A for ankle

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Sorry for my grammar. Please enjoy reading! Xxx

A for Ankle

It was just a normal day with a lot of paperwork for the intelligence unit. Jay was tired, because he had last night only two hours of sleep. Jay started the day with a coffee.

He walked to the coffee room. Erin had his coffee in her hand and said "Here is your coffee'' Jay answered "Thanks'' with a tired look in his eyes, but smiled to hide it. He was just about to go back to his desk when Erin asked what's wrong. He answered "nothing, just a little tired''. He didn't want Erin to worry about him, but he knew that she wouldn't believe him if he said he was fine.

It was around 4 July and Jay PTSD was going worst the past few days. He didn't want anyone to worry about him, so he just didn't tell anyone. Also he was scared that voight didn't let him go in the field anymore. He learned to hide any emotions in the time by the army.

Jay walked back to his desk and drank his coffee. Just as he finished his coffee Hank came out of his office. "Alright everyone we have a case, so suit up'' Hank said. Everyone jumped practically out of their chair, because they had finally something to do. Jay on the other hand just sat in his chair. Erin noticed it and came to him. "Hey, what's wrong?'' Erin asked. That caught Jay by surprise and jumped out of his chair. When he calmed down, he said that he just zoned out. Erin didn't believe him, but she didn't want to push.

Erin gave Jay a small nod and a kiss before going downstairs to gair up. They helped each other to put on a bulletproof vest and walked to the car.

"Can I drive?'' Jay asked, because Erin never let him drive. "No" Erin just simply said. Jay knew that Erin never let him drive, but he still asked every time. They ride to the place Hank gave them.

Once they arrive at the place, they step out of the car. "Alright everyone, the suspects are in the house. They are with six men. They are dangerous and armed, so watch out. Ruzek and Dawson go left, Olinsky and Burgess go right and Lindsay and Halstead go behind the back. Let's go people!" Hank ordered.

The suspects were hard to arrest. Ruzek and Dawson went upstairs and arrest one suspect, not without a fight. Al and Burgess had arrest three people with the help of Voight. Only two more needed to be arrested.

Burgess saw the two suspects ran to the back of the house. "Halstead, two people go out of the back of the house!'' Burgess said into the porto.

Jay and Erin saw the two man ran out of the back of the house. They decided to split up, because the two man ran both opposite way from each other. Erin go after the smaller man, not because she is less strong (i think personally that she can take Jay), but because she was the closed to the man.

They ran to the road. Just before the road Erin jumped on the man. The man landed hard on the floor. But that didn't stop him to fight her. He did get a few punches, but Erin was stronger and put the handcuffs on with a few punches. Hank came running and asked "Is everything alright?" Erin answered "Yeah, where is Jay?" Hank was going to answer but before he got the chance a loud scream was heard. Erin recognized the scream immediately and said "that's Jay!" The rest of the unit were now also by Erin and ran in the direction of the scream.

Jay ran behind the man he was supposed to arrest. They ran towards an alley and Jay was closing up. The man noticed and suddenly turned around and punched Jay. Jay was not paying so much attention and was caught by surprise. Jay landed on the floor but stood fast up and punched the guy. They landed both on the floor and went father with their fight. Jay began to get the upper hand, but he wasn't totally focused, because he was still tired from the restless nights. The guy twisted Jay ankle and get a pipe from the trash that laid close by. Jay screamed by the twisting of his ankle and couldn't defend him anymore. He was to tired and in to much pain to ran away. The guy hit Jay with the pipe on the ankle multiple times before he ran away.

Jay was till in pain when Adam came running towards him seconds later. Before Adam could ask what's wrong jay said "Go after the guy." Adam ran after the guy and just in time jumped on him, before he was gone. Adam arrest him easily, because the guy was still tired from the fight earlier.

Erin came running towards Jay. "Jay lay down ambulance in the way" Erin said while she pushed Jay back down. "I am fine" Jay said. Erin said "You're not fine, Halstead. There is a bone out of your ankle." Jay was in a lot of pain but wasn't going to admit that. For now he was to tired to argue with Erin, so he just laid down.

The ambulance arrived five minutes later and Jay was loaded in. Erin jumped with him in the ambulance without asking Hank for permission.

Will was just finishing a document about a patient when an ambulance arrived. He didn't look up, because you know it's normal in a hospital. Until he heard one of the paramedics say "Jay Halstead, 37 year old man, likely bronken ankle, unconscious, because of the pain." Will's head immediatly shot up and watch his brother lay unconscious on the hospital bed. He ran towards the room Maggie had said.

Will asked what had happened. Erin answered "He was fighting a guy and the guy twisted his ankle. After that he hit him with a pipe." Will was shocked. Will and Erin just waited for the doctors to give a update. Will wanted to help, but couldn't because Jay was family.

The had just arrived when the doctor came in. Everyone stood up. "How bad is it?" Will asked with concern. "The ankle is broken on multiple places. We could everything back on place. He need to walk on crutches for six weeks and after that two weeks desk duty. But he make a full recovery." Everyone sighed of relief. "Can is see him?" Erin asked. "You can go see him, he is awake. He need to stay for one night in the hospital" the doctor answered.

Erin walked to Jay's room. "hey, how are you?" Jay asked when he say Erin walked in with a few bruises on her face. "I should ask you that" Erin said with a chuckle. "I am good. Can we leave the hospital?" the man in the hospital bed said. "That is not possible, sorry. You need to stay. Tomorrow you can leave" Erin said. Jay was going to argue, but Will walked just in time in. "I will leave you in two alone" Erin said and leaved.

"Don't ever shock me again like that" Will said. Jay answered "ah, that's bad, because i was planning to do it again next week.'' Will was glad that Jay still could joke. "You are lucky, that you make a full recovery." Jay knew what was coming and answered "yeah, i know. I am really tired for a lecture and just want to go to sleep." Will leaved after saying goodbye.

The next morning Jay was happy that he was discharged, but he still needed to walk on cruthes. He was a bit struggling with everything he needed to carry, but luckily Erin just came walking in. "Here let me take those bags" Erin offered. "Thanks" Jay answered and walked out of the ER with Erin and on crutches.

The next couple weeks were hard and everyone was glad Jay could do desk duty, because the injured man just couldn't stop complaining. Erin had moved in by Jay to help him while he was injured.

After the two weeks desk duty, Jay could go in the field and was never happier. Also he had the past eight weeks to catch up with sleep, so he was less tires. Erin watched him fall in sleep and then she fell self in sleep. Jay was happy that he could throw the cruthes now for good in the trash. But Erin knew that wasn't an good idea so she stored the crutches in a box. Erin knew the crutches may come in handy one day. Especially when you live with Jay Halstead.

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