V. Hunger

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Jesus, I couldn't fucking breath in there! I don't even want to imagine what those perverts were doing before we came in. Yeonjun walks back to the car stiff as a board and trying to maintain a somewhat composed face. Though with each increasing beat his heavy heart drums in his chest makes his throat drier and drier.

Just about the whole drive is silent as Yeonjun frustratedly zooms through the city, his head filled with the memory of San's blood. Soobin without a doubt noticed the blood, too, but he tries to think about the sparkling city lights that illuminate the nightlife outside his car window. By doing this, he could shy away from his nosey temptations and at least give Yeonjun the privacy of his own thoughts in this seemingly stressful time. 

As a reaction to the smell of blood in the bakery, any adolescent vampire who's fangs are just coming in would be acting squeamish. He and Yeonjun are adults in the eyes of their kind, but the remembrance of Yeonjun's trauma floods into Soobin's thoughts and it only makes sense that he is acting this way. That's right, Soobin thinks to himself, Yeonjun has never had real blood since all that has happened.

The drive back seemed a bit shorter than the drive there and Yeonjun barely parked before he jumped out of the car and headed for the doors of the mansion with Soobin following closely after him.

"Yeonjun! Wait!" but the vampire couldn't and he won't. Soobin trails behind Yeonjun as he darts up the stairs and through the hallways to the library. Yeonjun flung the library doors open and pays no mind that Soobin is magically already inside the room as he makes a b-line to his bag.


The vampire ignores the other and he scrumages through his bag on the table, throwing things left and right, seemingly to get more and more agitated with each thing sent airborne having not been what he was looking for. Soobin was quickly growing past the point of worry for his friend and runs over to Yeonjun's side. He grabs him by the shoulders to stop him from shredding the bag completely.

"Hyung!" The pureblood freezes when he turns Yeonjun around to see bright red eyes tormented by thirst behind a wall of tears.

"They're," Yeonjun sniffs and a tear falls onto his cheek, "They're not in there... Where are they?" Soobin blinks and hears the longing of what Yeonjun is looking for in his thoughts; blood tablets.

"Do you have any? I know you do, please tell me you do!" Yeonjun desperately grabs hold of Soobin. The pureblood can feel his racing pulse along with a vicarious pain stabbing at his own throat. It's awful; having only experienced a fraction of Yeonjun's pain through touch, Soobin doesn't even want to begin comprehending the full extent of this man's pain of going through one's whole adult vampire life without a drop of blood.

"Yeonjun, how the hell have you gone this long? This isn't healthy, you need blood!"

"No, I don't!" Yeonjun weakly uses his body to throw Soobin away from him who only courteously stumbles back. As if this move wipes all the energy from him, Yeonjun collapses to his knees and looks up at the ceiling with agonizing, wild red eyes. "I need those fucking tablets! Please! Just tell me where they...are..." But Yeonjun's voice trails off as his focus zeros in on a small, yet newly fresh, wound that appears on Soobin's thumb. Soobin slides the nail of his pointer finger deeper into his thumb to make the cut even bigger and Yeonjun feels the sweet aroma draw him in that numbs his pain and sways his thoughts away. Soobin takes a step forward, watching as Yeonjun's eyes are magnetized to his hand. He takes another step and Yeonjun looks up at him in desperation; the small cut on Soobin's thumb has already healed.

"Can't you see how hungry you are?"

Yeonjun looks as if one of his most precious valuables had just vanished before his very eyes and his mouth moves wordlessly, unable to understand the situation in this frantic state of mind.

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