Chapter 15

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"I- I was just-" I stuttered in response. Why was I being like this? I felt like I was caught red handed or something. But why?

"Ah I'm hungry, let's eat." Youngbae said standing up like nothing happened. He tucked the paper underneath a few piles of paper and took the black vinyl bags from Jiyong's hands.

Jiyong scoffed gently and shook his head as he walked towards his seat.

Youngbae opened the bags and took out our plates of food and opened a bottle of water.

"Woah looks really yummy!" Youngbae said trying to break the awkwardness in the air.

Jiyong just shrugged and started scrolling on his phone. He looked up at me and raised his eyebrows, pushing my plate towards me. "Eat"

I snapped my wooden chopsticks in half and began to eat the noodles.

"What are you doing?" Youngbae asked Jiyong as he began to eat.

Jiyong showed his phone to Youngbae "Instagram. Yah, what's 2ne1 doing in New York right now? Chaerin just posted a picture."

Youngbae took out his phone, "Uhh they're doing a recording with that one DJ."

"Ah that's right... Youngbae-yah look at this!" Jiyong said laughing.

He showed a picture of himself and Jolie photoshopped together. It looked pretty ridiculous and I had to admit, pretty well done.

Youngbae and I cracked up so hard when we saw it.

Jiyong smiled and pet Jolie who was stretching on his legs. "Aha fans are so good at this."

It was weird how the two were together. They were real friends and there was no awkwardness between them. I felt so comfortable with these two.

After eating, we all went back to work. Youngbae went in to the recording room several times in and out. Jiyong constantly asked me questions about pronunciation and the flow in the English, but I could see that he was trying to avoid my eyes a bit. When I would be helping Youngbae, I could see Jiyong from the corner of my eye looking over his shoulder. Whereas Youngbae looked like he couldn't keep his eyes off me.

The work was fun and it seemed like we got closer but when Jiyong and Youngbae went in to record after million times for perfection, I began to get a bit sleepy. It was 3 a.m. after all.

<Goin' up towards the sky~ never gonna die-> The upbeat song began to turn into a soft R&B song that began to lure me to sleep. My eyes blinked hard to stay awake. My breathing felt heavy and warm. And my eyes soon flooded with darkness.


"Oh Remi's sleeping" My ears caught the voice. I couldn't wake up and my eyes felt glued shut but I could still hear.

Was this a dream? I couldn't see from the darkness but I felt calm and serene. I heard some rustling and then a soft sigh.

Should I wake up now? I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I felt so out of it.

Then all of sudden, I felt strong arms wrap around me, one arm underneath my legs and other around my back. I felt so secure and warm from whoever was picking me up. Without a struggle, I was lifted from my chair and was in his arms. My face snuggled into his chest and I could smell his clean wholesome scent stagger into my nose. His arms seemed to cradle me and the fabric of whatever he was wearing felt smooth and alluring to my skin.

Who was this man? I wondered as my head still felt heavy and tired.

With gentle movements, I was put down carefully on something cushiony and soft. Probably the couch. But as he put me down, his face came dangerously close to mine and I could hear his soft breath invade against my ear. Quiet fingers brushed my hair off to the side in an exquisite and swift move. I thought that he would soon part his face away from mine... But instead I felt smooth tender lips brush against the side of my forehead.

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