VIII. Cat and Mouse

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"Then what happened?" asks a curious Yeonjun.

Beomgyu looks up in thought, "Well, I told him that I'm not perfect and that I piss him off too sometimes..."

"He's not the only one," Yeonjun adds under his breath.

Beomgyu looks over and, in a voice of mockery, he says, "I thought we learned to keep our thoughts to ourselves, no?"

Yeonjun playfully swings his arm in the air to threaten a hit against the other but, instead, receives a scolding from his doctor, Park Jimin. "Ya! No moving unless you want this exam to take all day!"

Beomgyu mockingly sticks out his tongue and shakes his head at Yeonjun who smirks when the hunter gets the same kind of warning.

"If you two can't behave, we're not going to let you guys do anymore of your examinations together." says the assistant, Jung Hoseok.

The two boys fall quiet in their surrender and stare straight ahead as their doctors unhook a small test tube full of their blood and replace it with an empty one that new blood starts to drip into. Jimin begins to attach two wires on either side of their temples and plugs the other end into some kind of computer he then motions Hobi to turn on. Yeonjun and Beomgyu can't see what kind of information their brains are giving off, but, as usual, they do see Jimin and Hobi frantically jotting down notes.

"What'd he say after that?" Yeonjun asks in a hushed voice.


"You know, to you telling him you're not perfect either."

"Oh! Well, we had a lil' heart to heart, both apologized and promised we'll get stronger for each other! Then the classic "kiss and make up" thing happened if you know what I mean." Beomgyu's eyebrows suggestively bounce up and down and he shoots Yeonjun a wink, who outwardly gags in disgust and refuses to hear anymore.

"Haha! It's just a little guy talk, you're not the least bit curious?"

Yeonjun responds with an unnaturally quick "NO" and squeezes the ball in his blood giving arm to speed up the process while he maintains facing forward to not move any of the wires attached to his head out of place.

"Anywaaaaayyyyy" Beomgyu draws out, "what happened with you and Soobin?"

"Nothing happened with me and Soobin."

Beomgyu scoffs, "Yeah right. You guys have been acting weird the past few days. What did you two fight about this time?"

"None of your business. And don't make it sound like we fight all the time."

"But ya'll do fight all the time; bickers just like an old married couple haha!"

"Beomgyu! No moving!" Hobi yells.

The young hunter's face drops into a pout, but it's only kept up for several seconds before a thought hits him and he demands, "I just told you all about Taehyun and I, now you tell me about you and Soobin!"

Yeonjun rolls his eyes, "You're forgetting one thing."

"And what is that?" Beomgyu asks.

"I never asked." Yeonjun says flatly, "You just went on and started blabbing."

Beomgyu gasps with betrayal and gets way too flustered, "Ex-excuse me?! I can say what I want when I want, I process things out loud sometimes! At least I know how to deal with my emotions..."

Yeonjun resists the urge to whip his head over to Beomgyu, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing~" he says cheerily, "If you knew then maybe Soobin wouldn't be so mad at you."

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