Chapter 28

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For a moment, she slept.

She regained consciousness minutes later, gasping loudly and having to snap her hand backwards to be able to reach the stake. As soon as she yanked it out, she was able to breathe properly.

She could hear a struggle in the hallway, punches being thrown. She sped out of the classroom just in time to see Alaric breaking Stefan's back and snapping Damon's neck. Klaus surged forward from around the corner, slamming his hand into Alaric's chest. Rosalind went to help him, yanking Alaric's arms behind his back.

Alaric threw himself backwards, his head crashing into Rosalind's face and using her body to kick Klaus away from him. He threw Rosalind into the lockers beside Elena, and slammed Klaus into the ground, about to stab the white oak stake into his heart. Klaus pushed him away with both hands, but Alaric pressed down, the tip about to poke into his chest.

"Get off of him!" said Rosalind, climbing onto Alaric's back and reaching around to pull the stake away from her sire's heart.

Alaric only pushed down harder. "I kill him, and you both die. You're not going to stop me, little girl."


They heard Elena's voice behind them. "Let them go or I'll kill myself," said Elena, holding a small knife to her throat.

Rosalind shot her a look, as if to say, 'What the hell are you doing?'

"Put it down, Elena," said Alaric slowly.

"Why?" inquired Elena. "Because you still need me alive? There's a reason why Esther used me to make you, isn't there? She didn't want you to be immortal, so she tied your life to a human one. Mine. That way you have only one life span to kill all vampires and then you'll be gone. So, when I die, you die too. That's it, it has to be!"

"You're wrong," sneered Alaric.

"Am I?" She started to slice open her neck.

Alaric immediately tossed Rosalind off of him and let go of Klaus. "Stop— STOP, STOP, STOP!"

Klaus shot up, tossing Alaric away from them. In a blur, he grabbed Rosalind and Elena, not stopping until they reached the mansion.

"Holy shit," said Rosalind when they landed, pulling Elena into a hug. "Why the hell would you go and do that, huh? What if you'd been wrong?"

"I knew I wasn't," said Elena, pressing onto her neck to stop the bleeding. "He could have killed me but he didn't. I knew there had to be a reason."

"So what about it happening the other way around?" asked Rosalind as Klaus paced around, holding his phone as if awaiting a call from one of his siblings. "You know more about magic. If Alaric dies, does she die, too? Is it like some witchy thing where even if he is defeated, the doppelgänger will die to end the Petrova bloodline and lead to no more doppelgängers so you can't make hybrids—?"

"I don't know," said Klaus, very stressed. "Bonnie was going to desiccate him. It's why we needed to make contact with his bloodstream. It did not work. He does not have a daylight ring, he will be in the school until nightfall."

Rosalind realized the house was empty aside from them. "Wait, where are the hybrids?"

"I did what I thought you'd want me to do!" said Klaus, frustrated. "I told them that if they wanted to leave, they could! And they did!"

"Thank you," she replied. "That was kind of you. We're going to figure this out, Klaus, we're going to stop Alaric and we're going to make sure he doesn't hurt you or any of your siblings. Come on, there's gotta be a way for Bonnie to remove that link or maybe switch it to another person, right? Maybe she could switch it to the other doppelgänger even if she's a vampire now? I don't think anyone would miss Katherine."

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