L for leg

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L for leg

Antonio and Jay went boxing. Jay liked to work out, but he wanted some variety. So after he had said that, Antonio suggested to come boxing. Jay liked to idea. So, here they are boxing in the ring.

They had already did a lot of exercise and of course a good workout. Antonio had now a punch bag in front of him and there was Jay supposed to hit. Antonio would yell which hand he needed to use and Jay would punch with that hand. "Right!" Antonio shouted. Jay hit with his right hand. "Left!" Jay hit with his left hand. "Left!" "Right!" "Left!" That went on for another fifteen minutes. "Let's take a break." Antonio suggested. "Yeah, please." Jay said. Jay was fit, but he needed after this intensive workout rest.

"I hope we get tomorrow the people that robbed the bank." Jay said. The intelligence unit had a few days ago an case that was about a robbery. There were people killed, so intelligence got the case. They were close. The had already one of the robbers, they just needed the rest. The team was planning to get them tomorrow.

"Yeah, I also hope so. We are very close. Tomorrow we are going to need to do a lot of arrests." Antonio said. "Yeah, I don't like all that running if they escape." Jay said chuckling. He liked the kick that this job give him. But sometimes he hated running after people. "I know. The break is over. We have only one exercise over." Antonio said and walked back to the ring.

Jay walked behind him and stepped into the ring. Antonio packed up the punch bag. "So we're going to do the same thing, but this time you use your legs instead of your arms." Antonio explained to next exercise. Jay nodded his head and began to kick against the bag.

After about five minutes Antonio said again "Right." Jay kicked with his right leg. "Left!" Antonio said. Jay went to kick with his left leg, but he suddenly felt something in his leg. He felt like his leg ripped apart. He yelled out in pain and ended up on the ground. "What happened?" Antonio asked now concerned about his friend. He never saw Jay a lot in pain, so if it happened it must really hurt.

"I think I pulled my hamstring." Jay said and grabbed his leg. "I think we need to go to the hospital to check it out." Antonio said and helped Jay get up. "No need. I think after a bit of rest it doesn't hurt anymore." Jay said. "And can you please not say anything to Erin, otherwise she is going to worry over nothing." "Yeah sure, no problem." Antonio said. He had a deal with himself as Jay could walk tomorrow without limping than he wouldn't say anything, but if he couldn't walk properly then he would say it to Erin.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow!" Jay said goodbye and tried to walk to the car. It was more that he walked limp. "Bye!" Antonio said and closed the boxing gym.

If Jay was being honest, he didn't just pull his hamstring, it felt a lot worse. He thinks he had a tear in his hamstring. But Jay couldn't say that to anyone, he needed to catch those guys from the robbery.

Jay drove to the apartment complex. When he arrived he decided to take the elevator instead of the stairs, it hurted too much for the stairs. When he stood for the door of their apartment, Jay took a deep breath. So that he could pretend nothing was wrong. He took the key and put it in the lock. He turned the key and opened the door.

He was greeted with an Erin on the couch watching an Christmas movie. "Hey, how was the boxing?" Erin asked after she turned of the TV. "It was a lot of fun." Jay said. He didn't lie, it was fun before the pain in his leg. "I am tired now, I am going to bed." Jay said and tried to walk with his best performance to the bedroom. Erin didn't notice how he had walked a little bit limp.

"Okay, I am coming in five minutes!" Erin yelled from the living room. Jay changed fast into some sweatpants. He slept normally topless. After five minutes Erin entered and changed also in her sleeping clothes. Then the both went to sleep.

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