Markiplier x reader chapter 2: Falling apart

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It was only 4:30pm but your boss let you go home early. You didn't question why, instead you walked out after saying thank you and drove home, thinking of Alex.

(Le time skip)
You drove into the driveway, and as you turned of the engine, you opened the door and and climbed out, closing the door behind you. Hearing the thunk of the door, you locked it and walked into the building and towards the elevator. You pressed the button and less than a second later, the doors began to close. You took out your phone and wanted to text Alex but you thought it should be a surprise so you inserted the phone back into your pocket and waited for the elevator to reach your floor and soon enough it did. The doors opened and you stepped out into the hall way and walked happily to your apartment. You were a few metres away when you pulled out your keys but once you got to the door you heard laughing coming from Alex and a... Woman?! Is he with another woman? Is he cheating on me? You shook those negative thoughts away and, with a shaky hand, inserted the key into the lock and as you turned the key, time seemed to slow down, and as you heard the 'click' signalling it was unlocked, you pulled the key out and turned the handle with your other hand, still hearing the laughter of another woman.

You swung the door open, the living room right in front of you and as you looked around you see Alex on the couch and on top of him was... Another woman. A woman you haven't seen before. Alex stared at your shocked face for a split second until he spoke "(Y/N), you're home early..." His voice sounded nervous and as he picked up the woman and sat her next to him and stood up, slowly walking towards you, he tried to speak once more but you interrupted "WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" You scream, "look, it's not what it looks like!" He screams, not sounding a bit convincing "oh, really 'not what it looks like'!?!? How about you fucking prove that you little ass-wipe!?!?" , he laughed nervously "don't giggle you little shit! What the fuck are you doing with that dirty slut?!?!" He stuttered a bit, the woman tried to speak, obviously annoyed but you cut her off "shut it, flat chest" you said flatly and looked back at Alex "look we can talk about this, okay?" He said, trying to sound calm, but you just lost it "YOU RETARDED PRICK!! Talk about it!?!? What the fuck!?!? So your one of those miserable morons you don't give a shit about other peoples feelings and think that this type of crap is okay to do, okay!" He opened his mouth but shut it as you continued "and you know what I say to that? FUCK YOU, YOU DICK SUCKING MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" There was silence, your eyes tearing up a bit but you held them back, Alex once again tried to speak but you cut him off once again "say anything and you'll be admitting your just another succubus from hell... Argh!! I'm leaving you dumb-ass and have fun with this flat-ass bitch of a whore right here" with that you turned and slammed the door behind you. You heard open again and heard his straining voice "fine!!! Don't come back you crazy bitch!!!". You kept speed walking down the hall. Never looking back.

You climbed into the car and slammed the door. You put your head against the wheel and broke out in tears and started sobbing your heart out... You loved him... You trusted him... He was... Perfect... On the outside at least. You turned you car on and drove, not knowing where you were going, as long as it's anywhere but there. You kept driving until you stopped near a pub (bar) and as you walked in, the smell of alcohol surrounded you, noise and dim lights created the feeling of a pub. You sat down on a seat in front of the bar and placed your crossed arms onto the table and rested your head on your arms. You didn't want to talk to anyone so you just sat there until an old bartender, his white beard and hair complimenting his kind smile, stood on the other side of the counter cleaning the inside of a class cup "rough day, huh?" He asked, waiting for an answer he thought he would never get "yeah" is all you said as you looked up and rested your chin on your crossed arms. The bartender only nodded as he filled a shot glass with alcohol, he placed it in front of you "on the house" is all he said as he hit hand on the counter lightly and went back to serving other customers. You smiled to yourself and took the shot, downing it down and placing the shot glass back on the counter.

(Another time skiiiiiip)
Shot after shot, the world around you became blurry, you felt light headed. You thought it was useless trying to solve your problems by drinking but you continued. Soon enough you couldn't take it. The bartender tried speaking but as you listened to him, his voice became more and more inaudible. You smiled like a dork and walked off, trying to walk normally as everything around you became uneven, blurry and plain confusing. You finally made it to the door without falling or running into someone and opened the wooden door. On the other side you were met with loud noises, bright lights and people talking all around you. You walked to your car and tried opening it but it didn't work, you kicked the side of the car and growled in frustration, suddenly, you felt a strong grip on you shoulder and that hand spun you around. You were met with a tall man, you looked up and were met with kind and confused eyes. The man spoke "are you okay, ma'am?" He asked, his voice deep and soothing, you replied "yeah I'm fine! Why?" You laughed it off "well. Because your trying to open MY car" there was a moment of silence "oh" is all you said "you shouldn't be driving, come on" he opened the door of the car for the back seat and you gladly climbed in.

(Another time skip)
The dark haired man opened the door of his apartment and guided you to his couch, "you can sleep here until morning" is all he said as you collapsed onto the couch and soon enough passed out.
(Marks POV)
She already passed out, huh? I swear I've seen her somewhere... But where?... That's right the café! She's the one who served me, wonder why she would get so drunk? Oh well might as well make a video...
(End of Marks POV)
You were in an uncomfortable position, your back hurt, your head hurt even more. You groaned and opened your eyes, you looked around. You were in an unfamiliar place. You looked down and noticed you were still in your uniform "thank god... I didn't get raped" was your first thought, then you snapped out of your thoughts checked your phone "8:30..." You said out loud and slowly drifting off until you remembered "work!! Shit! I'm going to be late!!" You jolted up and as you turned to run out of the door, you noticed someone walking down spiral staircases "morning?" Is all he said as he got to the bottom, you finally realised who it was "your Markiplier!" You blurted out, you chuckled a bit, oh god his laugh is adorable. You chuckled a bit "yeah hi ummm sorry? But um I got to go to work could maybe, possibly drop me off? It was the same café you went the other day... I served you" "uh yeah of course, let's go" he grabbed his keys and walked to the car, you not so far away from him.

(Yet another time skip)
You opened his car door and rushed to the entrance of the café, not bothering to close the door behind you. As you opened the door to the café you tried to run to the counter in time but were stared down by piercing eyes. Those eyes belonging to your boss. You knew you were screwed, you looked at the time and found you were nearly 20 minutes late. Shit. You looked up at your boss, his eyes staring you down "leave" is all he said, but you objected "but, sir, swear I can explain-" "no don't worry about it", your heart sank "what do you mean?" "I mean" he started "you don't have to bother coming back". You were speechless. You just lost your job... Just like that. You straightened yourself up and walked out back to Markipliers car. He, for some reason, waited for you and as you sat yourself down in his seat he asked calmly "so, what happened?" You put your face in your hands and blurted out "I got my heart broken, lost my job and now I'm homeless!" Mark rubbed and the thing he asked next was unexpected

"You can live with me"

Thanks for reading and I will see YOU in the next story... Buh-byyyyyyyeeeee

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