Chapter 12

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My eyes slowly blinked open to the white light surrounding me. It was morning and the time was... 12:54.

Oh gosh how long did we stay up till last night? I rubbed my eyes to clear the blurriness and rolled over like a pig. Thank god Bigbang were a busy group of people... No one to teach today!

I made an attempt to crawl off my bed and ended up taking my blanket wrapped around me. I slowly sneaked my head out like a turtle and wandered my eyes around the room.

Suddenly Sua jumped out in front of me.

"Yah, I can see you, just come out." She opened her eyes widely and made a silly face.

I chuckled nervously "Hey Sua... W-what you been up too? I said scratching my head.

"Just tell me.. You've been up to somethin', haven't you?" She squinted her eyes and pointed a daring finger at my face.

"What?" I played innocent

"Tsk tsk. Girl you smell like alcohol and like a badass" she frowned.

I cocked my head back. Oh yea I haven't showered in two days...

"Oh well, at least you thought about making me dinner last night" she said pointing at my ramen cup and an untouched ham and cheese sandwich I was planning to eat that night.

I laughed "Oh yeah, eat up... Bon appetite.... Wait why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I stretched my arms and let out a big yawn.

Sua went to the refrigerator and pulled out a container of leftover takeout food.

Sua took out a pair of chopsticks and sat down on the couch to eat

"There was a lunch break but I forgot my purse so I just came back here to eat and you know, to get my purse"

"How do you forge-"

Sua put a finger to her lips and closed her eyes "Shh. Don't question it."

I shrugged my shoulders and tucked my greasy hair behind my ears. Sua picked up the remote and turned on the small tv.

"...and we visited a rare group of people who are so rare, it was like a big surprise to us! We went behind the stage performance of the recent Japan spring music festival... It's BIGBANG!!"

Sua let out a small shriek and continued eating with her eyes glued to the screen.

They showed different clips of thousands of fans in line to go into the festival with the song fantastic baby in the back ground. It was a huge dome concert like atmosphere and everyone was screaming.

A few girls being interviewed were filled with delight and screamed "Saranghaeyo Bikubanga!" as they waved their neon banners and golden crown wands

Sua turned her head slightly towards me and gave me a stink eye.

"Having fun... TUTORING?"

"Yea... Yea we're getting a lot done and uh we're making really good progress.." I murmured trying to look away.

"I'm sure you are" Sua returned eating.

Few screen shots of them getting ready were shown "Of course it's Bigbang, even though they don't even try, they look so cool!"

All five of them were standing in front of the camera and waving brightly.

"Annyeonghasayo we're Big~Bang!" All five of them said in unison.

The camera focused on Jiyong. He definitely looked more handsomer and had a fresh flair to him. His hair was slicked up beautifully and his make up made him look absolutely flawless, not that he never did. The other members were gorgeous as well. Youngbae's hair was still in braids so I assumed that this was filmed before this week.

"Viewers of entertainment weekly... It's really been a while since we've been on this show" Jiyong said politely with a small smirk on his face.

The interviewer girl looked excited "It's really rare to even interview you guys these days!"

Youngbae stepped in and smiled "Actually it's rare for us to even be standing with all 5 of us right now" All the members laughed brightly.

"It's because we're all so busy with our own things.." Seungri said.

Jiyong gestured at Seungri. "Actually Seungri is the most busiest one of all right now because of his Japanese solo album. And Top hyung and Daesung are both filming right now..." Jiyong looked at Top and Daesung.

The interviewer nodded like she knew. "Ahhh so you're all busy. But what about you G-dragon-shi and Taeyang-shi?"

"Ah! That is a..." Taeyang put a finger up to his lips and smiled

"Secret" Jiyong finished the sentence pointing at the camera.

The interviewer laughed "Whatever they do, they're cool! But is there anything you can tell us anything that's coming up soon so your fans can look forward to?"

Jiyong nodded cooly at the camera and smiled "In a few weeks we're going release an album that we've been preparing."

I giggled to myself. I knew what album they're preparing. I felt so...special.

Jiyong continued in a professional tone "We'll promote a few months in Korea and then in Japan, and as most of you know, this fall, we will be going on our Forever Young American tour. So we'll be preparing for that as well."

Daesung stepped in and smiled widely "Please support us!!"

The camera zoomed into Top who had been quietly staring handsomely at me. His eyes seemed distractingly deep and beautiful like a black hole when he began to speak, "For our Korean VIPs who have been wondering if we were alive or dead..." Seungri let out a little snort.

"We're working hard to become better the next time we meet." Top finished his sentence without looking away from the camera.

The interview went on about them talking about the Japan spring music festival and few video captures of them performing.

They looked so flawless and visually amazing. The clothes were eye popping and strangely attractive. Each dance move and note were executed perfectly yet so effortlessly. They were truly artists.

Sua stood up and picked up her purse "I gotta go now... What you gonna do all day slacker?"

"Well I was thinking about looking for a job again and at night I gotta go...teach" I said.

"Oh you're looking for a part time job right?" Sua said as she put her shoes on.

I nodded.

Sua pointed to the direction towards the street out of the neighborhood. "You should check out the new mini mart they're opening, they're probably hiring people now. It was called something like speedy rat or something, I don't know."

Speedy rat? Who comes up with these names? "Alright I'll check it out, thanks" I waved as she said bye.


I took a satisfying hot shower and got dressed to leave.

Walking out of the neighborhood, I found a small shop with a few delivery men unstacking boxes from the truck.

This must be it! The store's name was... Ji*-market. "Service as speedy as a rat!" The motto was as cheesy as the name.

When I walked in, the store had isles that were still empty but I was able to find the person in charge. He was a stocky built man about in his thirties with a sort of a kind face. I filled out an application and he thoroughly looked over it. But without any hesitation, he hired me because he was desperately in need for a cashier soon. I had been a cashier during college so I had plenty of experience. I was to come in this weekend and work out a schedule and learn a few things.

I finally had a job to do... Although it wasn't as stable as a teacher's job, at least I wouldn't be bored.

When I got home, I quickly fixed up something to eat and spent the rest of the day studying up on schools in the area. But then I got side tracked to watching Bigbang videos and listening to their previous songs. And I felt that I was getting more intrigued and in love with them. What was more... I was going to help make music with them tonight.


*Ji- rat.

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