Chapter 13

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Stefan had to be taken down.

They were all in agreement after his behavior that day. He no longer cared who he hurt, and according to Damon, he'd been playing Twister with a group of girls, and would feed on them depending on where they landed. As if that wasn't bad enough, Stefan was being hostile with Rebekah, which made her extra bitchy, and that much more dangerous.

Elena suggested they lock him in the cellar at the Salvatore Boarding House to try and urge him into feeling something. If they could get him to turn on his humanity, they'd be in a better position to do something about Klaus. She seemed to be following the usual plan that Stefan's friend Lexi used to go down to get him back on track after Ripper episodes.

As soon as Rosalind was done with practice, she met with the others in Alaric's classroom, where they got to discussing the plan to take down Stefan.

"I'll lure Stefan away from the bonfire," said Elena. "Then when he's distracted..."

"I'll shoot him," said Alaric.

Damon held up a hand. "Can't Bonnie just ju-ju him or something?"

"I'm trying to keep Bonnie out of this," said Elena. "I don't trust that Stefan won't hurt her. Caroline, are you covered?"

"Yes!" said Caroline. "I will make sure that the old Forbes jail cell is prepped and ready."

"And I already gave her the chains to keep him down," said Rosalind.

"We're forgetting a key player here," said Damon. "Rebekah? Wherever Stefan goes, the blonde ponytail tends to follow."

"Which is why it's your job to keep her away," said Elena.

"How?!" demanded Damon. "She's an Original. Last time I checked, we're out of daggers."

"So then preoccupy her with your charm."

"Might have better luck finding the dagger," whispered Alaric, causing Rosalind to smirk.

Damon rolled his eyes. "Are you ever not going to be mad at me for a day?"

"Doubtful," replied Alaric with a shrug.

Tyler walked in, looking chipper as usual. "Sorry I'm late. What's going on?"

"You have to get us some vervain," said Rosalind. "We need to keep Stefan down. Bring it as is, I'll crush it and dilute it into the minimum amount of water to knock him out."

Tyler frowned. "You can't do that to Stefan."

"Why not?" asked Caroline.

"Trust me, Tyler," said Elena, "it's in his best interest."

"Yeah... it's not in Klaus's."

"Why do you keep giving a shit about Klaus's best interests?" demanded Rosalind. "First you're pressuring me into begging him to turn me, and now you care about his need for Stefan?"

"Klaus is the bad guy, Tyler," said Caroline. "Why are you acting like some freaky, hybrid, slave minion?"

"Uh oh," muttered Damon.

"Klaus made me who I am, Caroline," said Tyler. "I owe him everything."

"Oh, boy," said Damon.

"Okay," Caroline snapped, facing him, "can we cool it on the commentary, please?"

"What is so important you just have to say it, Damon?" inquired Rosalind.

"I'm just going to go," said Tyler.

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