Markiplier x reader chapter 13:

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A Month Later...
Your belly was getting bigger. It wasn't huge, but it was looking pregnant. You sat down on the couch and wrapped your arms around it. A baby.

You sigh, still feeling a bit nauseous. Three months pregnant.
Even though it applies to you, the words "pregnant" and "pregnancy" scare you. You always feared having a child.

Mark comes into the living room.
"How do you feel?" he asks, sitting behind you and putting a hand on your belly.
"Fine," you say, releasing a deep breath as you do.
You feel relieved while he's around.
He looks at you. "Yeah? What is it?"
"Life is a gift. It's a good thing," you say.
He smiles at you and kisses you on the cheek.
"Atta girl."


You wake up in the middle of the night in severe pain. You run to the bathroom and pop a couple of painkillers, but you feel like death. It's endlessly sore and extremely hurt. Something is wrong.

"Mark!" you shout.
"MARK!" You scream.
He hurries over.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?"
"N-no...take me to the hospi..."
You trail off, feeling something in your pants.

You begin tearing up and put on a pad before you leave. Mark speeds down the highway in a panic. You're rushed into the ICU and they immediately start doing tests.
"Ma'am, please don't panic, but there's something wrong with your baby. We're doing the best we can to decipher what this means."

You start sobbing immediately after the nurse leaves. You you cover your face with your hands in a flurry of tears. Mark paces around the room.
The doctor comes in.

"Please, have a seat."
Mark sits down in a chair.
"Mrs. Fischbach, I'm sorry to inform you that you have miscarried. There was no reason behind it."

Silent tears fall from Mark's eyes, and you begin crying in emotional pain. You bury your face in your shirt.

They remove the fetus from your womb and allow you to be released.

The car ride home is quiet and sad. Mark holds your hand the whole time.

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