VI. When Curious Fingers Pull at a Loose Thread

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***Some mature themes and arguing in this chapter***

0X1 Hospital: A private hospital created for vampires and hunters of the underworld to seek treatment for any unique injuries that would be deemed unusual by the general public. This hospital was created to help the unification of the two to come together in a space of healing.

Down one of the many hallways of this hospital walks a hunter with shoulder length brown hair. Swaying with each step, he gnaws at his bottom lip with a kind of worry in his eyes that happens when one gets too lost in their own thoughts. Turning left then down the stairs to the third floor, he makes a sharp right and comes to an abrupt stop in front of a familiar door. For several seconds he stares, seemingly hesitant about whether he should knock or just go in. Before the hunter makes up his mind however, a voice speaks up from inside the room that makes the hunter jump.

"I know that's you, Beomgyu." it calls out, but the tone of the voice is far more distant than the confinements of the hospital room and sends an icy chill down Beomgyu's spine. A thought intrudes in the hunter's mind that makes him wonder what would happen if he were to just keep going down the hallway and run for the nearest exit. Don't be stupid, he shakes the thought out of his head, he'd catch me before I round that first corner. Beomgyu tanks a breath, and opens the door.

Nerves pump his blood and makes his tongue move at a rapid pace as he says, "Taehyun, I know you're mad I didn't tell you about what happened but..." Wait, where is he? All the lights were turned off in he and Taehyun's shared room and it was quiet with the exception of lingering rockings from an empty chair in the corner. Not a second later, his question is answered when a pair of hands slides around his waist and up across the hunter's chest. Untucking the soft gray and white sweater, the fingertips lightly glide against his skin and up to his chest, tracing soft little shapes above Beomgyu's heart.

"Taehyun come on, cut it out." Beomgyu starts to turn around when a bite to the ear jerks his momentum to stay facing forward. The dominant bite turned to soft nibbles Taehyun knew Beomgyu fell all too weak under. "" Beomgyu's words kept escaping him as his breathing began to increase when kisses made their way down his neck. The hunter swallows hard and closes his eyes when the soft touch of the other tickles his lower stomach. He wraps his arm behind him to press the other's body even closer against his before he's suddenly swung around and instantly met with a pair of lips.

Beomgyu pulls back to catch his breath, "Wait, Taehyun, we need to ta–" but he gets pulled back in and suddenly the ground disappears below his feet as he gets lifted up, making his legs swing around the hips of the other. With the swaying of steps, Taehyun moves them across the room as Beomgyu finds his hands fiddling with buttons. They stop and gravity pulls Beomgyu down until the softness of bed sheets collide against his back. Slowly, he opens his eyes to find glowing red ones piercing down at him. Beomgyu loves it when Taehyun gets like this; when that red glow of want in his eyes extenuates his beauty to an ethereal level of art that he could spend his whole life worshiping. However, something flickers behind the electrifying red eyes then vanishes in a single blink that strengthens an unsettled feeling residing within the hunter.

"Taeh-" but the name forming from Beomgyu's lips is shut up by its owner's tongue and the two pull and twist in an undeniable need to get as close to each other as possible. Under any other circumstance, Beomgyu would be more than willing to let the nature of their love be the driving force and allow this scenario to play out. But, for once, he needs to have a clear head and do what needs to be done.

"Taehyun! Stop!" the hunter blurts out desperately, gasping for air. Any longer and the hunter would have let his desires get the better of his judgment. The two share the sounds of heavy breaths when the vampire's face suddenly contorts with agony. "Oh Gyu," says Taehyun, blinking back tears that are wanting to form from the glassy walls over his big round eyes.

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