again, and she gets on the bus. we walk back to the car, olivia getting in the passenger seat. i start it up, starting to drive away.

olivia goes into her room and i start to walk to mine, hearing mom and sofia talking. i stop at moms door, after hearing sofia talk. "are you gonna try the treatment, susannah? you have to try, for the kids." i furrow my eyebrows, leaning my ear against the door. "sofia... it's too late. the cancer's back, and it's spread too far- too fast." my heart drops, and my stomach starts churning. "i just want one more... perfect summer."

i hold my stomach with my hand, running to the bathroom. i drop in front of the bathroom after shutting the door and locking it. tears start streaming down my face, and i feel the vomit coming up. 

i lean against the bathroom wall, leaning my head back and closing my eyes after i flushed the toilet. "shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" i mumble, wiping my mouth with toilet paper and flushing it down the toilet. "y/n? are you okay?" i hear jeremiah's voice outside. i take a deep, shaky breath. "i'm fine!" i yell back. "are you sure?!" "i'm fine, jeremiah!" i yell, maybe a little too harsh. she says nothing back, and i hear footsteps receding. more tears stream down my face, so much there wasn't a point trying to stop them from flowing down. why you, mom?

i splash water over my face after sitting on the bathroom floor for almost an hour. the puffiness in my eyes die down, and i pat my face with my towel, unlocking the bathroom knob. i hold it for a few seconds, taking a deep breath and walking out. i quickly walk to my room, closing it. i lay in bed, pulling the blanket up and closing my eyes.

falling asleep for a few hours, the time was 5:00. i get out of bed, making it and walking outside. mom and sofia were probably still in mom's room as they weren't in the kitchen. i sit on the 'L' shaped couch, watching steven and jeremiah playing call of duty. "you good y/n? i heard vomiting in the bathroom." jeremiah says, looking at me for a second before looking back at the tv. "i'm fine, not sure why i vomited." i lie, watching the tv too. "wanna play?" jere offers. "no thanks."

"full team, full team, full team." steven communicates. "okay, okay, coming right now." jeremiah responds. "cracked one, cracked one." steven says. "nice!" jeremiah says, both their eyes glued on the screen. "see you guys later!" i hear olivia say. i look up, seeing olivia.

 i look up, seeing olivia

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(what liv's wearing!)

jeremiah stands up, completely forgetting about the game. "damn!" he says, walking over to olivia. "are you kidding- yeah fine, just completely abandon the game, jere." steven says, annoyed. "you... look... hot!" jeremiah says, making olivia laugh. "where are you going?" jeremiah asks. "i'm going to the drive-in." "with who?" steven asks. olivia's phone chimes, and she takes it out. she smiles at the message, then laughs. "this boy called josh. okay, gotta go. bye!" she starts walking out the door. josh? who's josh? jeremiah walks back to the couch, picking up the controller. "my bad." he apologizes. "yeah, it is your bad." steven says, laughing.

another a/n - ever since i started writing this book i was debating whether or not to make susannah have cancer, i didn't want to but i feel like it would be better story wise. maybe i'll regret later on, but let's just roll with it for now


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