II. Shock

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The next day, the newly awoken thirteen and their companions are gathered in a large conference room in one of the lower floors of the hospital...

Soobin stares at the ground. His head feels like it's full of so many thoughts and questions, yet it's blank as he tries to process what he, and the twelve others with him, have just been told. Five weeks, five days, and three hours ago, there was a meeting between vampires, and hunters and it went very wrong. Thirteen were found in the library unconscious and in a comatic state. For unknown reasons however, they all just woke up.

The young pureblood does manage to form one question though, the only one he's able to construct out of the shock. "Where..."he reaches for Kai's hand right next to him, "Where are our brothers?" he asks weakly.

Jimin clenches his jaw and his eyes go glassy as he looks between Soobin and Kai. "The whereabouts of Namjoon and Seokjin are unknown, nore the hunter S. Coupes and his men."

Soobin feels as if his heart was just injected with led when it drops at the blow of these words. In a surge of pain, he lets out a short breath and falls into his hands, squeezing his eyes shut. Why? What the hell is going on?! The smiling faces of Jin and Namjoon achingly radiate in his thoughts.


He opens his eyes to Yeonjun's hand on his shoulder. reading Yeonjun's wide eyes, Soobin looks down and sees that two deep cracks have split the floor starting at his feet. They stretched out a small length from where he was sitting to several chairs around him where the owners have jumped to their feet.

"Oh," he says, staring at the cracks hazlely, "sorry." He tries to calm himself down, careful not to let his emotions overtake him even more or something worse might happen. He decides to focus on Yeonjun's hand on his shoulder and his thumb that is now rubbing gentle circles over the sleeve of his shirt.

"Are you ok?" Yeonjun asks softly.

Soobin peaks around the room and it feels as if everyone is staring at him. He straightens up and Yeonjun's hand falls. "Yeah." he says.

Jessi, sitting a couple of chairs over from Soobin, clears her throat and asks,"Do we at least have a lead on finding them?" The shakiness in her voice is prevalent, but the others are too tired and shocked to think anything of it.

Jimin takes a breath, wishing he wasn't the one who had to answer their questions. "I'm afraid," he starters, in an attempt to sound as put together as possible, "that all we can do is wait. They disappeared without a trace, I–"

"But, weren't you down in the lower floors fighting them?" asks Jay B.

"Yes, I was, but I got injured and was knocked unconscious. All I remember is being shot at then waking up in a hospital bed."

Hongjoong is slumped back in his chair, head angled down and using only the movement of his eyes to see what's going on. His focus fixates on Beomgyu and it takes less than a second before the two lock eyes. "You, hunter boy." he says, nudging his head in the air towards Beomgyu, "The hunters were working security like usual, right?"

Beomgyu nods.

"Then wouldn't you have worked alongside S. Coups people?"

The room goes silent and everyone looks at Beomgyu. The hunter gulps and tries not to adjust his seating position, for it could upset the stitches in his abdomen. "Y-Yes." he starts nervously, "Their youngest, Dino, and I were actually assigned to be partners."

"Well, did you notice anything odd?" Jay B asks who's sitting next to Jessi.

"No, not really..." he says, but it was obviously the wrong answer and Hongjoong's eyes went wide in fury. " 'Not really' ", he repeats, "How could you not notice that your partner was obviously following some other kind of orders that the ones you weren't assigned?"

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