Chapter 8: the end?

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You don't know how it started.

You think it started with a disagreement.

Then it just got out of hand.

Voices were raising and your argument was heating up.

"Why do you have to have a problem with everything I say?!" You shout at Mark from across the room "what do you mean?! I don't disagree with you on everything! God why do you have to be such a pain!" He shouts back, there was silence "no, why can't you just agree with me or at least compromise except making everything difficult!?" You shout back "oh I make everything difficult? Fine, leave then!" Anger was boiling inside you "fine! Forget about the wedding!" You turn and leave, slamming the door behind you.

(Marks POV)
Why does she have to be so difficult! God I just hope she doesn't come back- wait what am I thinking? I just told her to leave... what if she doesn't come back? No... (flashback) "Fine! Forget about the wedding!" Dammit! Why did I have to say those things? Will she come back? God, I'm an idiot! She left her phone here and her keys. How am I supposed to contact her? Fuck! God dammit! What do I do now...

(Your POV)
You walked on the sidewalk as cars on the road zoomed past you. You began to think, 'what began that fight?' You wonder then it hit you, it began when Mark brought up about having kids and you knew you didn't want to disappoint him by saying you couldn't have kids, it was in your genetics and instead of saying that you just said you didn't want any.

(Flashback) (this bit contains abortion issues and I know it's a touchy subject so you can skip to the end of the flashback if you want)
"Why?" He asked, you just shook your head "because I just don't want to give birth you know? I don't know" you placed a book on the shelf and turned to look at him "what if you get pregnant-" it was pissing you off, can't he just leave it alone?! he kept talking about how if you somehow get pregnant when deep down you knew you couldn't, "I'll just get an abortion! Jeez can you just leave it alone now?" You look at him and see his face go from calm to boiling rage "what?! You are not getting an abortion if you get pregnant! That's murder!" you snapped back, "what?! I just don't want to give birth is that too much to ask!" "I would never forgive you if you get an abortion!" You two kept arguing, the fight heating up, it continued for the whole day. The next day you decided to tell him that you can't have kids because of your genetics "Mark?" You say but Mark started the conversation with "your not getting an abortion" you lost it "why do you have to have a problem with everything I say?!".

(End of flashback)
Why couldn't you just tell him in the first place? Why couldn't you just ask him 'what about adoption?' But nooo you just had to say abortion. You mentally screamed and slapped yourself. You felt wet droplets land on your the side of your face, you look up and rain started pouring down, you ran and found shelter. This is gonna be a long night.

(Marks POV)
It's starting to rain, argh! I should go look for her. It would take forever though, what do I do?

(Your POV)
After what seemed like gourde the rain finally stopped but you just sat there, on the small flight of stairs that lead into a café. You sat there with your knees to your chest and you arms hugging your legs. You were contemplating whether to go home or keep wondering around, even though you had nowhere to go. You unconsciously stood up and started walking. Your arms hugging your shoulders, you hunched over a little, feeling the water on your shoulders starting to become cold. You sigh and just kept walking not knowing where you are going. You checked your watch, it was 11:37pm, three hours since you left and you knew it was late. The water on your shoulders that were absorbed by your cotton jacket was beginning to evaporate. You freezing still. You looked to your side and noticed you were now standing in front of the apartment complex that you and Mark lived in. You straightened yourself up and walked in.

YOU THEN STOOD in front of Marks door. The same door that he opened for you so that you had a place to call home. You lifted your balled fist and knocked slowly on the door three times. After only a minute the door swung open, there stood Mark, you looked up at him into his eyes and burst out in tears. He engulfed you in a hug. You hugged back tightly and buried your face in his chest. You walked in and he closed the door behind you "I'm so sorry please I didn't mean to say all those things! I-I don't want an abortion and I want to marry you please..." you say as you cried even more "I'm sorry too, it's okay" you could hear the pain in his voice.

(Time skip)
You two sat on the couch "Mark it's just that I can't have kids because it's in my genetics I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to let you down..." He hugged you tighter, "it's okay, you can never let me down and you know what?" You look up at him "we can just adopt, I'm sorry for putting pressuring on you". That night you two laid on the couch and fell asleep in each others arms.

I'm sorry if that was too long for your liking, if you liked please give it a star thing, comment or even follow me! Thanks for reading! From The Very Fancy Panda. Buh-byyyyyeee!!!

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