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when cami woke up, belly was gone; she'd wanted to ask her about her and conrad, but maybe it was good she wasn't home, because curiosity killed the cat right? she'd probably gone shopping with susannah, or maybe she'd actually caught the whaling boat this morning.

cami looked at the old clock that hung on the wall across from her bed, it was ten-thirty. she knew she would have to get up at some point, but she didn't know if right now was the time.

her body was sore. she sat up and looked around; her clothes from the night before was still wet, hanging on her chair, her closet was open, and her bed was unmade.

'i didn't know you went home before us last night, we could've just given you a ride,' jeremiah said as he peaked through her door. belly must've forgotten to lock it again. she'd always thought it was weird how you could lock the door from both sides of it.

'i didn't feel like bothering you guys,' she said laying back down.

'did i do something?' he asked stepping into the room, sounding concerned.

'no,' she said confused, 'just tired,' she lied.

'oh, okay. do you wanna go surfing? or go for ice cream or something?' he asked.

she tried to wipe the tiredness off her face with her sleeves, 'sure, why not,' she smiled, 'let me just get changed and i'll be there.'

'cool, see you in five,' he said closing the door.

she got up, and looked at herself in the mirror. she decided on a blue bikini, and some waterproof mascara.

when she walked downstairs, jere was waiting for her, 'you ready?' he asked.

'yup,' she smiled.

when they got to the beach, the waves were great, which probably meant that they'd be spending most of their day at the beach.


they headed back at around five-thirty, just so that they could take a shower before they had to make dinner.

'what should we make? we have lasagna, frozen pizzas... and the list goes on,' jeremiah said looking at the contents of the freezer.

'uh, do we have any potatoes?' cami asked, she hadn't gone grocery shopping with susannah yet, it was belly who went last time.

'uh, yeah,' he said opening the fridge.

'heavy whipping cream? bacon? unions? butter?'

"yes, yes, yes, aaand yes.'

'okay, start peeling the potatoes,' she directed.

'yes, ma'am,' he said and grabbed the different things, 'how many?' he asked

'all of them,' she smiled deciding to help him with the potatoes.

'sure, no problem,' he said, ' what are we making?' he asked.

'it's mashed potatoes with onions and bacon, it's so good,' she replied.

'when'd you learn to make this?' he asked.

'i made it once at my friend alma's house, she's from scandinavia or something,' cami shrugged.

'cool,' he said, 'did i do something?' he asked after a few minutes of slicing.

'no?' she responded.

'are you sure?' he asked.

'yes,' she laughed, 'you could never hurt me,' she smiled, 'but, i will hurt you, if you keep asking.'

'okay, good, good...' he smiled, 'uhm, i'm done with the onions,' he said.

'okay, now we boil them,' she said putting the last diced potato.

'was i supposed to dice them?' he asked pointing and looking at the potatoes in the pot.

'no,' she said shaking her head, 'it's fine,' she smiled, 'okay could you, uh, slice the onions into, like, halves?' cami asked.

'i can but the chances of me crying are extremely high,' he said.

'right, can you just, like, make the bacon instead?' she asked grabbing an onion.

'sure,' he smiled.

'okay, could you check the potatoes for me?' she asked after slicing one onion.


'does it feel like butter when you stab one with the knife?' she asked.


'okay, just pour the water out and then mash the potatoes, once you've done that you add half a stick of butter and some heavy whipping cream, some salt and pepper, and maybe some milk depending on the texture,' she instructed.

'okay, sounds easy enough,' he sighed.

she put some oil on a pan and started on the onions.


'this is really good,' susannah said.

'thanks,' cami smiled, 'my friend taught me.'

'oh, i was thinking we could make your guys' sweet sixteen dinner, like, midsommar themed,' susannah said, 'i can get you guys, like, flower crowns and stuff.'

'yeah, sure, i love that idea, and the movie,' cami said.

'yeah, we have to watch the movie,' belly agreed.

'when did you guys leave yesterday?' laurel asked the boys, changing the topic.

'uh, a little past nine, i think,' steven replied.

'you guys should've said something, you can't just leave like that,' laurel said.

'sorry, mom.'

'yeah, sorry, laur,' jeremiah said.

'when did you get back last night?' susannah asked, looking at cami.

'i think it was like nine, or something? why?' cami replied.

'you just forgot to text me,' she shrugged.

'oh, i'm so sorry, i was exhausted, i walked home, so...' cami trailed off, having lost her appetite.

'you walked home?' her mom asked, 'why didn't you just drive with the boys?' she asked.

'oh, well, i-i... they were just having so much fun, i didn't wanna ruin it for them,' she lied.

'they weren't doing anything most of the night?' she countered.

'really? then i must've just missed it. sorry,' she apologized.

'it's okay, just text us next time,' susannah said.

'yeah, of course,' cami said, 'i'm, uh, gonna go for a walk,' she said clearing her throat and standing up.

'okay, just don't go too far,' susannah said.

'i won't,' she smiled.

after walking down the beach for a bit, the wind started to pick, and the waves weren't as calm as they usually are, so she decided to head back early and get a good nights rest.

something like summer - jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now