chapter two

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[ chapter two ]
"People in Utah have heard what happened."


March 20th, 1986

Dear Diary,
Okay, I know that I said I'd write again tomorrow but this just can't wait. On the way to school, Chrissy and I got into a car crash. I'm okay. I got three stitches on my forehead and still had to go to school after! Isn't that a big load of bull?! I swear, Hawkins could be swept clean from an earthquake and dad would still make me go to school. Anyways, back to what's important. I'm worried about Chrissy. She was the one driving. She said she saw a grandfather clock in the trunk of a tree, which is what caused her to swerve into a ditch. But there was no clock, I saw the tree with my own two eyes. I'm not sure if she was still waking up and her eyes played a trick on her, or if she hallucinated it—

It was lunch and Liv was sitting on the bleachers writing in her diary when something—someone blocked out the sunlight above her, a dark shadow looming overhead. She knew it was him before she even looked up. It wasn't like she knew him that well or anything. He was just...very distinctive. "Hey," he said.

His hands were in his vest pockets—it was denim and he wore a leather jacket underneath. Liv had never seen him without them. "Hey," she replied.

Eddie took a step onto the bench Liv was sitting on, then abruptly dropped down on the spot next to her. It shook the bleachers and made Liv jump with surprise. Eddie was eccentric, intense and a bit of an asshole. But he was nice being around, sometimes. There are very few people Liv had met that had this force around them. A force that she felt drawing her into them like opposite magnets attracting. Eddie had that. Liv would rather die than admit this out loud—or even in her diary—but she found herself looking forward to their meetings in the woods each Wednesday. Sometimes, when they were nowhere near each other, Liv found herself wondering what he was doing at that very moment. She hoped he did the same.

"So, I, uh, I heard what happened." Despite his previous actions, his voice was gentle, unusually so.

Liv realized that she still had her diary open. She cringed and quickly put it in her backpack. It was embarrassing enough having nobody to talk to but a stack of paper, no one else needed to know that. "People in Utah have heard what happened." She teased. "Did you come over here to see if I had brain damage?"

He grinned. "No, I didn't have to see you to know that." Then, Liv was grinning too.

She looked over at him, his hands clasped together in his lap, eyes intent on her. He looked worried as his eyes settled on her forehead. Liv didn't know what that was about. "Then, why are you here? It's Thursday, I don't need anymore until next week."

For a second, he stayed quiet. Then he looked away. A long silence passed between them. "I, um, I wanted to give you this," Eddie reached back into his pocket, pulling out a folded slip of orange paper. "It's my band, we're playing at the Hideout tonight. We normally play on Tuesdays but, uh, the band that had tonight's slot canceled."

Liv took the slip of paper and unfolded it.

Corroded Coffin
At the Hideout
8:30 to 9

"Corroded Coffin? Seriously?" She tried not to laugh.

"What? It's a cool name." Eddie said defensively. "You don't, uh, have to come if you don't want to, it's not some big deal-"

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