I. Wake Up

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"That one's not quite right. Here, I'll show you."

Yeonjun scoots closer to Soobin and leans onto the desk. Jimin is teaching some new material in Soobin's math class that he has been struggling with understanding. So Yeonjun, for what he was hired for, is helping him.

"You gotta convert it into a decimal before you do anything else. Of course it's gonna be all wrong if you make it seem like the 23% is a whole ass number versus .23"

Soobin stares and Yeonjun could almost see the toy monkey clashing its symbols behind his blank eyes.

"You do know how to convert a percent into a decimal, right?"

Soobin reaches for the calculator but Yeonjun slaps his hand away. "Come on, it's harder–no, it wouldn't even make senes to use a calculator with something like this."

Soobin pouts and starts drawing little circles in the corner of the paper."Maybe for you..." the bunny says with a small voice. Yeonjun tries not to laugh, but a smile does brightly form on his face. "Noooo, for you, too. Here, I'll show you."

Yeonjun grabs the pencil from Soobin's hand. It was so simple; the closeness of Yeonjun's soothing presence mixed with a gentle touch sent a small jolt of electricity through the pureblood's fingers and to heart. That must have been when it started for him. Yeonjun must have felt it too, right?

The two had come so far and are finally learning the colors of each other's personality, and Soobin is starting to see truly beautiful colors from Yeonjun. 

The sound of soft beeping stirs Soobin out of his sleep. The man inhales a big breath and raises his arms above his head, uses his expanding lungs to deepen the stretch. With an exhale he lets go, allowing gravity to take over. Sleepily opening his eyes, he stares up at the white ceiling. Wow, has it already been a couple months since then? Soobin replays the memory of his dream, not wanting to let it go. It has been a couple of months since Soobin first say Yeonjun at the crosswalk, and he can't tell if he should be surprised for how quickly time went by or for how short a couple months really is. "Yeonjun... hmmm, I wonder what he's up to." he murmurs out loud. He then furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head, registering that the ceiling, along with everything around him, is far from the resemblance of his room.

"Wait, what am I doing here?" He recognizes the plain style of the room mixed with the machines in it as being a part of the private hospital that was made just for vampires.

He sits up and stares at the machine beeping his vitals. I didn't pass out or anything, did I? Could it maybe have been during the martial arts lesson we had yesterday? Soobin shrugs, accepting that as his answer. After all, it happened to Kai before. With the first sign of movement, Soobin curiously glances at the opening door. Behind appears Jimin whose jaw drops when he looks at Soobin.

"Heyo" Soobin says casually, "Did I get knocked out during the martial arts lesson or something? If it was caught on video I wanna see."

Jimin's lips are moving but no words come out. Soobin pierces his lips together in confusion, "What?" he asks, then his eyes go wide, "Wait! Has Taehyun drawn something on my face again?!"


Soobin's face contorts in agony and he brings his hands up to his face, feeling for anything that shouldn't be there as he looks around for a mirror. "What did you say?"

"You're awake!" Jimin brings himself to say.

"Well, that's obvious–ah ha!" He reaches for his phone on his bedside table and flips to the camera. "Oh, nothing's on me. Huh."

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