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she didn't know what it was about late-night walks on the beach. perhaps it was the calmness that took over the ocean at night, or maybe that was just how she always felt around jere; late-night walks on the beach were their thing. it could also be the feeling of not knowing what was out there, or the fact that no one could disturb you. well, that's how it usually was. she decided to sit down, it was too perfect not to.

'belly?' she questioned quietly, not wanting to disturb the quietness.

'yeah?' she asked.

'where are you going?' she asked, 'and why do you look like you're about to get knocked up?' she added. she was wearing a short, baby pink dress; it looked like something taylor would wear.

'um, the bonfire,' she replied crossing her arms, 'and i don't look like i'm about to do whatever you just said.'

'if you say so,' cami shrugged looking back at the ocean, 'just be careful, and stay with one of the boys.'

'right,' belly nodded starting to walk again.

she hated drunk teenagers and just drunk people in general. olive younger sister got hit by a drunk driver when she was five. at the time she and olive were nine; ever since then, she'd sworn that she would never drink, if there was even the slightest chance of her having to drive.

not after long, she could partially see the flickering blue and red lights down the beach. she debated with herself whether she should go home, ignore it, or run down the beach to make sure that everyone was okay.

she decided on the latter. she wasn't used to running on sand, but she got there in no time. her fastest mile time was about six and a half minutes, which in reality wasn't bad, not that the bonfire was that far away.

when she got there people were running in all directions, she managed to catch a glimpse of jeremiah helping conrad, and a curly-haired boy helping belly towards the parking lot.

when she reached them, she asked, 'where's steven?'

everyone turned around, 'shit,' jeremiah said, 'um, okay, hold on,' he said helping conrad into the backseat.

'cam's gonna give me a ride home,' belly said.

'no!' cami and jeremiah said at the same time.

'you guys don't get to choose who i get a ride from,' she debated.

'maybe another day, bell , but not tonight, okay? you just met him anyway,' cami pointed out, 'he's a complete stranger.'

'actually, no, we did the latin convention together in seventh grade,' cam defended. camila looked at him, making him regret ever saying that, 'you know what, i think it's best if you go home with them,' he said, 'but, um, the whaling boat that i intern on, it leaves at dawn every morning from the piers. i was wondering if you would, uh, want to come,' he explained.

'uh, yeah, yes, sure,' belly giggled, making camila roll her eyes and look at jere who shared the same expression, 'i mean, how else will you get your hoodie back, right?'

'that's true,' he smiled.

and then they kissed; it was short and awkward.

cami looked away, trying to hide her cringed expression, because of how awkward it was. she didn't have anything against belly kissing boys, it was just awkward.

'i'll just...' belly mumbled trying to maneuver her way to the front seat.

'oh, yeah,' he said backing up, 'bye,' he bid and then walked away.

'belly, keep an eye on him,' cami said motioning to conrad.

'yes, ma'am,' she smiled.

camila and jeremiah then started walking away, trying to find steven, 'she sounds like she's high or something,' jere said.

something like summer - jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now