I for infection

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Sorry guys for the long wait. I had this story written, but when I tried to upload, it was all gone. So I have rewritten it. Enjoy reading! Xx

I for infection

Will and Jay went to a restaurant together, because today was their mother's birthday. They went with each other, because they are not in contact with their father. Sometimes they help him out but they don't like each other very much. Will sometimes bring groceries or supplies. Jay don't talk with his father and only times he visit his house if Will can't bring the supplies.

They had both ordered their food. "How is work?" Jay asked. Jay asked that, but he actually wanted to know how things were between him and Natalie. Jay truly hoped that his brother finally found love. "Good, but that's not the question you wanted to ask?" Will said with a chuckle. The past weeks Jay asked multiple times about him and Natalie. "You got me. I wanted to ask if you finally made the move on Natalie." Jay asked Will. "Yeah actually I did it yesterday." Will said. "Finally!" Jay said "what was her response?" "She wanted to give it an try and next week we're going on a date!" Will answered.

"How is Erin?" Will asked. "She is good. We moved in with each other." Jay said while smiling. He was so happy about the fact that they had took the next step. "Nice, can I come by soon?" Will asked wondering how the apartment look liked. "Yeah, you're always welcome!" Jay said.

After that the food arrived that they ordered. Jay had chicken with a salad. Will had meat. They drank it with beer. "It taste weird." Jay said. The chicken tasted not good. "I think that's the combination with beer." Will said. Jay still found it weird, but he thought that Will probably was right. Jay and Will finished their food. They ordered a dessert.

Both had the same ice cream, that reminded them about their mother. "Do you remember we always wanted this ice cream after we had walked for some time. Mom took us than to the ice cream car in the park." Will said. Jay just nodded. He didn't want to brin g up the memories of his mother. He loved her so much and to think about her would only bring up her death eventually. Jay was still sad and angry at Will that he wasn't there when she died.

Jay and Will finished their ice creams and talked a lot about work and upcoming events. After they both finished eating, Jay paid for the food and drinks. "Bye, see you soon!" Will said and walked to his own car. "Bye!" Jay said and also walked to his own car. Jay drove home.

He forgot his keys, so he knocked on the door. Erin opened the door knowing that it was Jay, because she saw the keys laying in the bowl when she had arrived home. "Let me guess, you forgot your key?" Erin said while laughing. "Yeah, I was in a hurry when I left home." Jay explained and walked into the apartment. "Yeah, I figured." Erin said and closed the door behind Jay.

"So how was it?" Erin asked hoping that Jay would say something about his mother. Jay was always a little bit quiet, but around this time , he didn't say anything. Erin knew that Jay loved his mother, but Jay didn't speak much about her. The most part of what she know had she heard from the other Halstead, Will.

"It was good, but I am tired so I am going to bed." Jay said and walked immediately to his bed. Jay fell asleep after two minutes with his clothes still on. Erin had changed and pulled the blanket over Jay and went to sleep besides him.

The next morning Jay didn't feel good. His stomach made a lot of noises and he needed almost every ten minutes to the toilet. Erin noticed it and asked: "No, I am fine." Jay said. He didn't feel fine, but he didn't want the team down. "Okay, but I see you are hurt and if it gets worse than we're going home." Erin said with a stern voice. Jay nodded and packed his gun and badge from the safe. Jay and Erin went in the car and drove to work.

Jay had felt worse than before, now he felt pain in his stomach and he felt nausea. Today was paperwork day. He didn't get any work done, because he needed to go to the toilet every ten minutes. It was around 10 AM when Erin and Jay stood up to go to the break room. Jay and Erin had always their pause around 10 AM.

Erin had made coffee and handed one to Jay. "No thanks." Jay said after he felt if he was going to throw up anytime now. "You aren't feeling good. Do you feel worse than this morning?" Erin asked. She held an eye on him this morning and noticed he needed to go to the toilet every ten minutes. "I feel worse." Jay admitted. He wanted to go home and lay on the couch with a blanket. "Okay, we're going home." Erin said.

Erin walked to Hank, who was in his office. "Hey, can I and Jay go home? He is sick. And I already finfish all my paperwork." Erin said. "Yeah sure." Hank said without looking up from his computer.

Jay and Erin went to home, after explaining to the team why they were going home. Jay immediately to the couch and tried to sleep. Erin checked his temperature, because Jay looked very pale. She saw on the thermometer that he had a fever. "Jay, listen I can take you to the hospital or I can call Will." Erin said giving Jay two options. "Call Will." Jay felt not good, but he never would go willingly to the hospital.

"Hey Will, Jay has an fever and is in a lot of pain. Can you come over?" Erin asked through the phone. "Yeah, you're lucky, because I am just on my break." Will said and hang up the phone.

Erin opened the door after Will had knocked on the door. "He is on the couch." Erin said and closed the door after Will.

"Hey buddy, now I can how the apartment looks." Will said joking. "Yeah, I thought otherwise you never would come." Jay said and tried to laugh, but it hurted to much. Erin was happy that Jay still could joke.

"How are you feeling?" Will asked and went to sit besides him. "My stomach hurt and I fell nausea." Jay said. "You're also having a fever." Will stated after checking his temperature with a thermometer. "You have food poisoning. Did you eat something weird yesterday?" Will asked. "No, I have the normal. Oh, I had that weird chicken in that restaurant." Jay said. He knew it tested weird, he shouldn't have eaten it. "Yeah, that could be the cause. I need to go back to the hospital but he are some medicine for the nausea." Will said and walked out of the apartment.

Jay took the medicine and felt better after half an hour. Jay and Erin went to play bord games for the rest of the day.

"I win!" Jay shouted. They had played monopoly and Erin was bankrupt. "You win, congratulations." Erin said. She was glad Jay was doing better and wasn't just laying on the couch. "I think it's time to go to bed." Erin said. "Yeah, I hope that it hurts less tomorrow." Jay said. "I hope that too" Erin said and walked with Jay to the bedroom. Jay and Erin went in bed and Jay fell immediately in sleep.

The next day Jay did fell better, but not so good to be back at work. Jay and Erin went to the park, but that was for Jay not so good to do. So Jay and Erin went after five minutes to home, because Jay felt his stomach and he also had vomited in the park.

"Go lay down and I think after you have some sleep you will feel better." Erin said and helped Jay o the bed. "Thanks" Jay could mumble, before falling in a deep sleep.

After a few days, Jay felt better and could go to work again. Jay and Erin went back. They had a lot of paperwork to catch on. Jay was happy that he could do paperwork, because he rather did paper work than have an infection, such as food poisoning.

Jay Halstead hurt (a-z)Where stories live. Discover now