chapter nine

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[ chapter nine ]
"Wake up, Chrissy. Chrissy, wake up! I don't like this, Chrissy! Wake up!"


     Ever since the fourth of July, people have been speculating about Hawkins being cursed. It didn't just start with that mall fire, there had been many strange things happening over the past couple of years. First, Will Byers went missing. They found his body in the quarry and everyone assumed he had fallen in and drowned. Except, it wasn't him. Will and the rest of the Byers family are all alive and well, living in California the last time Chrissy had heard. Then, Barbara Holland went missing not long after. Her parents assumed she ran away and even hired private investigators to bring her home, but it turns out she died in a toxic chemical leak from Hawkins Lab. This leads to the lab—arguably the most cursed thing to come out of Hawkins. After they tried to cover up Barbara's death, they were shut down and never heard from since. That's a lot for a small town to take in such a short time.

"We're here," Eddie said over the loud music coming from his car stereo, snapping Chrissy out of her thoughts. She wasn't quite sure what to do about her hallucinations—if that's even what they were now. So, she decided to stick with her original plan of forgetting, even just for a little while. Especially after what happened with Liv, she needed it.

His car screeched as he pulled up to his trailer, the engine revved and then stopped. The van door creaked when she opened it and stepped out into the night. Smoke from the exhaust lingered in the air. "This is, uh, my castle." Eddie opened his arms, gesturing to his trailer in front of them. He opened the door for her to go in first and in the distance, Chrissy could hear a dog bark.

Eddie scrambled to tidy up, picking wrappers off of a table to throw away. "Sorry for the mess," he said. "Uh, the maid took the week off."

Chrissy stood in the living room, looking around while playing with the sleeve of her sweater. "You, um...You live here alone?"

"With my uncle. But, uh, he works nights at the plant. Bringing home the big bucks." He was looking through containers and drawers.

"How long does it take?" Chrissy asked, her eyes on the floor.

"Sorry?" Eddie turned, he was half bent over, still searching.

"The Special K. How long to kick in?"

Eddie went back to rummaging through the drawer. "Oh, uh, well, it depends if you snort it or not." Chrissy nodded along. "Uh, if you do, then yeah. It'll kick in pretty quick." He smiled at her and opened the metal container in his hand. "Oh, shit." His smile faded.

"You're sure you have it?" She asked, starting to get nervous.

"No, no, I got it. Um, somewhere..." Eddie headed into his room down the hall.

Inside, he stopped short. "Sorry I'm late, sweetheart." He crossed the room to where his electric guitar hung on his wall. Eddie kissed his fingers and then brought them up to strum the chords. "You're beautiful."

He began going through cupboards, searching for the Special K.

In the other room, Chrissy was all alone, standing in the middle of Eddie Munson's living room. She felt awkward, out of place. She was slightly bouncing on her feet when she heard it again. Chrissy turned quickly, facing the window. The clock chimed somewhere outside.

Tock tick, tock tick, tock tik...

She slowly crossed the living room, her heartbeat starting to pound at the base of her throat. As she got closer, it chimed again. There was no one and nothing out there. I'm hallucinating, I must be...but then she remembered that Liv had seen it too. This wasn't just her mind playing tricks on her, there was a different explanation, one Chrissy just didn't know yet.

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