Chapter 6

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Rosalind wished werewolves had a humanity switch.

She'd heard it was a thing in vampires. It would have been nice for it to exist in werewolves. She would much rather not feel anything. How easy it would be to just think, flip the switch, and stop feeling pain.

Instead, she had to live with it. She had to live in the mansion knowing they couldn't tell Carol the truth, or too much attention would be placed on the family right as Tyler needed privacy. It was bad enough that Sarah was dead and that Aimee Bradley had gone missing that night. If it turned out that Mason was dead, too, they wouldn't have a way to sneak out on the night of the full moon.

Rosalind didn't know how the hell to help him given her current mental state. She wanted to find Katherine and strangle her. But all Stefan had said was that Katherine was suffering a fate worse than death. Which Rosalind couldn't be satisfied with because she wanted an eye for an eye. She could have gone to find her to kill her himself, but without any supernatural abilities, she'd be too weak.

She tried to push those awful thoughts aside and focus on Tyler. Jules and the rest of the Pack would arrive in a couple of days. Everything would be just fine.

Except it didn't feel that way.

"Go to school," she told Tyler the following morning, cupping his face. "Just make it through today. Then make it through tomorrow. And the day after that. Don't think about Sarah or Aimee or Matt. None of it was your fault, you lost control and the only thing that matters now is moving on and making it past the full moon. One day at a time."

But each day was harder than the one that came before it. Rosalind had to clean up her father's room on the first day, because he wouldn't be returning to it. She had to tuck his items into boxes, keeping only a few sweaters and some other personal items. These clothes could be donated to charity. There would be a lot more to go through in Florida.

Tyler returned that evening with updates. Caroline was a vampire who'd been turned against her will by Katherine. She promised she would help Tyler through his first full moon. Rosalind saw no reason not to trust her. It lessened the burden on her if another person was there for moral support.

The day after that was worse. Her Aunt Carol kept trying to talk to her, to help her feel better, saying that she was sure her father would be back soon. It took everything in Rosalind to not break down in front of her and burst out that he wasn't going to come back, ever. Hiding her pain was becoming more and more difficult.

Stefan had come by that afternoon to speak with her, and to explain that Katherine was the reason Tyler had triggered his curse. Apparently, the moonstone, Elena Gilbert, Tyler, and Caroline formed part of some ritual to break the Curse of the Sun and the Moon, something a very old vampire named Klaus wanted to get rid of.

Rosalind wasn't sure she understood most of his explanation, but simply nodded, wishing to stay out of it. There was no changing what Katherine had done to Tyler. Stefan promised they were going to find a way to keep the sacrifice from happening to save Elena. Rosalind figured he could handle it by himself. If needed, she would be the werewolf sacrifice to save Tyler. Honestly, she wasn't really seeing a point to life anymore.

And then, at last, it was the day before the full moon. Tyler decided that he wanted to check out the cellar where the old Lockwood property was. Caroline tagged along, which was a sufficient distraction for Rosalind, who wondered if she'd be able to smell any traces of her father if she were a wolf.

"Watch your step," said Tyler as he and Rosalind led the way down holding flashlights. They opened a large wooden door, then moved past a small corridor with a metal gate dividing it from the main room, a large cave with several scratches on the walls, and bolts fastened into the stone.

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