chapter sixteen

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[ chapter sixteen ]
"You know, if you wanted to tie me up all you had to do was ask."


The sun rose slowly over the lake, throwing an orange and pink shadow through the black sky as it cast rays of light onto the calm water. Yet all Liv could do was stare at the tied-up boy in front of her.

     Eddie was bound to an old wooden chair. Rope was tied around his ankles and chest, hands behind his back. She'd also ripped a piece of her shirt to use as a gag so he wouldn't scream or call for help. No—it was just them now.

     Liv crouched in front of him. He was still fast asleep from when he'd hit his head. For a minute there, she thought he'd died from the way his body just went limp. She had scrambled to check his pulse, bringing her fingers to the side of Eddie's neck, just under his jaw. She was both relieved and furious to feel his pulse thudding happily under the skin.

     Early morning light shone through the window, creating shadows across Eddie's face. He looked peaceful.

     She slapped his cheek—not too hard—repeatedly. "Wake up."

     Eddie's eyes slowly fluttered open. He blinked a couple of times, clearly confused. Does he not remember last night? Liv thought. Shit, how hard did he hit his head?

     But her questions were answered when Eddie tried to move and found that he couldn't. He looked down at his tied-up self before snapping his head up at her, the glare he wore could shoot daggers. "Oh, good. You do remember," she said.

     Eddie tried to talk back, he was going to say something smart and witty, but he couldn't talk past the piece of fabric secured in his mouth. All that came out was a muffle of what he'd said. Liv smiled. "Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you."

     He struggled against his restraints, the chair moved only an inch but nothing more. "You know, I used to be a girl scout," Liv said as she took a seat on the crate opposite him. "You're not getting those ropes off." She smiled menacingly.

     Eddie narrowed his eyes and attempted to speak once more. She bit back a laugh at his unsuccessful attempt. But then he tried again and Liv could make out what sounded like, "Could you just take it out for a sec?"

     Rolling her eyes, she got up and hooked her index finger into the gag tied around him before yanking it down. Eddie took a deep breath of air. Then he smiled up at her.

     Liv's face contorted in anger. "What are you smiling for?"

     "You know, if you wanted to tie me up all you had to do was ask," he seemed amused.

     Are you fucking serious? She wanted to scream.

     "Wait, wait, wait!" Eddie called out as she went to put the gag back in his mouth but she ignored him.

     Breathing heavily through his nose, Eddie watched as Liv paced back and forth. Studying her curiously, he noticed something she always did when she was nervous. Liv had a habit of biting her bottom lip and cracking her knuckles. He first realized one day when they were in the woods splitting a joint, taking turns passing it back and forth, and he'd poked fun at her for being a cheerleader.


     "Used to be," she says defensively. "What? Are you laughing at me?" Liv turns to look at him.

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