XII: Ripples

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"It's about to start."

The vampire couldn't believe what was happening; right in front of him stands Kim Namjoon. Shocked and confused, his voice becomes jumbled with all of what he wants to say yet nothing comes out. He also notices a chilled kind of presence that fills his mouth, and pressing against his body, too. The blue tranquil calm, cool pressure that envelopes him and Namjoon has made The vampire realize that the two of them are under water. Looking down, there's nothing but a dark blue abyss, however the vampire looks up and is reassured by the far off rippling sun dancing on the surface of the reflective water.

"N-Namjoon! How are you actually here? Are you ok?! Is Jin ok?! Wait, is this really you? Are you doing one of your weird pureblood power things where you send a reflection of yourself and–"

He's speaking a mile a minute but is hushed by the embrace of his hyung. Usually, he's not one who plays into hugs and cuddles like his other friends but right now, it's the only thing he could ever need.

"I'm sorry we left you guys, but trust me when I say it was necessary."

"Necessary?" the vampire repeats back, "Leaving all of us – leaving your little brother to have no one is really necessary?"

Namjoon's voice is eerily slow and calm which makes the vampire feel a bit uncomfortable and nervous"I wish I could explain it to you, I really do, but–." something caught his attention, something the other vampire couldn't see or sense.

The vampire squeezes Namjoon's shoulders, "Namjoon, what the hell is going on? Why are we here? You said something is starting, what do you mean by that?"

His previous calm demeanor changed and because of how well the vampire knows Namjoon, he can tell when he's trying not to panic. "In ten hours, there will be a move. They're smart and well organized so they know how to hide in discretion. They'll be moving in small numbers but everyone is going to the same place." It happens again; Namjoon quickly looks over his shoulder at something that is simply not there. "I'm sorry I couldn't warn you earlier but keep an eye out for the flaming rose at the shoreline where the land touches the sky."

Before the vampire could question anything, a small glowing light hovers in the palm of Namjoon's hand. Eyes held on lock with Namjoon's, the vampire only notices the light out of the corner of his eye. Then something hard gets pushed against his chest and he groans. He looks down and catches the last bit of the light disappearing into him. Distracted by the strange pain, the vampire almost misses Namjoon next words, "Just whatever you do, please don't hate me for what I did." Then, with an intense force, the vampire is sent up towards the surface, glistening ripples growing bigger and bigger.


"Namjoon, wait!" Black spots ink through the crystal blue water.


It feels wrong for the vampire to open his eyes, but he knows he has to, and all that's left of the water is the new strange memory.

"Time to wake uuuuppppppp!"

Of course, he couldn't help but smile because the owner of that voice belongs to none other than the love of his life. A beautiful face beams down upon Yoongi as he opens his eyes, a glass of water in hand.

"What were you dreaming about?" Hoseok asks, handing the water to Yoongi who takes it graciously. He uses his long gulps to process his own dream.

"I...Hobi, it was Namjoon."

Still out of it from only recently waking up, Yoongi is confused by his partner's lack of reaction to his words and questions if he even said it out loud. "Hobi, Namjoon was there, in my dream."he repeats. The hunter sighs and starts rubbing his man's back. "Aw, I'm sorry, Yoongi, I miss the good ol' days too–"

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