Markiplier x reader chapter 3: What now?

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You couldn't believe what he just said 'you can live with me'. You stuttered, trying to find the right words "but, you don't know me and I don't know you! Well I do but not personally I mean, seriously, COME ON" he looked down and looked back up "okay then, my name is Mark Fischbach and you are?" He held his hand out, you hesitated but politely accepted it "my name is (Y/N) (L/N), uuuuhhh, nice to meet you? Hehe" he only smiled that warm hearted smile and shook your hand "see? Now that we know each others names, we should get to know each other better" you smiled at the thought, talking to THE Markiplier and potentially living with him? Your day started like crap but things were looking up. During the car ride you both spoke about you interests and dislikes and you found out many things you never knew about him, you explained why you can't go back home and he understood. Half way through the ride you remembered and asked quietly "what about my stuff?" You looked over at him while he kept his eyes on the road, "well, we could possibly pick your stuff up now, I mean, if HE isn't there" you nodded, "well, it's worth a try you know?" You noticed him smile a bit "alright, show me where you live". With that, you guided him to the last place you want to be.

(The classic time skiiiiiip)
You arrived in front of the apartment you used to live in and even though you doubted it would be open and that you remember leaving you keys behind when you stormed off, you took a shot and turned the door handle. Surprisingly, it was open, you snapped your head to look at Mark, his face as shocked as yours. You pushed the door open, trying not to make as much noise and as you walked in you noticed that no one was there. Walking in, you looked behind and ushered Mark to come in. You walked around and noticed all your things were still there, you walked upstairs to your bedroom and and grabbed the clothes you loved and needed and stuffed them in your suitcase. Mark came up "hey" is all he said "hey, umm, could you possibly go down stairs and on the table behind the couch is a marble box about
yay-big?" He nodded "of course" and headed down stairs to pick up the marble box. In that marble box was all your jewellery and a photo of your deceased parents... You shook the feeling of sadness off and continued packing, although every so often, the thought of your parents would pop up in your head sooner or later.

(Another sucky time skip)
After only an hour and a half or so of packing you finally finished and drove off with your belongings in Marks car. You wondered why Alex wasn't home but you shook the thought away and continued the moment you were experiencing right now with Mark. "So umm you planning on making a video today?" You ask sheepishly, Mark chuckled, 'his laugh is adorable' you think to your self and wait for an answer from Mark "yeah, I was just going to play a few indie horror games, since, you know, people like watching me freak out over every jump scare" you nodded slowly and looked back at the road. For a few minutes there was silence until it was broken by Marks deep voice "you want to do a video with me one day?" He smiled to himself, still looking towards the road and grasping the steering wheel "yeah that would be awesome!!" You nearly raise your voice but remember your in a car. He chuckled some more which seemed to be contagious for you started chuckling "a-alright then when ever you want to make a video with me, you can and I swear you will have the most fun you will ever have" you chuckled some more "that would be awesome, thanks Mark". You looked out the window, seeing all buildings and cars zoom past you.

(Marks POV)
I made her laugh! It was so adorable and she even agreed to make videos with me! Wait, dammit, I don't have an extra bed, I don't want her sleeping on the couch. She could sleep me, if she agrees that is... God I'm such a creep. Oh well might as well ask her, "hey, (Y/N)?" She turns to me and looks and me with those beautiful (E/C) eyes of hers, "yeah?" Her voice is so soothing and kind... God dammit Mark! Snap out of it and ask her! "Umm, well I was just thinking..." Stop stuttering and tell her! No but then she'll think I'm a creep! "I was just thinking..." "Yeah?" Stop hesitating, okay, here we go, "well I don't have another bed and I think it would be rude just to leave you sleeping on the couch so ummm, you know I don't want to sound like a perv, but, you could sleep in my bed.. If you want of course!"
... Real smooth Mark
"Oh no it would actually be nice if you let me sleep in your bed but you know I don't want to be rude so ummm I could just sleep on the couch... Umm..." Her voice seemed to quieten down a little, she must be shy, of course she is I, I just asked her if we could sleep in the same bed together! "Oh, no it's no bother at all really, as long as your comfortable" oh no... My face is heating up so bad! Okokokok just don't make eye contact "thanks Mark, you're really kind" said (Y/N) as she looked out the window once more. *sigh* that was close... I can't believe (Y/N) is gonna sleep in my bed tonight. This would get interesting. *_*
(End of POV)

Your face was heating up so bad, you tried looking the other way so he wouldn't see. Did Mark just ask if you could sleep in the same bed as him? Oh god my inner fangirl is screaming her head off. Finally! We're at his apartment ok now just get over it, it doesn't mean he like you it just means he's being nice... Or is he? Shut up inner fangirl! You don't know hat your saying. Time to unpack. Only a few hours past and you finally bringing the last two boxes up with Mark. You entered the elevator and as the door closed everything went silent. You waited for what seemed to be an eternity when the doors finally opened. Mark rushed out and you followed behind. You just then noticed he was still wearing his pyjamas and bathrobe (in the pic above) you blushed to a lovely shade of red and hid you face behind the box, you heard the door of his apartment open and were relieved that the unpacking was finally done. You both crashed onto his couch, him sitting up right and your legs over his as you layer down. "Argh I'm all sweaty now, that was too much exercise" you hear him groan and you laugh and respond with "*sigh* same" you both chuckled but stopped when you felt Mark jump up a bit and hear him say "want some ice-cream?" You jolted up, uber-excited knowing you LOVE ice cream!!! (And if you don't well I'm sorry but now you do:) you sprinted towards the kitchen and you watch him swing the freezer door open and as soon as he did, treasure was revealed, the ice cream being the treasure. Mark pulled one out for you and and him. You both sat back on the couch, this time both of you sitting and next to each other. You both were talking eating ice cream in peace when suddenly Mark stopped talking and looked in concern. You ask "what?" He, in response, reached his hand out to you and put his thumb under your lip, you feel him gently wipe your mouth. You face was heating up and you swore you were blushing like crazy. You wanted to kiss him so bad. Mark then returned him thumb to his mouth and sucked on it, saying "you had a bit of ice-cream on your face" he chuckled, and you chuckled too, soon enough that chuckle turn into laughter. You were both laughing so hard.

(Marks POV)
Her laugh is adorable!! Got I love her... Shut it Mark!! You creep but still, her blushing face was so cute and I really do think I have feelings for her... In that way. I should ask her out, no! Too soon, man, too soon. Just wait awhile. What if she says no? I'm so confused. I stare at her while she still giggles a bit then settles down. Yeah, I think I do like her...
"Want to make a video?" I ask, her calm face then brightens up, she jumps around excitedly "yes, Mark, yes!" She says, 'you just hope she says that when you ask her out' I mentality shout and slap my inner voice in the face. I laugh as if nothing is wrong and guide (Y/N) to the room where the magic happens...

Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed!!
Sincerely The Very Fancy Panda

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