Chapter 24

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I heard the jamming of keys into the door. The sound of keys being jammed into the door, the faint clicks of her high heels and the door swinging shut. She's here! Go go go!

    I swiftly ran out of the house and made a run for it to my house. Knocking on the door, I spoke into the crack of the door. 

   "Sua~ open up!" I banged lightly.

The door swung open again and Sua with a startled face looked straight at me.

   "Remi-ya, what are you doing outside?" Sua inspected me from top to bottom with her invading eyes. "...and wearing that...and looking like that...and-"

    "Okay okay, I know I look weird." I said as I walked into the house. 

Sua grabbed the plaid shirt I was wearing "Whose shirt is this?" 

    "It's-" I froze. Should I tell Sua? I felt like I was going to explode with these feelings inside me, trapped like a bottle. I had to tell her! 

    "Sua... I have something to tell you." 

    "Hmm?" Sua looked at me with curious eyes.

    "I think... I-" Wait a second! No no, I shouldn't be telling her this! Sua is a die hard fan, who knew what would happen if she found out? And I wasn't even sure if this was anything real... Was it?

    "I- mean, I'm really happy you're back!" I hugged her tightly with a hesitant smile.

    "What? Wait you were going to say somethi-"

    "Ahhhhh!! I'm hungry!! IS THERE FOOD??" 


And like hell it was the next few days. Every moment that passed by seemed to whip me over until exhaustion and yearning consumed me. Constantly working at night in the little market and waking up early in the mornings to go talk to school principals to ask about English teacher job hirings, seemed to go on forever. Sure it was exhaustion, but what kept me going was the little texts I occasionally received before bed.

    "I miss you" and "I cant wait to see you". The memory of that night and morning stirred in my mind several times as it gave a jolt in my heart. Every day, just the thought of him couldn't make me anymore happier. But he wasn't here with me. That was the one problem. 


     I got off work at 11 PM and headed home. The alley that I walked to and from the store was unusually dark with an eery green glow to it. The air was a little damp and when I looked up, I couldn't see any of the night stars. 

     I finally reached my door step when I saw a strange yellow envelope fluttering through the crack of the door. 

    Huh? What was this? I frowned and pried it out of the door. It was a plain envelope. There was no name or anything else on it. I quickly opened it, carefully ripping the envelope so that it wouldn't tear the contents.

Carefully unfolding the white paper inside, I gulped at what I read on the paper.

It was messily hand written in Korean. "Get the f*ck out you whore."

  No name or anything.

I blinked to clear my eyes but the message clearly said what I read. My hands shook and I felt a pair of cold red eyes watching me from behind. A chill went down my spine and my feet felt anxious to go inside. 

      This.. what was this?? It wasn't Sua's was it? 

     I folded the paper back in to the envelope and quickly went into the house. Shoving the envelope between the files on my desk, I tucked it away put of sight. For some reason, I couldn't throw it away, I had to make sure about something, or someone.

    My body felt crawly and disgusting. Even underneath the covers, I felt desolately cold. Pulling out my cellphone, my clammy hands rummaged through my contacts and called him.

    "Please pick up, please pick up" I whispered impatiently. But the infamous dialing tone seemed to go on endlessly but in the end, he didn't answer. It has been already a damned week since he hasn't called or texted me.

    I put my knees up to my face and put my head down to take a deep breath.

*Chime~* My phone made the text alert sound. I jumped up and quickly opened the text message. It wasn't from Jiyong... Instead it was Seungri.


"And what did you do last night?" I asked slowly in English.

      Seungri's eyes furiously looked over me in frustration. He wouldn't dare to look away and all I could do to keep myself from bursting out laughing was to look away from his glaring eyes. 

      "Yah, aren't you gonna tell me something?" Seungri blurted out in Korean.

      I raised my eyebrows in question "Excuse me? Say it in English please?" 

      Seungri's forehead crinkled and he scratched his hair. 

"Aishh, you..." He frowned, "Remi and umm, G-Dragon... You two..." 

      I cautiously listened, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

      "You and uhh G-dragon. Together...umm" Seungri sputtered out as he made little hand motions. "Yah, how do you say 'going out' in English?" 

       "Hmm? I'm sorry, what?" I purposely asked in English.

       "Aishh what the heck?! Just tell me Remi!" Seungri grabbed his hair in frustration.  

       I looked down and began to ponder, hoping that his curiosity would magically disappear. The truth was, I still didn't know for sure. And I didn't want to start anything that wasn't meant in this way.

       Seungri seemed to notice my confusion himself and he quit asking anymore questions. We continued to work on simple phrases and pronunciation of words until he had to leave for his schedule. Seungri said he could meet again tomorrow and Daesung would also be free around noon.

Deep in thought, I walked home with an expressionless face. When I got home, Sua was already there on the couch as her usual self with her laptop on her lap.

    "Hey did you eat?" I called out to Sua from the kitchen. 

"Yeah, I left some Chinese food for you in the fridge if you want to eat." 

    I heated up the food in the microwave and brought the food over to the couch to sit next to her. I stabbed my fork into the food and pulled it up to my mouth to take a bite.

     "AHHHHH!!!!!!!" Sua shrieked loudly.

     "Ouch Sua! What the hell was that?!!" I shouted back at her, hoping to take out the ringing from my ears.

     "Remi-ya!! Look at this!" Sua whimpered as she tilted the computer screen towards me. "Jiyong oppa... Jiyong oppa..." 

      I craned my neck to see what it said on the screen. It was a media article on a social network site. There was a small blurry dark picture on the bottom of the screen of two people sitting together. One person with short dark hair and the other with a black leather hat covering little...blonde locks of hair. 

     I swallowed the lump in my neck as I read the bold black harmful letters in the title of the article.

       "G dragon and Miko Kazuhara dating rumors arise!"

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