Y for yield to sepsis

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Idea from @dancinintherainfall. It is again a short chapter, but I hope you enjoy!!

Y for yield to sepsis

Jay woke up from his sleep at 6 am. He felt bad. His temperature was high, likely a fever. His heartbeat was also a little at the hight level even his breathing. After being a cop and a soldier, he had a good endurance. So even after working out his breathing wasn't even this fast.

Jay was a little worried, but still decided to go to work. But first checking his wound on his feet. He had a wound in his feet that was caused because he stepped in glass, when he accidentally let the glass fall.

Jay had felt horrible throughout the days. His fever had spiked and his breathing became quicker and quicker. But today had felt the worse. His head felt fuzzy, he couldn't remember anymore where everything was in the house.

First he search fifteen minutes for his gun and when he finally remembered it was in his fault, he didn't know the password. He tried to remember it, but his head was tangled. He remembered it and got his gun and badge out of the safe.

Jay thought his confused mind was likely consequence of the fever he was now supporting. Jay still decided to go to work, since they had finished their last case and only needed to do paperwork. And Jay hated being alone bored home, he preferred doing work with his friends.

Jay changed and walked to the police station. He didn't trust himself to drive there. "Hey, you came here walking?", Kevin asked. "Yeah, just being sportive", Jay answered with a fake smile and walked with Kevin up to the bullpen.

Jay was really exhausted from the walk to his work from his house and he shouldn't be. Because it was just a 20 minute walk. Likely due to the fever, Jay thinks.

The team started to work on the paperwork all morning. Some members needed to go to talk to CI's or some higher up officers. So everyone walked in and out of the station.

Jay didn't get much done, because of the fuzzy feeling in his brain. He was also tired. Jay hadn't slept well that night, so that could be the reason.

Jay and Hailey were now standing by their desks holding a cup of coffee each. "What are you plans for tonight?", Hailey asked. "I think watch the new game and sleep maybe, not much on the planning", Jay answered. "Maybe we could go out on a date. I heard they opened a new restaurant down the street and cops could get discount", Hailey said. Jay didn't feel well, but maybe a date would fix some of the problems. And he didn't want to let Hailey down. "I would like to go on a date with you", Jay said smiling.

"You would need to wear something nice", Hailey said. Jay moved his position from sitting on his desk to standing when suddenly a wave of dizziness takes over. He tries to keep focusing on what Hailey is saying. "I have a dress..", that all Jay hears when another wave of dizziness takes over and now he can't hold the cup of coffee in his hands anymore.

The coffee falls all over the floor and the cup scattered in million pieces. "Wow, Jay are you.." he hears someone say when he is it with another dizzy spell and can't keep standing. He collapses on the floor and hears all the voices of his coworkers around him. Then nothing, he loses his vision and is pulled into the darkness.

Hailey rushes to Jay when she sees him collapse. She shouts for help. The rest of the team is out now doing their jobs. Trudy runs upstairs and sees a unconscious jay laying on the ground and Hailey bend over him checking his pulse.

"What happened?", Trudy asked and sits on the other side of Jay. "He just collapse. We were talking about going on a date and he let his coffee mug fall and then himself", Hailey said. "I am going to call for an ambulance", Trudy said and called the ambulance.

Jay was rushed to med with the ambulance. Hailey and Trudy followed the ambo, after Trudy ordered someone to take over the desk. Trudy notified the rest of the team that Jay was brought to the hospital.

The whole team of intelligence is now sitting in the waiting room. They are anxiously waiting for any news about Jay's condition.

A doctor walks into the waiting room and looks around, when he spots the intelligence unit he walked towards them. "How is he?", Al asked. "We don't know yet. We only know he got sepsis. We are giving him antibiotics and an iv to get the blood pressure higher. But we didn't caught it early. He already got organ failure for some of his organs, but that caught we early, so there is a good chance to repair the organs", the doctor explained.

"Is he going to live?", Kim asked. "We don't know. If he reacts to the antibiotics, got a chance. But not much, now is the time to wait", the doctor said.

"What caused it?", Hank asked. "There is a wound on his feet. We think there is a bacteria that went into his body through the open wound. He likely had already symptoms, such as fatigue, confused, fever and a fast heart beating", the doctor explained and walked back into the ER.

Adam walked back into the room after getting some coffee. "Here some coffee", Adam said. He heard a couple of thanks. "So any news?", Adam asked. "uh, yeah. He has sepsis and they don't if he is going to make it with the antibiotics", Hailey answered.

Everyone sipped their coffee and occasionally took a walk to stretch their legs. Eventually some were going home to go to sleep. Hailey stayed at the hospital and went to the cafeteria. The doctors and nurses were keeping her company when they could.

A day turned into a few days, but now one person could visit Jay. Hailey sat beside Jay almost the whole day, except when she needed to shower or getting food. Hailey sat now beside Jay with her hand intertwined with Jay's.

"Please wake up Jay. I am sorry that you went through it alone. You should have told me, told the team. We are all very concerned and worried about you. I love you, Jay", Hailey said sobbing. She couldn't see her boyfriend laying there almost looking dead. She was scared that he didn't make it. The doctors said that he was reacting to the antibiotics, but she was still worried.

Just then she heard a faint whisper of 'I love you'. Hailey couldn't believe her ears. She immediately looked at Jay. Jay was with one eye open looking at her with a soft smile of his own. "You are awake!", Hailey said. She called the doctors to let them know.

Hailey was happy. She called the team when she was pushed out of the room, because the doctors needed to run some test on Jay now he was awake. Adam, Kevin and Hank came running to the floor. They were still waiting in the waiting room, since there only could be one person with Jay. Kim and Al came from the police station, because some people needed to be available to the citizens in Chicago.

Hailey was led back into the room. "Please don't scare me again like that. It was horrifying to see you collapse like that", Hailey said with tears in her eyes. She didn't know if it were happy, sad or angry tears were. "I am sorry, I thought I had a bad case of the flu", Jay said. "You will get a scolding from the rest of the team once you are health", Hailey said with a laugh.

After three weeks Jay was slowly getting back on his feet. After a week he was released from the hospital and needed to bed rest at home. Hailey took good care of him. And Jay could get tomorrow back to work only if it was behind the desk for now.

"Are you ready to go back to work?", Hailey asked when she was back from work. She missed her partner at work and now needed to work with Voight. "Yes, for the past week I have been ready. I told you that also a week ago", Jay said. "Yes, I know. I couldn't get enough from you whining to go back to work and being bored", Hailey said with a sarcastic tone. "Sorry", Jay mumbled. He knew he could be annoying if he was bored, Will had plenty of time told him.

The next day Jay was so excited to go back to work he woke up earlier than normal and couldn't go back to sleep. He still wasn't cleared to go o a run, so he decided to make breakfast. He made toast with eggs and bacon. And decided to take a shower, because Hailey still wasn't up.

After some time they finished getting ready and ate breakfast, they went to work. When Jay entered he was met with some angry faces of his coworkers. They were all glad to see he was alright, but were also worried.

"Next time you are going to tell us, when you don't feel good or you can ride the desk", Voight said to Jay. The rest of the team agreed with the statement and nodded along. "I will try not doing that again", Jay said with a smile. They were all glad to see him and gave him a hug even Voight.

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