D for dislocation

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Sorry for the short chapter! Sorry for the mistakes about baseball, I don't know anything about baseball. Thank you for the 100 reads!! Xx

D for dislocation

The intelligence unit, the members of firehouse 51 and the doctors and nurses of chicago med played their yearly baseball game today. They have two teams mixed, because some people just want to watch and some people want to play.

"Get up Jay, we needed to go in about three hours to the basball game and I want to have lunch in that restaurant on the way." Erin said while waking Jay up. Jay slowly woke up and it took him a minute to process what Erin had said. When he realised what for day today is he immediately jumped up from the bed. Erin was laughing at how excited Jay was. Erin liked basball but not as much as Jay. They had a deal that Erin would play with Jay and Jay would go with Erin to the restaurant.

They both showered and went to the car. Erin drived to the restaurant. They both ordered their ussually. "So have you decided what were we do Burgess birthday?" Jay asked. Burgess birthday was coming up and they want to do a surprise party but didn't where. "I asked Herman and he said we can do it at Molly's" Erin said proud of herself that she had a place. "That's nice. Sent youthe invitation?" Jay asked. "You would do that!" Erin said a bit angry that Jay had already forgot about it. "I will do it tommorrow, I promise." Jay said. He totally forgot that he had to make and sent the invitations.

After they were finished with their lunch they went back home and put on basball outfits. They both matched with each other. They went to the game and met up with their friends and team mates.  

After an hour Jay's team was losing. But Erin was up and she has a great swing, that's why Jay wanted her to be on his team. She hit the ball and run. She hit a homerun. The teams were now equal and decided to have a pause.

"Hey Jay, can I talk to you?" Will asked while dragging Jay away from the crowd. Jay already knew what was coming. Every year Will said to Jay that he needed to play careful, because Jay is very competitive and always hurts himself after playing baseball. He needed to be kind or his borther wouldn't let him play at all.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Jay asked, already knewing what was coming. "You need to be careful and not play on full mode or you get yourself hurt again." Will said. "Yeah Yeah, I try to play less rough." Jay lied, he would go in with all of his power. He didn't like to lose. Jay walked away, so Will couldn't say anything else.

The game continued. It was Jay's turn. He hit the ball and began to run to plate one. He passed plate one and ran to plate two. But Kelly saw his chance and ran with full power towards Jay with the ball. They collided with each other and there was a disturbing noise. Luckly only Kelly could hear it. So Jay could pretend nothing was wrong.

They both lay on the ground. "Hey Jay, are you okay?" Kelly asked concerned after hearing a 'knack' noise. "Yeah, I am good. Are you?" Jay asked getting up. ""Yeah." Kelly said not believing him, because he knew that he heard that sound and it didn't came from himself.

Will ran towards Jay and Kelly. "Are you two okay?" Will asked while examing the two a little bit. "Yeah, we're okay. I am going to wash the sand from me alright?" Jay said and walked away before either of the two could answer.

"Hey Will, I think you should follow him. When we fell, I heard a 'knack' and that didn't came from me."  Kelly said to Will. "Okay, I will follow him. Thanks!" Will said and ran away towards the toilets.

Jay walked fast towards the toilets. His arm hurted like a bitch. He dislocated his shoulder. He got in position and popped his shoulder back in place. He learned had learned this from many dislocations over seas. He thought no one saw him and was just about to go back to the game when he heared a familiar voice. 

"You really think you go back to the game after you had a dislocated shoulder" Will said not impressed that Jay popped his shoulder back in place. Will knew that he can do it. Jay did it once and that time Will was shocked. "Ah man, why did you follow me?" Jay said a bit angry. "Because had mine suspicious and Kelly told me he heard a noise that can't be good. It didn't came from him so it must came from you." Will stated "You're gonna let me help you and you put a sling on your shoulder."

Jay knew he didn't have a choice and if he was honest it did hurted. Jay walked back with Will to the game. Luckly there were a lot of doctors, so there was also multipule medkits. Will saw that everything looked good, Jay just needed a sling. He put the sling on Jay's shoulder. Jay was angry that he couldn't play the game anymore. He saw next to Will and watched the game.

After the game, Erin walked towards Jay. When she saw the sling with Jay's arm in it she immediately asked: "what happened?" "Remember that Kelly and I bumped into each other?" Jay said. Erin nodded, that didn't look pretty. "I discolated my shoulder in the process." Jay said. "I am sorry" Erin said and kissed Jay. She knew how much he hated to be on desk duty and with a sling on he certainly has now desk duty.

Erin pulled away and wispered: "atleast you have time to make those invitations now." "Haha, very funny" Jay said and walked away. He walked towards a table, but before he could get there Jay was stopped by Kelly.

"Hey Jay, are you alright?" Kelly asked feeling guilty about the accident. "Yeah, I dicolated my shoulder. Don't blam yourself it didn't hurt. I am used to the pain. It was also my own fault. I shouldn't have use all my strength." Jay said and gave Kelly a bro hug. They talked a little bit and Kelly didn't feel anymore guilty about the accident after Jay had repeatedly said that it was Jay's own fault.

After that Jay walked towards Will and they stood at the same table. "I said you needed to be careful" Will said. "Yeah I know, next time I will listen to you." Jay said. They both knew that wouldn't be the case, cause of Jay's stuborness. So they laughed about it.

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