Chapter 8

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"It's the first meeting for the tour but you're late. Since it is the first meeting,I'll let this one pass but the next time you will definitely be fired." He said as he shuffled through his papers.

He pulled out a thick file of papers and laid it in front of me.

"Welcome to the team, Remi-yang*" the man said with a firm smile as he looked at me.

His smile sent shivers down my spine. Seeing the way he spoke with an upper hand, I quickly assumed that he was the big dog. The head honcho. The infamous Yang hyun suk.

"Ah nae*. Jeosonghamnida*. I'll work harder from now." I said while bowing slightly with my head.

The other management director continued to talk as I tried to calm myself down. I looked up to find Top staring at me from the corner of his eye. When we made eye contact, he awkwardly looked away as if he never looked at me in the first place.

Did he remember last night?

Images of last night poured in my mind. Top yelling cuss words at his drunk state. A smile formed at my lips. He still looked a bit out of it himself as his hair looked matted and messy and his eyes half open.

I looked over to next to him and saw a friendly looking guy with light ash brown hair. His facial features had an overall elegance to him. He too was looking around when he saw me and gave a kind smile and a short nod.

I causally looked across to the far end of the table when YG was looking down. I could see Youngbae oppa carefully listening to the management director. He looked different. His hair or something, and a clean shave made him look more spiffy than usual. Then I realized. His hair...was shorter and smoother. Kinda like a smoothed down mohawk. He looked distractingly cute.

Then as I glanced over to his left, I saw a pair of annoying hands waving obnoxiously to get my attention.


*Yang- used at end of name for a young female. Often a kind way of calling someone. More to little kids.

*nae- a very polite and formal "yes" in korean.

*Jeosonghamnida- a very polite and formal way of saying "I apologize"


Wait... who is that? The hands belonged to a guy with dark wavy hair. His face looked very childish and his eyes were filled with playfulness.

He waved his hands even more obnoxiously now that I looked at him. He mouthed the words, "Remi-shi!!" with intense joy.

Well this was awkward. Should I wave back? But Yg sajangnim was right next to me. He was writing few notes in the columns of the long paragraphs.

I gave the guy a small smile and tilted my head a bit. He began to spazz and whispered something to Youngbae.

"Seungri-ya, I can hear you all the way from here." YG said in a monotone voice without looking up.

A few people chuckled lightly and Seungri automatically looked down.

Ahh so this was the maknae? He looked...cute. Or should I say, like a kid. I shifted uncomfortably as I heard light footsteps enter the room.

Jiyong walked in calmly into the cafeteria and me like the others all stared at him as he walked towards the table.

Yg finally looked up and gave a stern look.

"You're late Jiyong?" He said.

Jiyong bowed 90 degrees down several times with respect. He bowed down at the management and planning directors, "Jeosonghamnida"

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