XXI. Calamity: Next

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There's... two of them?

It didn't make sense.

Namjoon has known Kai since before he was born. He was even the first person Seokjin told when his mother was expecting, and he was there right after his birth. He would know if there were twins, which there weren't. And there are not; A first glance may be deceiving, but the pureblood's senses are anything but.

Heuning Kai's aura was that of a freshly bloomed flower when it first opens up to the sun, which is a unique concept as a vampire. This other being has an aura that is tainted, empty, and incomplete, cold like death. It's awful and sends chills down Namjoon's spine.

The darker Kai doesn't take his eyes off the blond one, as if all the others around them couldn't matter less.

"Please," the blond Kai says, "you don't have to kill them to get what you want."

The darker shrugs, "You are right," he waves his hands to the others scattered around the room fighting against the other four beings, "I don't have to kill them." The sharp, black nails catch Namjoon's eye as the other lifts his long, bony fingers and snaps. A thud from across the room grabs the brother's attention and the three sees the pureblood Jay B falling to the ground.

"No!" screams Kai.

Those around share looks between each other confusingly but don't have longer than one second because their opponent, one of the figures who accompanied this darker Kai, is already aiming for another attack.

He snaps his fingers again and this time it was Jessi who fell.

"No stop!"

Kai's pleading seems to only fuel the wicked smile of the darker being and he chuckles. "I keep telling you, if you want me to stop so bad then make me." His eyes are so daring in the most manic way, Namjoon didn't even know Kai could look like that. He also knows Kai would never possess such darkness behind a pair of mischievous sinister eyes... right?

Despite all of the other Kai's taunting, the blond Kai doesn't budge from his spot. Namjoon looks from the other over to Jin, the smell of his blood has already grown alarmingly stronger. Namjoon couldn't understand why his body hadn't already begun healing itself, let alone why his physical body was even affected in the first place.

When the cruel, taunting voice speaks again, something clicks in Namjoon's brain.

"It's so cute how you're protecting them, very noble." the other being says.

Things are starting to make sense now, at least this singular part of a thousand. Soobin, Namjoon whispers in his brother's mind, I don't think he can hurt Kai.

Soobin's eyebrows rise with realization as he looks between the two and Namjoon whispers in his brother's head another thing, I think that's why Kai hasn't moved yet; he's protecting us, just like what that guy said.

"Don't you think it's about time they know what's been going on?" These words grab back at the brothers attention.

Kai's eyes widen and he opens his mouth, but the other is already speaking before he can say anything, "That for years, you have been giving me not just some of your blood, but all theirs as well?"

Namjoon can't hide the shock on his face that conveys how he would have never expected to hear these words. A pureblood's blood is considered sacred and, if given enough, one pureblood can inherit the power of another. Then, for the first time, the darker Kai looks at Soobin and Namjoon, "You wanna know how?"

The real Kai takes a threatening step forward, which makes the other gasp animatedly, "Oh, now you want to step in? Not for the others who have already fallen, or for your precious big brother–the poor sucker is getting closer and closer to joining your friend over there." The dark Kai motions to the part of the room that Hoseok's body is laying in and Namjoon's heart pains as heavy tears sting the back of his eyes. "No, you only step in when your name could get tarnished." His face mocking excitement drops, "Despicable."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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