Q for queasy

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Sorry guys for the long wait. I was very busy with school. But now I try to upload once a week, maybe more. The idea for this chapter is from @StudMuffinStitch Enjoy reading! Xx

Q for queasy

Jay woke up with Erin at his side sleeping. He thought it was a good morning to go for a run. It was a nice day today, not too warm and not too cold. He changed into shorts and a T-shirt. He didn't feel that well, but he thought it was probably from yesterday. Yesterday he had a though case and stayed up late to catch the suspect.

He grabbed his phone and went out the door. He began running and felt a little pain. But kept running. He needed to keep himself fit and focus his mind on something else than the case from yesterday. Running always helps him to only focus on his body and his strength. After half an hour he was back at the apartment. He had pushed himself to his limit. He felt a little worse than he did before the run, but his mind was clearer and that mattered. He took a shower and prepared breakfast for Erin. He still felt a little pain in his stomach and didn't have appetite.

Erin had woken up and had already taken an shower. "Hey, babe", Erin said and hugged Jay from behind. "Hey, I prepared breakfast for you", Jay said and gave Erin his plate. "Did you already ate breakfast?" Erin asked. "Yes, before I went on my run", Jay answered. He hadn't eaten breakfast, but thought it didn't matter. He will eat something at the station. Erin didn't need to know, if he is going to eat later.

"We need to be at the station at 11 am, because of the case yesterday we can be later at work. So we can grab coffee on the way", Erin said and went to the bedroom. "Yes, sounds good", Jay said and grabbed his jacket. Erin came back with the badges and guns for work. "Here your bade and gun", Erin said and handed it to Jay. "Thanks", Jay said and opened to door.  Jay and Erin went into the car.

They stopped at on the way for coffee. They drank their coffee and went to the station. Jay thought the coffee would make the pain in his stomach less, but it only increased. And now he feels like he needs to puke.

They arrived at the station and went inside. "Okay, we got a case. Halstead, Lindsay go to the crime scene. Burgess, Atwater and Ruzek find information about the victim. Olinsky and Dawson find the parents and ask about his friends.", Voight said and went back inside his office.  "Let's go, Jay", Erin said and grabbed her coat and Jay's jacket.

They went to the crime scene. "The victim was shot three times. One in his leg and two in his stomach. The legs are cut completely open. They made a message, but we are still trying to find out what they wrote. Also the arms were cut off. The shooter was likely in a car and drove, but stepped out of the car to do the things. We think it's a gang war. The neighbour said that she saw a black car and the first numbers of the numberplate were 7 and 4", The man who had worked on the crime scene. "Thanks" Erin said and walked to the dead body. "Make a photo and send the photo to Ruzek" Jay said and walked fast back to the car. The dead body made him feel queasy and the pain in his stomach didn't help. 

Jay walked to an alley and puked there. He was nausea, but after throwing up he felt a lot better, so he shrugged it off.

Jay and Erin went back inside the car and drove to the station. Jay felt himself getting a little weaker from not eating, but if he did he would just throw it up. And it would probably go over soon. They arrived at the station and Ruzek had bought everyone lunch. Jay just went to his desk and worked on the case. And didn't eat anything.

They found new leads that day, but they could go home earlier, so that they could start tomorrow sooner. Jay and Erin went both to the apartment and Jay fell immediately asleep. Erin had cooked dinner for herself, because she didn't want to wake Jay up for food, so she led him sleep.

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