Chapter 13

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I entered the building casually as I could. I had on a light blue fuzzy sweater and comfortable jeans; I wanted to be as casual as I could. My hair was let down in my natural waves and I had on very subtle makeup...I wasn't going to go dressed like a teacher.

The building seemed more quiet and the hallways felt empty. When I reached right in front of the recording studio, I took a deep breath and brushed down my hair. I could see through the blurred glass a dimly lit light which seemed to set a gloomy atmosphere in it.

Okay, why am I getting all nervous again? It always happened when I was on this floor. Okay Remi, you're just here to help. Just here to-

"What you doing'?" A voice behind me asked in English.

I hastily turned around in a gasp to find myself accidentally crashing lightly in to Youngbae's chest. My hands immediately curled back in response and I jumped.

"Oh! I'm so sorry oppa, I didn't even know you were there!" I apologized

Youngbae had on a purple skater hat and a simple graphic black shirt and jeans. Dark framed sunglasses covered his eyes. He looked really sweet and casual today, like the "cute guy next door" kinda feel to him. He looked down and back up at me giving me a kind smile.

"You just have this special talent of crashing into me don't you?" He said as he gently held my shoulder back so he could reach in and open the door. He held the door open so I could walk in first and then he followed in behind me.

The room was empty and the dim light was made by these two chic looking lamps in the room.

Youngbae took off his sunglasses and set them on one of the desks. He sat down comfortably on a chair and patted a soft rhythm on his lap with his hands.

"We have this place all to us... Only us." He said in a very free hip hop style English as he bit his lips. Youngbae put his hands up and spun around on his chair.

I laughed at his playfulness and looked around. "Umm... Where is Jiyong...oppa?"

He looked up at the clock and looked at me thoughtfully, "He texted me about fifteen minutes ago saying that he's on his way here. So he should be here pretty soon."

I nodded and took my time to thoroughly examine the room. Even though I had been in here once, I haven't had the chance to really look at it. The room was incredibly comfortable looking despite its' intimidating sets of keyboards and massive stereos. There was a long black leather couch on one side of the room and a few chairs by the tables. Bottles of mineral water and high quality headphones lined the tables along with few organized sheets of paper and pens. There was about 3 or 4 apple computers set up and the desks faced the actual recording room. It was amazing to know that such amazing music was made in here. Me just standing here casually with Youngbae inside the heart of Bigbang's music... This was something amazing to think about.

"Ah, Remi-ya, do you want to listen to the track first?" Youngbae asked me as he turned on the computers and machines. He turned to me and pointed at a chair next to him. "You can sit down."

"Sure!" I said as I sat down.

He pulled up a few files on the computer and dragged some mp3 files out. Then after clicking on one of the files, he turned up the volume on the stereos.

The song started off with a heavy bass and small traces of dubstep to it. Then as the song gradually moved on, I could easily hear a very spirit lifting pop sound fusing into the previous tones. It sounded fresh and even with the clashing sounds of electronics and the soft notes of a piano, it sounded beautifully harmonic. Faint sounds of a cool retro type beat carefully mixed into it as the clean sharp beats complemented the overall sound. I instantly smiled as my ears drank in the music.

<Yessir- Gd and Yb. This is somethin' y'all never heard> Jiyong's voice flooded into the intro with a smooth flow.

Then Youngbae's part came in with a fresh sharp voice that I never knew he had. There were heavy and effective crescendos that helped release the tension into the chorus. I could already picture him singing this on stage with fireworks popping out around him. It was like a burst of sounds all coming together and it was overwhelmingly amazing.

The chorus was highly addictive <Can't die now- We're forever young!>

My head without even thinking began to nod along with the beat and my fingers tapped as well.

I could feel Jiyong's rap part come in as I heard his little, "Yeah- here we go... G to the D"

"Every night we go bolder, golder. Hold up, never heard such a thing called older..." A soft flowy voice began to rap along the song with ease.

At the same time, Youngbae and I turned around to find Jiyong walking into the room rapping quietly in Korean.

Jiyong looked different than his usual self. More of a shine and glow to him. He wore a white round fedora type hat that covered his eyes and casted a shadow on his face. He had on a slim black blazer with French colors of red blue and white stripes around the wrists. Underneath he wore a light blue Oxford button down shirt that made him look sharp and classy. His pants were becomingly black and strangely perfectly fit with his pair of Nike air yeezys.

"Oh you're here?" Youngbae said to him breaking my close observation of Jiyong.

Jiyong took off his hat and touched his hair. His hair was now a brilliant shade of golden yellow that shined brightly even in the dim light. It was slicked back very daintily leaving a small flip of a cowlick that stuck out cutely in the front. His makeup was still on from the photoshoot and he seemed almost inhumanly perfect. In other words he looked dashingly handsome.

He gave a quick nod and leaned down on the table giving a loud sigh. "Ugh I'm sorry I'm late. I'm so tired right now." He put his head down for a second and looked back up to see I was there.

"Oh annyeong Remi-ya" Jiyong gave me a cunning looking smile.

"Annyeo-" I started to say but then I felt something scratching at my legs. In surprise I let out a small gasp and looked down. It was a... dog?

"Jolie-ya~" Youngbae put his arms out towards the dog and the dog happily pranced over to him. He scratched the dog's back and behind it's ears and looked up at Jiyong, "Why d'you bring Jolie here?"

Jiyong sat down in one of the chairs behind me and rested his head back. "I brought her to the photo shoot because I haven't spent any time with her these days" he crossed one leg over the other elegantly.

Taeyang picked Jolie up on his lap and kept scratching her behind her ears. Jolie looked really kind of out of it but had the same attractiveness as her dad. "Jolie-ya. This is Remi"

I went over to Jolie and pet her gently. Aww she looked so cute just sitting on his lap. "Here" Youngbae said as he lifted Jolie off his lap and gave her to me. I had to use all my strength because she was a bit on the hefty side.

"Aren't you so cute??" I said cuddling my face with the dog's.

"Ahh~ Youngbae-ya.... We have to get this track finished by next week" Jiyong rubbed his temples with a stressful look on his face.

"That is why we have Remi!" Youngbae smiled brightly looking at me.

Jiyong looked up at me and raised one eyebrow. He pointed a finger at me, "This is serious! You can't sleep tonight alright?"

Wait was he serious? We were gonna spend the whole night up doing this? I slowly nodded with a scared look on my face.

His eyes softened and his lips curled into a smile, "Aniya*~ I'm just kidding, if you feel tired, I'll take you home."

Youngbae laughed lightly, "I'll take you to my house"

I had no choice but to smile and shake my head. "Nah I'll be fine. I can handle it."

This was going to be a fun night.


*aniya- non formal form of "no", like "nah"

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