Chapter 14

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Chapter 15 Part 1

Jolie was sleeping peacefully on her little cushion. Jiyong kept his head phones on and was intensely focused with writing his own parts. Meanwhile Youngbae and I...

"Aniji*~ oppa, this would sound better because it rhymes with that!"

"What? Wouldn't this be better?"

"I think this sounds cleaner...doesn't it?"

"But Remi hmmm... It sounds a bit awkward to say."

"Okay fine whatever you want~ but I thi-"

"Yah, are you guys done?" Jiyong turned around to the table that Youngbae and I were sitting at. His eyes looked like fire itself crawling out towards us. He looked terribly stressed and his skin was pale and tight. But there was something else I could see in him... The way his eyes shone brightly and his eyebrows raised up every time he saw me talking with Youngbae. The way he lightly bit his lip and cautiously looked towards our direction. Was it... Jealousy?

Youngbae cleared his throat "Mi-an*" he sneaked a smirk at me.

Jiyong spun his chair around and flipped his pen around his fingers.

"Ah I'm hungry... Did you guys eat?"

I looked at the time. It was already 12:45? Wow time flew by fast. I rubbed my stomach with my hands and realized how hungry I was.

"I ate dinner but I'm getting hungry" I said.

"Me too" Youngbae said with a grin.

Jiyong stood up and jumped on his feet. "I'll run down to order something. What do you guys want?"

I said the first thing that popped in my head "Jja Jang myun*"


*aniji- a very informal way of no. Equivalent to "that's not right"

*Jja Jang myun- type of korean Chinese food. Black bean noodles.

*Mi-an- sorry


Jiyong pointed at Youngbae "You?"

"I'll go with... Jja jang myun too" Youngbae said stretching his arms.

Jiyong nodded. "Alright" Jiyong turned to me with very empty looking eyes "Remi-yah... Do you wanna go with me?"

I looked at Youngbae who looked like he didn't want me to go and then back at Jiyong who was putting on Youngbae's sunglasses.

Jolie woke up hearing her daddy's voice thinking that he called her. He pranced happily towards him and Jiyong pat her head.

For some reason, Jiyong looked intimidating to me. Maybe because he looked so perfect and beautiful. What would I even say to him when we were outside? I mean when we were talking back at the house, it was dark and I couldn't see his face. Maybe I should just...

" I'll just, um stay here" I said hesitantly.

Jiyong put his hat on and picked Jolie up to put her back on her cushion. Without even looking at me he said "Fine" very casually and left the room.

Uh oh... I hope I didn't upset him or anything. But then again, it's not like I was obliged to go.

I brushed the thought away and looked at Youngbae who had been looking at me this whole time.

"Oppa, do we have to do only this song or more by next week?" I asked.

"Ani*, we have to get the other tracks done too." Youngbae took out a sheet of paper underneath a stack of CDs. "But I did try translating it myself with my solo song."

He kept it kind of away from me and covered it with his arm "...but it's really bad, so..."

"Wait let me see" I said playfully trying to grab the paper.

"No, it's really-" He stood up and pulled the paper away from me as he laughed.


*ani- no


Jolie got excited again and pranced around us.

"Ahh oppa just let me-" I stood up and he started to walk back wards to the couch.

"Yah Remi-ya~" He whined with such a happy smile on his face. He raised his hand up high so I wouldn't reach it. But thankfully, Youngbae wasn't the tallest guy in the world and so my fingers grasped it.

"Got it!" I yelled as my leg twined with his. He lost his balance and as he fell, making me fall with him. His hand quickly grabbed my arm and his other arm wrapped around me. He fell hard on his back on the leather couch and I fell directly on top of him. My head was down on his flat chest and his arms carefully wrapped me. I could feel his heart beating rapidly and my heart started to beat along to his rhythm.

Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. I kept saying inside my head. My hands began to sweat in tremendous amounts and my head fell into a dizzy swirl.

When I looked up, I saw Youngbae awkwardly trying to avoid my eyes. He loosened his grasp around me and cleared his throat. I just laid there on his chest with a dumbfounded look on my face. I woke up from my trance when Jolie began to bark. We both looked at Jolie and then back at each other. What was I doing on top of him? Get off Remi!

How to make this a bit less awkward? I saw the paper in my fingers and thought quickly.

Laughing nervously, I sat up excitedly and held the paper up to my face. "Yay, I got it!"

Youngbae sighed and chuckled lightly. He covered his face with his eyes.

"...What was wrong I can't say. Didn't want it to end this way. Every time I saw you, my heart would stop..." I read the paper in my head. These words, they were so sweet... Something one would say to the person they loved but couldn't have...

"Oppa... This is beautiful" I put the paper down and looked at him.

The lyrics were really emotional and heartfelt. It was for someone near and dear to him.

Youngbae sat up next to me and touched his ear. His face was a slightly reddish color and there was a small shy smile on his lips. "Yah... You-"

He looked carefully at me and took the paper away from my hands.

Youngbae fumbled with the paper and I could see his hands shaking uncontrollably. He wiped his hands on his jeans and cleared his throat again.

I gave him a sweet understanding smile and his eyes sparkled. Without any hesitation, he scooted closer next to me. I could see the wariness in his eyes and his face looked nervous. His hand slowly reached over to my hand to gently lock fingers with mine. His hand was rustic but it felt soft and warm.

Wait, what was going on? Why did he hold my...hand?

Youngbae leaned towards me, closer and closer to my face. It was dead silent but my head felt loud and confusing. He slightly cocked his head to the side and started to get even closer.

What do I do?! Wait wait wait. I don't kno-

Jolie barked and ran towards the door. Youngbae jumped back and I stood up in surprise. Jiyong came through the door with two black vinyl bags. When he saw us, he froze in his stance.

"What you guys doing?"

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