K for kidnapped

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K for kidnapped

Jay and mouse were going a night out. It was the night were they had lost a lot of army friends. They were doing a tour together with  people that were new, but also a few they already met in a previous tour. There was an ambush and there were 4 dead and 2 seriously injured and 3 light injured. So in honour of their friends they do a night out and sit in silence for their friends.

Tonight they were going to a new bar that had opened recently in Chicago. "Come on Jay!" Mouse said. Jay had some paperwork left and wanted to finish it before they left. "I am almost ready! Jay shouted back. Mouse knew that Jay was taking long, because Jay didn't like this night. He had always blame himself for the lost of his friends. He was their sergeant and he felt responsible for everyone. He was the youngest, but he was by far the best sniper in their team.

After fifteen minutes Mouse had come back to get Jay. "Now you come with me or I get Platt" mouse said. He and Jay were always a little afraid of the woman. They had great respect toward her, but her looks were intimidating. "Okay, I am coming." Jay said and grabbed his jacket. He put on his jacket and walked with Mouse downstairs.

They said goodbye to Platt and decided to walk to the bar instead of calling a cab. "Is it here?" Jay asked Mouse. Mouse had picked the place and hadn't say which bar it was to Jay. "Yes, here is it. It's a new bar." Mouse answered. They stepped inside and were met with a wave of beer and sweat. Jay and Mouse went to sit in the back of the bar.

Jay and Mouse ordered beer and began talking about the case they had today. "Yeah, I am just glad we could get the guy." Jay said after they had talked about how the guy had raped multiple women and men. Jay took the last sip of his beer and went to get two more beers.

Jay came back at the table and saw the expression on Mouse's face. Jay knew immediately Mouse was going to talk about the tour. Mouse tried it every year, but Jay always find an excuse to talk about something else or to leave. "Hey Jay, remember our last tour we did?" Mouse asked hoping Jay would finally open up. Mouse knew Jay blamed himself for the death of their friends. Mouse was hoping he could take that blame away by talking about it.

"Yeah." Was all Jay said. "Remember we saved those women and children in the village. Mouse said. He hoped that Jay would talk about the rescue. That was a beautiful moment and maybe Jay would talk about that. Jay would never talk about the time in the army, so Mouse had more chance that Jay would talk about a good memory than a bad memory.

"Yeah, the people were so happy. After that we had a whole party!" Jay said happily. He was glad he could help those people. "We were pretty drunk that night." Mouse said laughing. Jay and Mouse talked a while about the good moments of the tour and after that Jay switch to a simple subject. Mouse went along because he didn't want to push Jay about talking.

After two hours Jay decided it was a good time to go home. He had to be tomorrow at work and Mouse had an IT-course. They said goodbye to each other and walked to the opposite way.

Jay walked around the corner to his and Erin's apartment. He was about to text Erin, when someone slapped his phone out of his hand. "Hey!" Jay shouted and turned around. He saw the person who broke his phone. It was a guy around 6.3 foot (190 centimetres), he had brown hair and was blank. The guy tried to punch Jay, but Jay luckily blocked the punch and punched the guy straight in the face. The guy fell to the ground. Jay looked behind the guy and tried to found Mouse, but he already left. Jay decided to run around the corner he was. Just as he was about to turn left a guy punched Jay in the face. Jay fell back and felt dizzy. Soon everywhere were black spots. Just before darkness overtook him, he heard a familiar voice say: "good to see you again, Halstead." Jay knew the voice, but couldn't place the face by the voice. Then everything went black and Jay couldn't think anymore.

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