Z for zolpidem (insomnia,anxiety)

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Z for zolpidem (insomnia, anxiety)

Jay had trouble sleeping the past few days. He was awake in the middle in the night and then couldn't sleep anymore. He had all the experiences since the war, having trouble with sleeping. But it never had bother him as much, but now with the case they are working he need his sleep.

So here is Jay in the middle of the night jogging through his neighbourhood to have something to do. He was also having anxiety, because of the case. So he needed to have the sleep, maybe medication would work on Jay, but he didn't want to try it.

The current case they are working on is about a boy. The boy was found in a basement from a old house. They couldn't track the owners of the house down. It looks like the boy was abused, he had signs of sexual and physical abuse. The boy had a trauma and didn't say anything, because he was scared of someone.

The found the boy by accident. They were busy finding a suspect from another case that would close the case. He was somewhere in the area. So the intelligence team checked all the houses. Jay went into the house and found the boy hiding in the corner under a desk. It brought back some memories that Jay had trying to hide from.

Jay had called an ambulance and stayed with the boy. The rest of the intelligence team went further with the search. And eventually the team had found the guy and brought him back to the station. Jay rode with boy to the hospital.

When the doctors told Jay there were signs of abuse, Jay had already guessed that when he found the boy hiding, all the memories from his childhood came back to haunt him. The intelligence unit immediately took on the new case, determined to help the boy.

Jay was when he was younger abused by his father. His mother was very caring for him, but was a lot at work to keep the providing for her family. His father was becoming an alcoholic in his spare time and blamed Jay for not getting anything done or when he just wanted to let some frustration out, he took it out on his own son.

Jay's mother didn't know about anything. Jay would lie and tell he fell at school. His brother had figured it out eventually and helped him clean up the wound, maybe that's why Will became a doctor.

So when Jay say the little boy hiding under the desk, there were coming flashback from him hiding away from his father, so he wouldn't get hurt. The nightmare also took up the little bit of sleep he was getting.

Jay had anxiety, because of the childhood trauma. He hoped for the boy that the boy would recover from it. Jay was nervous that anybody would find out about his childhood. He was also having panic attacks due to the anxiety. The memories came back and when he looked at the boy his own fear was trying to grab him and slur him back in his 9-year old body. That happened a lot in his nightmares.

Now Jay was jogging back home and going for an shower. After the shower he changed into his work clothes for the day and decided to go earlier to work.

The workplace for intelligence is always available and it is pretty normal to find someone present. Sometimes the members worked really late and other times they came earlier in. Luckily no one was there, so Jay didn't need to explain anything. Jay began working on paperwork that was needed for the last case they had worked.

Everyone came in work eventually. "The first step for this case is to find out the boy's name and family members. So far we have nothing and that need to change. The boy is stable in the hospital. Search if any parents miss their sons and go asking in the neighbourhood" Voight debriefed the team.

When Voight was talking about the case, Jay's hands began trembling. He was scared for the boy, for his childhood, for that people will find out. He felt his own heartbeat in his head. The sounds began getting louder and louder. He tries to concentrate on what Voight is saying, but it gets harder. Jay began with his breathing exercise that Jay had learned in the army.

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