Chapter 12

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He left her by the trash cans.

Toby's dead body was starting to grow cold. Rosalind didn't know what to do with him. She'd never had to bury a body or get rid of one. Especially not by herself.

Rosalind had been crying the entire time, sitting on the floor staring at the piece of glass she'd used to kill Toby. It had sliced open her own finger, but the cut immediately healed. She felt no pain externally. But on the inside she felt as if she was being torn apart.

Klaus had left without explanation. Dashed away knowing she wasn't fast enough to follow him. She felt truly pathetic. Beyond pathetic.

She stared at Toby's body, and picked it up, tossing it into the trash bin. Her hands trembled as some of his blood smeared onto her. She wiped them quickly on her jeans and walked away, promising herself she'd be back to give him a proper burial. She didn't know who he was. How was she supposed to inform his parents? How was she supposed to help them have peace?

She went back into the school to see who was still there. Tyler and Caroline were gone. So were Matt and Bonnie. Elena and Stefan were nowhere in sight. Not even Rebekah had lingered behind.

She went onto an app she'd recently downloaded, using it mostly for her aunt and for Tyler to see where they were if she ever couldn't find them. After what'd happened with Caroline, she felt it necessary to be downloaded. She clicked on Elena's contact, and it marked that she was at the hospital.

Rosalind figured Klaus was going to get her blood drawn so he could sire more hybrids. Elena wouldn't be killed, surely, because then Klaus's supply would be limited. But Rosalind feared he was going to push his luck, perhaps even leaving her on the brink of death.

She started to run, her legs carrying her faster than they ever had before. The feel of the wind on her face was different. Everything seemed brighter. She could hear her own heartbeat without it pounding in her ears. The rustle of leaves ahead of her sounded before she stepped on them. And when she arrived at the hospital and pushed open the door, she nearly broke it off its hinges without meaning to.

She figured Klaus would have compelled the nurses to keep Elena's presence there a secret. So, she went floor by floor, checking all the rooms particularly near the laboratory and intensive care units. At last, she saw a nurse exiting a room with a large cooler. She went in and found Elena on the bed, unconscious.

"Don't be dead," she whispered to herself as she felt for a pulse. "Don't be dead... oh thank god, you're alive." She carefully unhooked her from the tube drawing one more bag of blood, and quickly used a nearby bandage to wrap the wound and keep it from bleeding. She scooped her up, checking her surroundings and carrying Elena to the stairwell so they wouldn't be seen. Anyone could have been compelled by Klaus to keep her there.

Rosalind found that it was as if she was carrying a school backpack. She and Elena were about the same weight, so it should have been very difficult for her to move down the stairs with the unconscious body. But she hardly felt anything, and simply made sure to hold onto the railing so she wouldn't hit her head anywhere if Rosalind tripped.

They exited the hospital, and Rosalind was quick to move into the parking lot, hiding behind some of the cars to call Caroline for help. She arrived within minutes using her vampire speed, and took both Rosalind and Elena to the Gilbert House.

While they waited for her to wake up, Rosalind made her something to eat and brought with her several water bottles for her to start hydrating again. She set it on Elena's bedside, worriedly tapping her foot while she watched her eyelids flutter, but never open.

"How is Tyler?" she asked Caroline. "He went with you, right?"

"We were looking for you," said Caroline. "Then you called. He says he's feeling fine. He looked... elated, even. What happened to you? Where did Klaus take you?"

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