chapter five

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*This chapter contains graphic imagery of disordered eating which may be triggering to some. Please feel free to skip this and please know you can always reach out to me if you ever need to talk <3*


[ chapter five  ]
"Liv had a couple of ideas on how to take care of this. Most of them involved a baseball bat."


     Sometimes high school felt like one of the circles of hell. Liv stared ahead at her locker where a cheerleader and one of the basketball team's star players were making out on it. When did I die and end up in purgatory? Liv thought to herself. She didn't care what others did, it was none of her business. But they were really going at it and on her locker? Seriously? Liv tapped the girl on her shoulder. "You're blocking me."

     The cheerleader barely came up for air, half glanced at Liv and then went back to sucking face. Liv rolled her eyes, she had a single thread of patience left that was already coming undone. "Did you not hear me? Move."

     Looking real mad, the cheerleader broke away and looked at Liv. "Didn't your mommy teach you manners?"

     Liv felt her stomach clench as if she had just been punched. She maintained her poker face, not letting the girl know she had gotten to her. Everyone knew their mother was dead, this was no accident. And this girl was one of Chrissy's "friends." Was this why Chrissy had been acting so weird lately? Was this girl or someone else on the cheer squad bringing up their mother? If that was the case, then Liv had a couple of ideas on how to take care of this. Most of them involved a baseball bat.

     "Didn't your mommy ever give you the talk? Make sure to use protection, sweetheart. The last thing this world needs is more of you running around." She said in the sweetest voice she could muster—so sweet, it sounded sour.

     The girl gasped, her mouth falling open. She was about to say something, maybe even strike Liv—which Liv thought was quite funny, getting into a fist fight with a cheerleader on the last day before spring break—but the girl's boyfriend pulled her away. Liv heard her mutter, "Bitch," as they both passed from sight and down the hall.

     As Liv opened her locker, books fell out and pieces of paper fluttered to the ground. She bent down to pick them up when Chrissy walked by. She didn't look entirely there, her arms were wrapped around herself and she had a hand over her chest. For what felt like the millionth time in the past week, Liv thought: Something is wrong. She quickly picked up the pile of stuff that had fallen out of her locker and shoved it back in, before slamming the door shut. "Chriss," Liv called out.

     Chrissy was standing in front of the girl's bathroom. "What's wrong?" Liv asked when she caught up to her.

     "What?" Her sister's voice was soft, a little unsteady.

     "What happened? You look like you've seen a ghost or something."

     It took her a second, and then she said, "I just came from Ms. Kelly's office. I'm fine, we just...talked about things."

     "Like what?"

     Chrissy looked impatient like all she wanted to do was hide in the bathroom. "Liv, I don't want to talk right now."

     "Okay, okay..." Liv paused for a moment. "I'm sorry about this morning. You're right I-"

     "I can't do this right now."

Some Kind of Evil; 𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now