Markiplier x reader chapter 1: A perfect life

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(Y/N)= your name
(E/C)= eye colour
(H/L)=hair length
(H/C)= hair colour
(S/C)= skin colour
If there is anything you want to suggest for this story please, go right ahead and if there is any spelling mistakes I'm sorry hehe. :) contains cursing, anyway enjoy!!!!

You woke up, sun shining through the curtain and hitting your face gently. You feel a warm arm wrapped around your waist and a light breath against your neck. You smile to yourself taking a deep breath through your nose and sighing. You felt the bed move, lips suddenly touched your cheek "morning beautiful" your boyfriend, Alex, says. You smile at his sweet gesture and turn around and rest you head on your hand and look down at him, smiling softly "morning" you simply say, and lean down to kiss him on the lips. Slowly you make your way out of bed and towards the bathroom. You close the door behind you and strip yourself of clothes as you turn the shower handles and feel the hot steam against your face. Once the water was at your comfort you stepped in. While you stood underneath the the shower, water colliding with your head, neck and back, you thought to yourself "I have everything I've ever wanted" you say in your head "a perfect home, a perfect boyfriend" you smile to yourself on that last thought "perfect everything". You stood there, not bothering to wash yourself off and just simply think. Once you had enough of standing you turned the handles and make you way out of the European style bathtub and feeling the cold air against your skin. You shiver a bit and quickly grab a towel, wrapping it around yourself.

You walk out of the bathroom and towards the wardrobe. You opened the wardrobe with one hand while the other held you towel. Grabbing your uniform and drying yourself off, you change into your uniform. You buttoned up your blue shirt, slipped on your black skirt over your blue shirt and pulled up your black tights and headed for the door. You slipped on your black shoes and as your hand reached for the handle you remembered one more thing. You turn but ended up face to face with your loving boyfriend. He leaned down and kissed you gently on the lips. You smiled in the kiss and pulled back saying "I love you, I'll be back around 6:00pm, see you soon" you opened the door but turned and gave Alex a quick peck on the cheek and walked out of the apartment. "(Y/N)!" Alex called out, you turned around quickly "love you" he simply says, you smile back and head to the elevator.

(Time skip)
You open the door of your car and close it behind you, locking it as you walk away. Walking into the café you worked at, you were met with a kind, familiar smile. Your friend Ebony. She was always excited about everything, even the most littlest of things. You both greeted each other. You walked behind the counter with her while she went back to stack a few To-Go cups. The bell that hung over the door rang, signalling that a new customer has walked in. Ebony leaned over to your ear and whispered, still looking at the man who just walked in "he looks so cute, I bet you wished you didn't have a boyfriend" you elbowed her playfully. You finally looked up to see what she was talking about and were met with kind, brown eyes and a contagious smile. The man walked up to the counter "hello" you simply say, too embarrassed to say anything else "hi, um, could I get an expresso To-Go, please?" You stare at him for a moment, fixated on his dark hair and facial features. Soon enough you felt your face go red and heat up "um, yeah anything else?" You snap out of you trance and look at Ebony, she tried to contain herself of laughter as she prepared for the expresso To-Go "no, that's all thank you" you told him the amount for the expresso, he payed and after receiving his expresso he flashed a smile to you and walked out of the café.

You groan to yourself while Ebony laughed away, falling to the floor clutching her stomach "you should've seen your face!! It was so red!!" She continued laughing and rolling on the floor, "shut up Ebony at least I could actually talk to boys!!" Is all you had to say for her to shut up "whatever man, your face was still priceless" she giggled a bit more, by this time you were already losing your temper "I said, shut up!! My god!!" Is all you said as she fell into another fit of laughter. You groan to yourself, putting elbows against the counter and your head resting on your hands. You were plotting whether or not you should kill Ebony quickly or slowly... Either way it would shut her up. Still, you couldn't wait to go home and see Alex.

But who knew going home to see Alex was the thing that was going to change your life forever. For better? Or for worse?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed, please leave some comments if you think I should continue. I'm sorry if your name is Ebony or Alex hehe thanks for reading it this far and until next time, I will see YOU in the next story... Buh-byyyyyeeee!!!

Sincerely The Very Fancy Panda.

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